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新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 Unit7

教 案1

授课时间 班 班 班 周星期 第 节 周星期 第 节 周星期 第 节 班 班 周星期 第 节 周星期 第 节 课 次 授课形式 (请打√)17 学时数 2 纯理论□ 纯实践□ 理实一体化□ 习题课□ 其他□ Unit7 Customer Service Reading A: I Really Want to Know 授课题目 教学目的 Ss make and handle a complaint Ss understand successfully measuring customer satisfaction 1. The main idea and the structure of the reading A. 教学重点 2. Master the key words and language points. 1. How to use the key words and expressions in reading A. 教学难点 2. Analysis on the text structure. 使用的教具/多媒体Textbook; PPT; CD /仪器/仪表/设备等 教学方法 Pair-work; Discussing, lecturing 参考资料 English for Careers (Book1)

教 学 基 本 内 容 及 设 计 Part I Warming-up 20 minutes Task 1 10 minutes Objective: Ss learn how to collect customer opinions through a survey. ? Explain briefly what a survey is. E.g. “A survey is a method of gathering information from a sample of individuals. The goal is to find out people’s stand or opinion on certain matters.” Task 2 10 minutes Objective: Ss can analyze data, find problems and give solutions. ? Divide the class into groups of 4-6 students and ask each group to collect and analyze the data. ? Ask some groups to present their conclusions and solutions to the class. Part II New words in Reading A 15 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.. Steps: ? Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc. ? Ss read the new words and expressions, etc. Part III Discussions before Reading A 10 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.. Steps: ? Ss know something about Reading A. ? Ss discuss the following two questions: 1. Why did the writer and his wife go to their favorite restaurant for dinner? 2. In order to successfully measure customer satisfaction, what should you pay attention to? Part IV Reading A Language points 35 minutes Paragraph 1 deserve: v. to have earned something by good or bad actions or behavior e.g. You’ve been working all the morning—I think you deserve a rest. gain: v. to increase in weight, speed, height or value e.g. Last week I gained another five pounds. Paragraph 3 admirable: a. having many good qualities that people respect and admire e.g. This essay is admirable in all respects. implement: v. to take action or put into practice e.g. We have decided to implement the president’s suggestion in full. establish: v. to start; to set up e.g. My grandfather established the family business in 1938. The relationships between the two companies were established two years ago. obtain: v. to get something especially by means of effort e.g. We wish to obtain first-hand information. particular: a. unusual, single and different from others e.g. They have conducted a research in this particular field. Paragraph 4 survey: n. a general examination or study (of conditions, opinions, etc.), especially carried out by asking people questions e.g. A recent survey shows that many teenagers spend three hours a day playing computer games. comment: n. opinion given briefly in speech or writing about something or someone e.g. Do you have any comments to make upon my story? Paragraph 5 deposit: v. to put something down in a particular place; to put money or something valuable in a bank or other places where it will be safe e.g. She deposited her case in the corner. You are advised to deposit your valuables in the hotel safe. Paragraph 6 in place: in existence and ready to be used e.g. The new regulations are now in place. hand out: to give something to each member of a group e.g. Could you start handing these books out, please? Paragraph 7 distribution: n. the act of sharing things among a large group of people in a planned way e.g. The distribution of the food supplies in the earthquake area began two days ago. