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scene46 休闲时间

Jenny, what are you going to do tomorrow morning? 嘿,珍妮,明早你要做什么? I don't know yet. What’s your idea? Dad? 我还不知道。爸,你有什么想法? I'm thinking of taking you and Peter swimming. What do you think? 我在想带你和彼得游泳。你觉得呢?

Dad! It’s cold now! 爸,现在很冷呢!

But swimming in the winter is good for your body. Believe me.但冬天游泳对身体好。你得信我说的。

scene47 阅读

Jenny, did you do your readings? 珍妮,你把你要看的书看了没?

Yes, dad. I already finished the book that you gave me.是的,爸爸,我已经把你给我的书看完了。

That's my good girl. So, what's your favorite story? 这才是我的好孩子,所以,你最喜欢哪个故事呢?

Hmm...I liked the story where a hero died to protect his hometown.嗯……我最喜欢有一篇故事说一位英雄为了保护他的家乡而战亡了。

Really? That sounds like a sad story.真的?那听起来似乎是个悲伤的故事。

scene48 玩游戏

Dad, I’ve finished my homework.爸,我把功课做完了。

Well, what game do you want to play? 嗯,你想要玩什么游戏呢? Do you want to play poker? 你想要玩扑克牌吗? Do you know how to play it? 你知道要怎么玩吗? I'll teach you.我来教你。

OK. Teach me how to play the game.好啊,你教我怎么玩这个游戏吧。

scene49 运动

Jenny, you’re too lazy. You should do some exercise. See, you're getting fat.珍妮,你太懒惰了。你应该去做一些运动的。你看你越来越胖了。 Dad, it’s raining outside.爸,外面在下雨呢。 That is your excuse.那是你的借口。

All right, all right, I will go swimming with Peter this afternoon.好, 好,我今天下午就和彼得去游泳。

Not just today. Go exercise everyday! 不是只有今天,是每天都要运动。


ACT10 视听娱乐 scene50 电脑

Peter, enough with your computer games. Go do your homework now.彼得,游戏玩够了吧。现在快点去读书。

Can't I play more? 我不能再玩一下下吗?

No! Stop playing computer games! 不行!不要再玩儿电脑游戏了。 Mom,I'll be finished soon.妈妈,我很快就要结束了。

Peter, if you don't turn off your computer, then I won't allow you to play it again starting next week.彼得,如果不关电脑,下礼拜起我就不让你玩儿电脑游戏了。

scene51 电影租碟

Jenny, do you want to go to see a movie? 珍妮,你想看电影吗? What's on tonight? 今天晚上演什么?

I want to see \我想看“命运好好玩。” Who is in this movie? 这部电影有谁演出?

I don't know. My friend told me it was a touching movie.不知道,我朋友告诉我这是部很感人的电影。

scene52 看电视

Mom, can I watch TV? 妈,我可以看电视吗? No more today.今天不能再看了。

Alright, mom. Should I turn off the TV right now? 好的,妈。我现在就要把电视关掉吗?

Yes, honey. Go to your room, and take out your book. It’s your reading time now.是的,亲爱的。去你的房间把书拿出来。现在该是你的阅读时间。 Mom, where is the remote? I can't find it.妈,遥控器在哪儿?我找不到。 Just go to read. I will find it,honey.亲爱的,去读书。我来找就好。




