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2014年陕西省普通高等教育专升本招生考试 大学英语(样题)

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. . Passage Three The water we drink and use is running short in the world. We all have to learn how to stop wasting our limited water. One of the steps we should take is to find ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field. Today in most large cities, fresh water is used only once, then it runs into waste system. But it is possible to pipe the used water to a purifying factory. (83) There it can be filtered and treated with chemicals so that it can be used again, just as it were fresh from a spring. But even if every large city purified and reused its water, we still would not have enough. Then we could turn to the oceans. All we'd have to do to make use of the seawater on earth is to get rid of the salt. (84)This process is called desalinization, and it is already in use in many parts of the world. 51. The way to stop wasting our limited water is to_______. A. do experiments with water B. purify the used water and reuse it C. use fresh water once again D. make use of seawater 52. The following tells us how to reuse the used water. Which is the right order of the passage? A. to pipe the used water to be purified in a factory→to put chemicals in it→to have the used water filtered→to pipe it to the users B. to put chemicals in it→to have the used water filtered→to pipe it to the users→to pipe the used water to be purified in a factory C. to pipe it to the users→to have the used water filtered→to pipe the used water to be purified in a factory→to put chemicals in it D. to pipe the used water to be purified in a factory→to have the used Water filtered→to put chemicals in it→to pipe it to the users 58. There wouldn't be enough water for us if we didn't _______. A. turn to the oceans for more water B. reuse used water and make use ok seawater C. desalt seawater D. take steps to reuse all water on earth 54. The would \A. seawater B. purified water C. the process of getting rid of the salt in seawater D. the process of collecting salt from the oceans 55. The best title for the passage is \A. How to Reuse Water B. Two Solutions to the Problem of Water Shortage C. Stop Wasting Our Limited Water D. How to Make Use of Seawater Passage Four Some people hate everything that is modern. They cannot imagine how anyone can . . . . . really like modern music; they find it hard to accept the new fashions in clothing; they think that all modern paintings are ugly; and they seldom have a good word for the new buildings that are being built everywhere in the world. Such people look for perfection in everything, and they take their standards of perfection from the past. They are usually impatient with anyone who is brave enough to experiment with new materials or to express himself or the age in original ways. It is, of course, true that many artists do not succeed in their work and instead produce works that can only be considered as failures. If the work of art is a painting, the artist's failure concerns himself alone, but if it is a building, his failure concerns others too, because it may damage the beauty of the whole place. This does sometimes happen, but it is completely untrue to say, as some people do, that modern architecture is nothing. (85)We can't judge every modern building by the standards of the ancient time, even though we admire the ancient buildings. Technologically, the modern buildings are more advanced. The modern architect knows he should learn from the ancient works, but with his greater resources of knowledge and materials, he will never be content to imitate the past. He is too proud to do that. 56. Some people hate everything that is modern because______. A. they are aged B. they find it hard to accept modern things C. they take their standards of perfection from the Greek D. they look at things by the standards of the past 57. The writer of the passage thinks that_____. A. it is true to say artists fail in their work B. it is untrue to say artists fail in their work C. it is true to say some artists fail in their work D. it is true to say only painters fail in their work 58. The writer thinks the failure of a building_______. A. means nothing B. concerns others C. concerns only the artist D. concerns all the people in the world 59. The writer thinks that_______. A. we can't judge buildings by the ancient standards B. we can't judge all the buildings by the ancient standards C. we can't judge all the modern buildings by the ancient standards D. we can't judge modern buildings 60. Technologically, the modern buildings are more advanced. The sentence means______. A. the ancient architects had no technology B. the modern architects use more advanced technology C. the modern buildings are advanced because they are completely different from the ancient buildings D. the modern buildings are more beautiful . . . . . Ⅲ. Cloze Test ( 20分) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D below the passage. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Section A (非英语专业学生做) Getting plenty of exercise is very important. I enjoy 61 very much. 62I went to the beach every day. I plan 63 there this summer, too, but I am notable to. I have 64 new job;sometimes I have to work until 65 at night. As I now work more hours than I used to, I 66 receive a 67 salary. I didn’t receive much pay 68 my old job. I like 69 new job, but if I had known that it would take up so much of my free time, I 70. I 71 swimming to making more money. I 72 that riding a bike is good exercise. Maybe I will be able 73 enough money to buy a bike. My neighbor, 74, has a bicycle that I could borrow, but I would rather own my own bike. If I used 75, I would worry about destroying it. Since I make more money now, I think that I 76 77 to buy my own. Getting a bike is really a good idea, because while I’m riding 78 , I work will be getting 79 at the same time. It is easier to get to the beach by bike, too. I might be able to go swimming every day after all. This new job is great! I’m very 80. This will be a summer full of exercise. 