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事实和理由:(写明答辩的事实依据和法律依据,应针对原告、上诉人、申诉人,即被答辩人提出起诉、上诉、申诉所依据的事实、法律和所提出的主张陈述其不能成立的理由) 此致








答辩人: 人民医院

住址: 市 路七号

Respondent: People s Hospital

Address: No 7, Road, City

因 要求 人民医院人身损害赔偿一案,现提出答辩意见如下:

The following answer is hereby given to the claim of for compensation by the People s Hospital for personal injuries:

1.答辩人与 之间不存在直接的合同关系,答辩人1998年6月10日与 第二建筑安装工程公司订立了一份口头合同,由 第二建筑安装工程公司负责把答辩人的一个高压电表柜拆除, 是受 第二建筑安装工程公司的委托来拆除高压电表柜的,与答辩人之间不存在直接合同关系。

1. The respondent does not have a direct contractual relationship with 。

The respondent entered into an oral contract with No 2 Construction and Installation Company on June 10, 1998, whereby No 2 Construction and Installation Company shall be responsible for removing the high-voltage meter cabinet. was engaged in removing the high-voltage meter cabinet as entrusted by No 2 Construction and Installation Company and therefore has no direct contractual relationship with the respondent.

2. 的伤害赔偿应由 二建筑安装工程公司负责,其一,根据我国法律和有关司法解释规定, 第二建筑安装工程公司对其职工在履行合同的范围内所受到伤害应负责任, 的伤害并不是由于合同客体以外的事物造成的。

其三,受 第二建筑安装工程公司委 托的 在拆除高压电表柜的过程中,存在着严重违反操作程序的行为,未尽一个电工应尽的注意。

2. The liabilities for compensating for the damage shall be born by No 2 Construction and Installation Company for the following reasons. Firstly, pursuant to PRC laws and relevant judicial interpretations, No 2 Construction and Installation Company shall be liable for any injuries suffered by its employees to the extent of the contract performance. The

injuries of was not caused by anything other than the object of the contract. Thirdly, , who was entrusted by No 2 Construction and Installation Company, seriously violated the operational procedure in removing the high-voltage meter cabinet and failed to pay due attention thereto.

3.答辩人对 伤害赔偿不应承担责任。


而本案中答辩人与 第二建筑安装工程公司订有合同,高度危险来源已通过合同合法地转移给 第二建筑安装工程公司。

第二建筑安装工程公司成为该危险作业物的主体, 在操作过程中受到伤害,这是 第二建筑安装工程公司在履行合同过程中,合同客体造成自己员工的伤害行为,与答辩人无关。

3. The respondent shall not be liable for compensating the injuries of 。

In accordance with the General Principles of the Civil Law, any person engaged in highly dangerous operation shall be liable for compensation in

the event of any damages. In this case, however, the respondent entered into a contract with No 2 Construction and Installation Company, whereby the source of high danger shifted to No 2 Construction and Installation Company legitimately. No 2 Construction and Installation Company became the subject of the dangerous operation, and therefore any damages caused in the contract performance by No 2 Construction and Installation Company has no connection with the respondent.

综上所述, 人民医院为不适合被告,请贵院依法驳回原告起诉。

By reason of the foregoing, People s Hospital is not legible for becoming the defendant. We hereby request the court to reject the plaintiff s action according to law. 此致

市中级人民法院 To:

City Intermediate People s Court



