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路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 百度文库

Module 5单元加餐练(一)~(二)

加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练


I got divorced (离婚) last year. In the hope of finding a whole __1__ life, I went to a small town and __2__ a teaching job in a school there. There was one little boy whom I __3__ very much in my class. He was very __4__ every day and always seemed to have a __5__ on his face. He stuttered (口吃) when he spoke, but it never seemed to make him less happy. He would talk to me every single day, and by __6__ time with him, I almost forgot my sad __7__ and became much happier.

One morning, when I was talking to a couple who were __8__ the school store, he stopped by and said hello to all of us. The couple __9__ told me that he came almost every day but __10__ had money to buy anything.

I decided I would get him something just as a surprise, __11__ I picked out a pencil, a pencil sharpener, and a small notebook. He came again when it was playtime, I gave him what I had __12__ for him.

I cannot describe the __13__ on his face when I gave him just the __14__ little things that cost exactly $1.00. Then __15__ a stutter at all, he said excitedly, “Thank you so much!”He then just kept __16__, “Thank you, thank you.”He gave me a big hug before going off to __17__.

I know I was moved, just seeing someone __18__ something that much. As he walked off, he __19__ his new things to another of the __20__ walking to the classroom. I have to say that I have never spent one dollar that meant so much to me.


1.A.rich C.interesting

B.safe D.new

解析:选D 根据作者离婚的语境,可知她应是怀着开始“新(new)”生活的希望来到了一座小镇。

2.A.held C.wanted

B.found D.caught

解析:选B 根据后文的语境可知作者“找到(find)”了一份教书的工作。 3.A.respected C.liked

B.envied D.enjoyed


路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 百度文库

解析:选C 根据后文的语境可知作者很“喜欢(like)”这个小男孩。 4.A.happy C.shy

B.lazy D.lonely

解析:选A 根据“... but it never seemed to make him less happy” 可知小男孩每天都很“快乐(happy)”。

5.A.pain C.smile

B.scar D.wish

解析:选C 根据小男孩每天都很快乐的语境可知,他的脸上总是带着“笑容(smile)”。

6.A.killing C.sharing

B.wasting D.spending

解析:选D 根据“He would talk to me every single day”的语境可知作者常和小男孩待在一起。

7.A.experience C.job

B.idea D.childhood

解析:选A 根据上文作者离了婚并且希望开始新生活的语境,可知与这个快乐的小男孩在一起,她几乎忘了离婚带来的痛苦,变得比以前快乐了,experience 在这里指作者离婚的那段经历。

8.A.opening C.visiting

B.running D.cleaning

解析:选B 根据后文内容可知这对夫妇在学校里“经营(run)”一家小商店。 9.A.firstly C.later

B.finally D.suddenly

解析:选C 根据语境可知那对夫妇“后来(later)”告诉了作者关于小男孩常来商店的事。

10.A.never C.usually

B.sometimes D.ever

解析:选A 根据“but”以及后文作者决定买些文具送给小男孩的语境可知小男孩每天都来商店却“从来没有(never)”钱买任何东西。

11.A.if C.since

B.but D.so

解析:选D 作者决定买点东西送给小男孩,“因此(so)”她挑选了一支铅笔,一把卷笔刀还有一个小笔记本。

12.A.made 2


路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 百度文库



解析:选B 作者把给小男孩“买(buy)”的东西给了他。 13.A.look C.feel

B.color D.mood

解析:选A 根据后文小男孩很兴奋地一再向作者道谢可知当作者送给小男孩文具的时候,她无法描述小男孩脸上(兴奋)的“表情(look)”。

14.A.five C.three

B.two D.four

解析:选C 作者买了一支铅笔,一把卷笔刀以及一个小笔记本,共“三件(three)”东西。

15.A.through C.beside

B.without D.by

解析:选B 根据“at all”的语境可知小男孩此时“一点也不(without)”口吃了。at all 意为“根本,丝毫”。

16.A.singing C.writing

B.screaming D.repeating

解析:选D 根据语境可知小男孩一直不停地说谢谢。 17.A.work C.class

B.home D.school

解析:选C 根据后文“walking to the classroom”的语境可知小男孩在紧紧地拥抱了作者之后,去教室上课去了。

18.A.favor C.dislike

B.appreciate D.admire

解析:选B 作者因小男孩如此感激她给他买了这几件小文具而感动了,appreciate 在这里表示“感激”。

19.A.sent C.showed

B.lent D.sold

解析:选C 根据语境可知当小男孩去教室上课的时候他把他的新文具给别人看。 20.A.teachers C.couples

B.girls D.kids

解析:选D 根据“another”以及“walking to the classroom”的语境可知是在给班上的另外的“小孩(kid)”看。


Three years ago, when the closest and largest full moon fell on March 19, 2011, 3



