导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《讲述去书店的英语情景对话》的内容,具体内容:有很多人都喜欢去书店买书,我今天跟大家分享一下有关去书店的英语对话吧,有需要的可以阅读哦,仅供参考英语口语Lily:I want to buy some books...
Lily:I want to buy some books at Books Plaza. 我想去图书大厦买几本书。John:Thats too much trouble. You can buy them on the internet and theyll be 0 Lily:
I want to buy some books at Books Plaza. 我想去图书大厦买几本书。 John:
Thats too much trouble. You can buy them on the internet and theyll be cheaper.
不用那么麻烦,在网上买就好了,还便宜。 Lily:
Is it reliable to buy things online? 网上买东西靠谱儿吗?
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Theyll deliver the books to your home for free and if there is any problem you can return them.
人家还会免费送货上门。如果发现有问题,还可以退货。 Lily:
Really? Come and teach me how to buy books online. 是吗?快教我怎么在网上买书。 John:
Lets use my account. Open the homepage of this website, search for the title of a book and then you can see the search results. 先用我的帐户吧。打开网站首页,搜索书名,就会出现搜索结果。 Lily:
Id like to buy these two books. 我要这两本。 John:
OK, just click the \order.
好,那就点击它们下面的\购买\。我下单了啊? Lily:
Alright. Ill register an account for myself and next time buy using my account.
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