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本课的教学内容是牛津高中英语模块三Unit1的Grammar and usage板块。这个板块教授的语法知识是名词性从句,即主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句等主要的从句,以及that, if和whether三个关系词的使用。由于名词性从句是本单元的教学重点,又是学生新接触的知识点,因此本节课通过课件、教师的讲解与指导和学生的自主与合作学习,力图取得良好的教学效果。




·知识目标:学生能掌握名词性从句的类型(主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句等)、关系词(when, where, who, how, whether, if ,that等)及用法。





·重点:名词性从句的类型和关系词 ·难点:that, if和whether的使用原则





任务型教学法 合作学习


Step 1 Lead-in: contextulize grammar

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, teacher.

T: I read a report about Shanghai Expo yesterday. There is a lot of news about Shanghai Expo recently. Have you read anything?

S1: Many people visit Shanghai Expo park everyday. It’s very crowded at the entrance.

T: Yes. That many people visit Shanghai Expo park everyday makes the entrance very crowded. It is very difficult to count how many people there are everyday. However, do want to go tthere? Ss: Yes.

T: When are you going to Shanghai Expo park? S2: I’m not sure. Maybe in the summer holiday.

T: Oh, whether you are going to Shanghai Expo park has not decided. I wonder if you have any opinion about Shanghai Expo? What about you?

S3: I think it is very important. Because many Chinese people can learn culture of foreign countries in China.

T: Yes. It provides a good opportunity that we Chinese people can learn foreign cultures without going abroad. Anything else?

S4: I think foreigners can see China’s progress.

T: Good. What achievements China has achieved in recent years can be sensed by foerign friends. ……

Step 2 Presentation: introduce noun clauses

1. Using a noun clause as the subject of a sentence (主语从句)

That I can pay back the help people give me makes me happy. Whether he’ll be able to come is not yet known. Why they have not left yet is unclear. “it” can be used as an empty subject

It was good news that everyone got back safely. 2. Using a noun clause as the object of a (宾语从句):


She sensed that she was being watched. I wonder if/whether that’s a good idea. Polly didn’t know which way she should go. Preposition

I’m interedted in who that tall man is.

There was a discussion about whether Polly had found the blind man. “it” can be used as an empty object.

We all thought it good news that the fog had finally gone. The conductor has made it clear that no buses will be running. 3. Using a noun clause as the predictive of be (表语从句)

The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far. My question is whether Polly can find her way home. The problem is how Polly is going to find us in the crowd. 4. Using a noun clause in apposition to a noun (同位语从句)

The fact that Polly didn’t ask for the man’s name is a pity. The news that the plan had crashed made us sad. Whatrever gave you the idea that I can sing?

5. Using that, if/whether or a question word to begin a noun clause I hope that Polly will be OK.

No one knew if/whether he lost his sight because of an accident.

Step 3 Task1: ask the students to finish the exercise on page 9 and try to into the categories made in Step 2. (individual + pair work)


…but why pleasant smells do not reduce pain in men is a question still to be answered by scientists. 同位语从句:

The possibility that pleasant smell might reduce pain has recently been suggested by new research.

One explanation is that women’s sense of smell deveploped long ago, and is linked to recognizing the smell of babies. 宾语从句: (1) Verb:

As people believe that strong smells can affect the senses, volunteers were asked not to eat or drink for eight hours before the experiment began.

He says that scientists already have data from40 volunteers.

He adds that this year, scientists will test another 60 volunteers and will be in a better position to explain the results.

Scientists used to believe that mothers recognized their children by sight only. Now, they have started to believe that the sense of smell also helps, … (2) Preposition:

Scientists are interested in whether the sense of smell is related to pain and whether man and women have the same senses.

Step 4 Practice: summarize introductory words and ask the students to do exercises

名词从句引导词:that、if、whether(连接词); who、whose、what、which(连接代词); when、 where、why、how、how long(连接副词).

______________ the earth is round is true. Do you know ______________ he lives?

My opinion is ______________ you should not go alone.

The student ______________ answered the question was John. He did not know ______________ had happened. I wonder _______________ she can come tomorrow. Can you tell me ______________ the dish is made?

Do you have any idea ______________ will Miss Smith arrive?

We should think carefully about ____________ Mr. Green said at the meeting. Step 5 Presentation: noun clauses beginning with that or if/whether



