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( 2011 届)
题 目 A企业团队管理研究 学 院
26 专 业 人力资源管理 班 级 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 27
签名日期: 年 月 日
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签名日期: 年 月 日
摘 要:团队管理是企业今后进行人力资源管理的重要方面,企业能否运用员工专长,鼓励员工参与及相互合作,致力于组织发展,直接影响着企业的长远发展。本文以A企业的实际发展状况为背景,通过分析A企业的管理现状,寻找出该企业团队管理的主要问题,并针对这些问题利用团队管理的相关理论,对A企业的团队管理进行建设与完善。
Abstract: Team management is coming to an important aspect of resource management, enterprises can use staff expertise, to encourage staff participation and mutual cooperation, commitment to organizational development, direct impact on long-term development. In this paper, A with the actual development of the background of the management by analyzing the status of A ,find out the key issues, address these issues related to use of the theory of team management, business team building and improve the management of A.
This paper focuses on the construction of a concrete and effective team management approach, specifically the various functional departments in the work environment and content of the premise, proposed the construction of effective team management measures. First of all, clear
through the work of various departments and job functions of relations, to distinguish between the different job responsibilities clear so that employees of the meaning of teamwork is more clear; secondly, by investigating the content of corporate culture and work environment factors and to determine the team importance of management to enable enterprises to team management and staff intention to work closely with the individual; Finally, according to the comprehensive development stage enterprises, enterprise development strategies that meet the management team building programs, and to improve the management level. Keywords: team; team cooperation; team management