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幸遇识务者书屋 进阶从这里开始






3、语法知识能在实际运用中体会和领悟语法在特定情境中的语言表意功能。 4、理解并能运用恰当的语言知识描述故事发生的过程。 能力目标:

1、在学习中,能够主动思考、主动探究,善于发现语言的规律,并能很好的运用,组织好语言,加以整理和归纳,能够表述故事发生的经过。 2、能够把握学习内容的重点和难点,积极与他人交流讨论。

3、能够在课内外活动中,运用所学知识与他人用英语交流,交际中遇到的困难能够有效的寻求方法解决。 情感目标:

1、能够恰当的使用英语中的称谓、问候语和告别语,表达与他人之间的情感。 2、学会对他人表示赞扬,请求和道歉,并且做出恰当的回应。 3、能够通过对故事的感悟和体会做一个乐于助人,有爱心的人。







Step1 导入:出示学生熟悉的旅行中的图片,谈论旅行中的故事。

T:Do you like travelling? Ss: Yes, we do.

T:I like travelling too, and I like taking photos. Here are some photos to you. Do you know where it is? Ss: Huang huaxi .

T: Have you ever been to Huang huaxi ? Did you have any stories during your tip? Have you ever helped an old man ?

Today we will study a long story happened during a trip. (出示课题,呈现教学目标) Step2 Skipping :

1、Read the play and number(给…标号) the expressions in the order they appear. □1. …get up and starts to… □ 3….goes past people… □ 2. …looks for his ticket… □ 4. …gets on the train…

幸遇识务者书屋 进阶从这里开始

2、Can you find the leading roles (主角)in the play? Step2: Careful reading:

Read and find out the correct answer.

1、When will Lilin and Liwei meet later ? 2、Who took the wrong seat?

3、Which car should the elderly man take?

4、Why is the elderly man sitting in Lilin’s seat? Read and choose the correct answer.

1. What does the elderly man want to do?

a) Take the seat c) Change seats with Li Lin b) Go and find Car 9 d) Buy another ticket 2. What does Li Lin decide to do?

a) Take the seat from the elderly man b) Ask the ticket officer for help

c) Change seats with the elderly man d) Get off the train

3. Who does Li Lin meet in Car 9?

a) Li Wei c) His friend b) Another elderly man d) His classmate Step3 After reading:

Complete the passage with the words and expressions in the box. afraid miss officer sir take care take off

Li Lin says goodbye to his sister Li Wei. Li Lin says that he will _____ his family, and Li Wei tells him to ____. When Li Lin gets on the train, he sees an elderly man sitting in his seat. He politely calls the elderly man _____ and says he is ______ the elderly man is sitting in his seat. The ticket ______ arrives and explains the mistake. Li Lin kindly offers to change seats with the elderly man, and goes to Car 9. There he sees his friend Wen Peng, who is happy to see him and tells him to _____ his jacket, sit down and make himself comfortable Step4 Role-play(分角色表演): ? Requirements:

★分角色,一人一角色 ★有场景,有表演 ★ 声音流畅、洪亮 ★7 minutes

Step5: Show your play.学生分小组展示。 Step6: Training:

Exercises1: Translate these sentences into English: 1、 明天我们将要出发去北京(set off)

2、汤姆向窗外看了看,但是什么也没看到(look out of) 3、你不能下车直到车停下来(get off)

Exercises2: Write a short passage about a trip you have had. Think about: ●when and where you went ●how you travelled

幸遇识务者书屋 进阶从这里开始

●who travelled with you

●what happened during the trip 范文展示:写作指导:

写作技巧:pay attention to the key words(要点),

Tense(时态), phrases(短语),link words(逻辑连接词) An exciting trip

I went on a trip to Hainan with my family during the holiday. We went there by plane.

After we got off the plane, we went to the beach to see the beautiful sand and swim there. There were so many people there .

Some people were surfing and some people were diving in the deeper part of the sea. Afterwards we had lunch at a seafood restaurant near the beach. We ate seafood like shrimps and craps, and drank some abalone soup. We all didn't want to go home because the scenery was so beautiful, and there were so many other exciting things to try, but sadly it was time for us to go.

It was definitely an exciting trip. If I have a chance ,I will be more than happy to visit the place again.

Step 7: Show a short passage about a trip you have made.

last summer vacation …… Beijing…with… , ……the Great Wall ………

foreigners ….took photos…… beautiful scenery ....the summer palace …….the Forbidden City ….tasted………….had a great time . Step8 Summary:

What have you learned?

Use the key words to guess the main idea Read the questions, circle the key words

Reading Find out the key words ,

Read the article ,then choose the best answer.

Writing pay attention to the keywords(要点),

Tense(时态), phrases(短语),link words (逻辑连接词)从句(Clauses)

To be a man like Lilin: helpful, kind-hearted, nice, friendly… Step9: homework

Write a short passage about a trip you have had.

A little kindness goes a long way. 待人以善,行将更远




