/* --- STC MCU Limited ---------------------------------------------*/
/* --- STC12C5Axx Series MCU PCA module output PWM wave Demo -------*/ /* --- Mobile: (86)13922805190 -------------------------------------*/
/* --- Fax: 86-0513-55012956,55012947,55012969 ---------------------*/ /* --- Tel: 86-0513-55012928,55012929,55012966----------------------*/ /* --- Web: www.STCMCU.com -----------------------------------------*/ /* --- Web: www.GXWMCU.com -----------------------------------------*/
/* If you want to use the program or the program referenced in the */ /* article, please specify in which data and procedures from STC */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include \#include \
#define FOSC 11059200L
typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef unsigned int WORD;
/*Declare SFR associated with the PCA */
sfr CCON = 0xD8; //PCA control register
sbit CCF0 = CCON^0; //PCA module-0 interrupt flag sbit CCF1 = CCON^1; //PCA module-1 interrupt flag sbit CR = CCON^6; //PCA timer run control bit sbit CF = CCON^7; //PCA timer overflow flag sfr CMOD = 0xD9; //PCA mode register sfr CL = 0xE9; //PCA base timer LOW sfr CH = 0xF9; //PCA base timer HIGH
sfr CCAPM0 = 0xDA; //PCA module-0 mode register
sfr CCAP0L = 0xEA; //PCA module-0 capture register LOW sfr CCAP0H = 0xFA; //PCA module-0 capture register HIGH sfr CCAPM1 = 0xDB; //PCA module-1 mode register
sfr CCAP1L = 0xEB; //PCA module-1 capture register LOW sfr CCAP1H = 0xFB; //PCA module-1 capture register HIGH sfr PCAPWM0 = 0xf2; sfr PCAPWM1 = 0xf3;
void main() {
CCON = 0; //Initial PCA control register //PCA timer stop running //Clear CF flag
//Clear all module interrupt flag CL = 0; //Reset PCA base timer CH = 0;
CMOD = 0x02; //Set PCA timer clock source as Fosc/2 //Disable PCA timer overflow interrupt
CCAP0H = CCAP0L = 0x80; //PWM0 port output 50% duty cycle square wave
CCAPM0 = 0x42; //PCA module-0 work in 8-bit PWM mode and no PCA interrupt
CCAP1H = CCAP1L = 0xff; //PWM1 port output 0% duty cycle square wave PCAPWM1 = 0x03;
CCAPM1 = 0x42; //PCA module-1 work in 8-bit PWM mode and no PCA interrupt
CR = 1; //PCA timer start run
while (1); }
2、利用定时器0,使用IO口生产PWM例程如下,驱动LED灯亮灭 /***************************** 论坛支持:http://bbs.cepark.com *******************************/
sbit LED=P0^0; //定义LED端口
/*------------------------------------------------ 定时器初始化子程序
------------------------------------------------*/ void Init_Timer0(void) {
TMOD |= 0x01; //使用模式1,16位定时器,使用\符号可以在使用多个定时器时不受影响
TH0=0x00; //给定初值,这里使用定时器最大值从0开始计数一直到65535溢出 TL0=0x00;
EA=1; //总中断打开 ET0=1; //定时器中断打开 TR0=1; //定时器开关打开 }
/*------------------------------------------------ 主程序
void main(void) {
Init_Timer0(); while(1); }
/*------------------------------------------------ 定时器中断子程序
------------------------------------------------*/ void Timer0_isr(void) interrupt 1 {
TH0=0x00; //重新赋值 TL0=0x00;
LED=~LED; //指示灯反相,可以看到闪烁 }