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Book 2 Unit 2 A The Humanities: Out of Date?


1. To talk about significance of the humanities and major choosing 2. Reading skill: getting the topic sentence in each paragragh

3. Listening still: getting the required information by identifying the signial words

4. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 教学难点:

1. Application of the phrases and patterns

2. Oral practice in class: list the reasons for major-choosing 3. How to idnetify the signial words in Listening

4. Writing paragraphs with the structure ----cause+effect+reasons

教学过程: Task 1

1). for students: group discussion and representation


How do you think of your current major? If you were given a second chance to choose your major, what would you select and why? Tips:---

If I were given a second chance to choose my major, I would choose … ? accounting, computer science, psychology, ? civil engineering, philosophy, medical technology …

? popular, interesting, e njoyable, promising, practical, meaningful, beneficial, well-paid … 2). for teachers

Background knowledge: The humanities

The humanities are a group of academic disciplines that study the human condition, using methods that are primarily analytical, critical, or speculative. Therefore, they are distinguished from the approaches of the natural sciences. Today, humanistic knowledge continues to provide the ideal foundation for exploring and understanding the human experience.

Task 2: Text Learning and Discussion 1) For students: Discussion in class: Question:: group discussion

What liberal arts / humanities courses do you learn in college? Do you think they are necessary for your education?

Tips: I learn Chinese, English, philosophy, psychology, history … in college. I think they are an essential part of the college education and benefit me a lot.

--gain more insight in life and society

--- better understand and predict human behavior --realize different interpretations of life and history

- - understand the past which has created the present -- be aware of cultural and religious differences

2) For teachers:Text structure analysis and text learning

The passage can be roughly divided into three parts:

Part I Introduction (Paras. 1-5) covers five paragraphs, which introduces

the background information to the argument. -- Why college students tend to move away from the humanities to “hard skills”.

Part II Argumentation (Para. 6—9) presents the advantages of studying the


Part III Conclusion (Para. 10) summarizes the main idea stated in the arguments.

Task 3: Detailed studies of the text and sentence structure

For students:

1) making sentence by using the given words, such as

major in, in succession, be bound to, speculate about invest sb with sth be liable to boost one’s prospects

2) try to translate some sentence in class

Eg: … a college education is more and more seen as a means for economic betterment rather than a means for human betterment. (Line 3, Para.2) 大学教育越来越被看成是改善经济而不是提升人类自身的手段。

The true value of college is more and more seen as developing the students’ identity and practicing social skills rather than learning the college.大学的真正价值越来越被看作是发展学生的个人特质及社会技能,而非是大学课程本身。

For teachers:

1). to underline the related expressions while learning the text

2). to introduce some helpful alternative words for better understanding 3). to explain the long and difficult sentences in the text, for example Eg: Once + N., sth. now …用于表达“今昔对比”。

Once the dominant pillars of university life, the humanities now play bit roles when students take their college tours. (Line 4, Para.3) 人文学科曾是大学生活的重要支柱,而今在学生们的大学游中却只是一个小点缀。 Task 4

For students: Writing tips:

1. To develop a paragraph of “result-reason” pattern you can generally follow the paragraph pattern in the text

a. Top sentence: why did you choose the major? b. List some advantages of your major c. The benefit you can get

2. To develop a paragraph of explosion: The advantages of learning humanities

a. Review the advantages listed in the text book b. Choose some of them as your supportive items c. Develop them into a paragraph

For teachers:

To help students to list as many advantages as possible To classify them into groups according to some criterion Task5:

For students: Group presentation of their PPT:

Topic 1: The job prospects of your major and what can you do for your future job?

Topic 2: A report on the job prospects of students majored in Humanities

Topic 3: A report on the job prospects of students majored in Science

For teachers: make comments on students’ performance Offer some suggestions for further improvement


Write a compostion about your reason for English learning

Listening : Unit 2 Wit and fit 教学重点:

1. To talk about your lifestyle

2. To talk about the ways to keep fit and healthy 3. To predit a change of thought 教学难点:

1. Note-taking in blank filling



