www.100xuexi.com 2012年对外经济贸易大学国际商学院832工商管理综合考研真题
2.凡用英文出题的部分,除特别要求外,均须用英文回答,否则答案无效; 3.本试卷共分二大部分,即管理与专业英语、管理基础知识。
第一部分 管理与专业英语(70分)
Ⅰ. True/False Questions(1 point each,total l0 points)
In this section,you are required to determine whether the following statements are true or false according to managerial theory or practice. Write your judgments on your answer sheet. Do not make any marks on your test paper.
1. First line managers are the managers who have the responsibility for making the significant strategic policy decisions,often with staff managers assisting them in these decisions.
2. The learning organization is an attitude or philosophy about what all organization can become.
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www.100xuexi.com 3. Operational plans and goals are those that focus on the outcomes that major divisions and departments must achieve in order for the organization to reach its overall goals.
4. The University will provide quality education at a fair price is an example of a qualitative goal.
5. The question mark,according to the BCG Matrix,exists in a new,rapidly growing industry but has only a small market share.
6. Orientation is the process of determining the skills,abilities,and other attributes a person needs to perform a particular job.
7. A major difference between divisional and functional structures is that the chain of command from each function converges lower in the hierarchy.
8. Herzberg's two-factor theory divides work-related needs into two categories:hygiene factors and reward factors.
9. Organizational structure refers to the framework in which the organization defines how tasks are divided,resources are deployed and departments are coordinated.
10. A process theory that focuses on individuals’ perception of how fairly they are treated in comparison to other people is called equality theory.
Ⅱ. Multiple Choice(2point each,total 20 points)
In this section,you are required to choose one of the four choices as your best response,and put it on your answer sheet. Do not make any marks on your test
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www.100xuexi.com paper
(1) The promotion to
first line manager took place just six weeks ago for Caroline Blake. She was well qualified for the promotion ,but the new job still required a lot of learning,One of the challenges has been to coordinate the production of her team with the needs of the sales department and with the availability of raw materials from her suppliers. Setting priorities and developing schedules to accomplish the work is a part of Caroline’s job that she has really enjoyed. The challenges to maintain high rapport, and to build a strong team with her employees have already brought her a lot of satisfaction. In reflecting about the last six weeks,Caroline concludes that she is very happy about her new job.
1. Caroline Blake was exhibiting the interpersonal role of a. figurehead. b. leader. c. liaison. d. monitor. e. spokesperson.
2. Caroline was participating in the decisional role of a. entrepreneur. b. disturbance handler. C. disseminator. d. resource allocator.
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www.100xuexi.com e. monitor.
3. The managerial skill that is least important at Caroline’s middle-level management position is a. conceptual. b. human. c. technical.
d. all of these skills are vital. e. none of the skills are important.
(Ⅱ) Sabrina Shipley was working as the sales manager for Just-for-You Instruments. Some of the sales executives were showing signs of burnout. They were losing interest in their jobs and were no longer motivated to gain new accounts. The reward system focused on old reliable accounts. but Sabrina was now under pressure to expand the customer base. Sabrina had recently been to a seminar on corporate value systems. She recognized that the company's CEO wanted a change in the way employees thought about the firm and in the way they related to one another. She further recognized that a lasting solution to her problem required a fundamental shift in perception.
4. Sabrina could use the following to achieve symbolic management: a. structured symbolic logic. b. stories about political heroes.
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www.100xuexi.com c. stories about company officers,stressing a value. d. stories about economic depression. e. All of the above.
5. One of the problems that Sabrina faced was the presence of a ______ gap. a. culture b. logic c. generation d. transformation e. symbolic
6. Sabrina's basic strategy will be an example of a. boundary spanning,
b. increased planning and forecasting. c. transformational structure。 d. mergers or joint ventures. e. culture gap.
(Ⅲ) The new program would be focused around MBO concepts. Caroline Carlson had been a manager at TGiM for eight years and she was not all certain if this new MBO approach was going to fit her department. She had strong commitment to achieving the company’s objectives. but she also knew her employees well
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