【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)031
【摘要】[目的]为了探究不同硅浓度对粳稻形态和光合生理机制的影响.[方法]用不同硅浓度(0、30、80、130、180 mg/L硅酸钠溶液)处理粳稻幼苗.采用钼蓝比色法测定不同硅浓度处理组水稻根、茎、叶的硅含量,使用测量工具测量不同硅浓度处理组水稻株高、根长、根系数目,采用丙酮提取法测定不同硅浓度处理组水稻叶、茎的叶绿素a、b的含量以及叶绿素a/b值.[结果]粳稻营养器官中硅含量从高到低依次是茎>叶>根;当硅浓度为80 mg/L时,粳稻株高最矮;当硅浓度为30 mg/L时,粳稻根长最短,根系数最少;当硅浓度为30mg/L时,叶绿素a、b的含量均最高,且叶绿素a/b值在硅浓度为80 mg/L时达到最大值.[结论]适当的硅浓度可提高粳稻的抗倒伏性以及粳稻的光合作用效率,进而提高粳稻产量.%The aim was to explore the effects of silicon in different concentrations on morphology and photosynthetic physiological mechanism of japonica rice. [Method] Seedlings of japoniea rice were treated with silicon in different concentrations (0, 30, 80, 130 and 180 mg/L). Silicon contents were measured with molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method in roof, stem aAd leaf. Plant height, length and number of root system in different treatment goups were measured with tools. Chlorophyll a and b, and\groups were measured. [ Result] Silicon contents in vegetative organs
were as followso stem > leaf > root. When silicon concentration was at 80 mg/L, plant height of japonica rice was the shortest. When silicon concentration was 30 mg/L, root length of the rice was the shortest and root number was the least. When silicon concentration was 30 mg/L, the contents of chlorophyll a and b were the highest and chlorophyll a/b a-chieved the peak when silicon concentration was at 80 mg/L. [Conclusion] Silicon at proper concentration would improve lodging-resistance and the efficiency of photosynthesis, and enhance the yield of japonica rice.
【作者单位】湖北师范学院生命科学学院,湖北黄石435002;湖北师范学院生命科学学院,湖北黄石435002;湖北师范学院生命科学学院,湖北黄石435002;湖北省广播电视大学阳新分校,湖北阳新435200;湖北师范学院生命科学学院,湖北黄石435002;湖北师范学院生命科学学院,湖北黄石435002;湖北师范学院生命科学学院,湖北黄石435002;湖北师范学院生命科学学院,湖北黄石435002;湖北师范学院生命科学学院,湖北黄石435002 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】S511.2+2 【文献来源】
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