61. A. to swim B. swim C. swimming D. the swim 62. A. In last summer B. During last summer C. Last summer D. At last summer 63. A. go B. going C. to go D. to going 64. A. that B. a C. the D. more 65. A. lately B. late C. very long D. black 66. A. am B. was C. does D. do 67. A. good B. larger C. more D. smaller 68. A. on B. in C. about D. from 69. A. some B. a C. my D. its 70. A. won’t take B. am not taking C. would not have taken D. will not take 71. A. better enjoy B. enjoy better C. rather D. prefer 72. A. hearing people say B. am heard C. listen D. have heard 73. A. saving B. to keep C. to save D. to maintain 74. A. the Mrs. Wilson B. the Mr. Wilson C. Mrs. Wilson D. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson 75. A. her B. him C. his D. hers 76. A. can B. should C. must D. may 77. A. want B. give C. afford D. enjoy 78. A. can B. does not C. to and from D. exercise . . . . . 79. A. making exercise B. doing exercise C. get exercise D. why 80. A. being excited B. exciting C. excited D. to excite Section B (英语专业学生做) English people are notorious for cooking.Foreign visitors to England often ask 61 on a good restaurant,but when their hosts suggest 62,it is usually Italian or French or Indian-63 English.“But I mean a typical English restaurant,”they say.64 disappoint them,the host answers as best as he can.65 that English people enjoy their own cooking at home but 66 it in public. Even the experts who write articles on food 67 to use the French word \”, which suggests that \In fact English cooking is not 68 as people think. The trouble with it, 69 that the most appetizing typical dishes do not go with wine. At home English people usually drink either water or beer or even ( 70 as it may seem) tea with their meals) in restaurants, they sometimes think they 71 order wine for the 72 of appearances. 73 a number of exclusive restaurants in Britain are trying to develop a \cuisine\74 appears to be to search 75 in ancient cookery books and so names like \76 in the imitation of French names, with the adjectives after the noun. Why 77 have called it \Mutton\At 78 of the scale, there are restaurants in London where you can have regional working class specialties. Personally I 79 avoid the two extremes and go to a pub. Most pubs serve food that goes well with beer and 80 , who could ask for anything better? 61. A. advice to people B. advices people C. people for advice D. people advices 62. A. one them B. them one C. one to them D. to them one 63. A. anything but B. anything not C. nothing except D. nothing but 64. A. Not to B. In order not C. To not D. So as not to 65. A. It is the truth B. The truth is C. What is true it's D. What the truth is 66. A. are often ashamed of B. are often ashamed with C. often are ashamed of D. often are ashamed with 67. A. like better B. prefer C. would rather D. are in favor 68. A. so much bad B. nearly so bad C. worse D. the worst 69. A. in my opinion, is B. in my opinion, it is C. for my opinion, is D. for my opinion, it is 70. A. strange B. for how strange C. however strange D. stranger 71. A. had better B. had better to C. would rather to D. ought 72. A. good B. reason C. sake D. need . . . . . 73. A. In this moment B. In this time C. At present D. In present 74. A. at doing that B. by doing like this C. on doing thus D. in doing so 75. A. receipts B. recipes C. for receipts D. for recipes 76. A. the snobbery survival B. the snobbery surviving C. how survives snobbery D. how snobbery survives 77. A. can they B. couldn’t they C. they can’t D. they couldn’t 78. A. another end B. another side C. the other end D. the other side 79. A. would rather B. had rather C. would rather to D. had rather to 80. A. being English beer what is it B. being English beer what it is C. English beer being what is it D. English beer being what it is Ⅳ. Translation(20分) Section A (非英语专业学生做) Directions: In this section, there are five sentences taken from the reading passages you have just read in the Reading Comprehension part. You are required to translate them into Chinese, and you may refer back to the passages so as to identify their meanings in the context. 81. (Para. 1, Passage 1) In ancient times wealth was measured and exchanged in things that could be touched:food, tools, and precious metals and stone. 82. (Passage 2) The experiment showed that those who entered the dark brown walked more quickly, covered more area, and spent less time in the room than people in the white one. 83. (Para. 2, Passage 3) There it can be filtered and treated with chemicals so that it can be used again, just as it were fresh from a spring. 84. (Para. 3, Passage 3) This process is called desalinization, and it is already in use in many parts of the world. 85. (Para. 2, Passage 4) We can't judge every modern building by the standards of the ancient time, even though we admire the ancient buildings. Section B (英语专业学生做) Directions: In this section, there is a short passage in Chinese. Read it carefully and translate it into English. 大家都叫她祥林嫂;没问她姓什么,但中人是卫家山人,既说是邻居,那大概也就姓卫了。 . . .

2014年陕西省普通高等教育专升本招生考试 大学英语(样题)


