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剑桥少儿英语预备级下册 unit 1 教学设计

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Unit 1 I can touch it

Ⅰ、Teaching aims and demands:normal

1. 使学生了解和掌握I can touch it 的句型; 2. 使学生能听懂指令并跟着做动作; 3. 使学生学会字母Qq及所给单词的读音; 4. 使学生能朗读第6部分所给的句子。 Ⅱ、Key points:

句型:Let’s stand here and make a letter Qq.

I can touch the window.

词汇:nose, ear, toe, neck, leg, heel, elbow, face, train, bus, bike, etc Ⅲ、Difficulty points:

掌握I can touch it的句型,听懂指令。 Ⅳ、Teaching aids:

兔子的挂图、若干动物玩具、若干剪好的胡萝卜图形 Ⅴ、Teaching procedure:

The 1st period

Step 1 Preparation 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song 3. Free talking Step 2 Lead in

T: Now everybody stand up. Do it as I do. Say it after me. Nose, ear, toe, neck, leg, heel, elbow, face. S: (Do and say)

T: Now, let’s play a game. I say” Touch your nose.” You quickly touch your nose. The slower ones should be out. Ok, now let’s stand in two lines, face to face. You can tell me who is slower.

Ready? Let’s do it. Touch your nose…

S: (Act it in pairs) Step 3 Practices

1. Game: Touch the picture or word quickly.

T: Now, we have many pictures (words) on the blackboard. We divide our class into two groups. You two please come to the front. I say “ Touch the TV”, you touch it quickly. Let’s see who is the first one, ready? Now, touch the chair… 2. Work in pairs

3. Listen and do (Part 2) 4. Say it

⑴ (Show the sentences)Listen to the tape.

⑵ Clap the hands/desks and say it. I can touch my mouth. I can touch my leg. ⑶ Jump up and say it . I can touch my nose. I can touch my toes. ⑷ Ask somebody to say it.

The 2nd period


Step 1 Preparation

1. Listen and do actions 2. Say the Part 3 Step 2 Learning

1. Game: Feed the rabbit ⑴ 出示兔子的挂图 ⑵ Feed the rabbit

T: The rabbit is hungry. She wants to eat carrots. Please feed the rabbit with a carrot. Who can come here and feed the carrots?

T: Good, now the rabbit is thirsty. He wants to drink some water. Who can give her some water? ⑶ Listen and say Part 4 ⑷ Say it to your friend Step 3 Practices

1. Say Part 4 together 2. Ask somebody to say it 3. Sing a song. (Part 5)

The 3rd period

Step 1 Preparation 1. Sing a song

2. Say these sentences. (Part 4) Step 2 Learning 1. Do it

T: Hi! This is the letter Qq. Let’s stand here and make a letter Qq.2. Say it

⑴ Listen and read ⑵ Read it in pairs.

3. Learn the words about the letter Qq. 4. Copy the letter Qq

The 4th period

Step 1. Preparation 1. Sing a song

2. Review the new words and the sentences. Step 2. Listen and touch Step 3. Do it

1. Listen and do. 2. Work in Pairs.

3. Join the numbers and colour it Step 4. Homework

Listen to Part 1, 2, 3 and 4 and do actions with the tape.

(设计:黄华 吴泳声 涂开生 黄红 蒋霞)


剑桥少儿英语预备级下册 unit 1 教学设计


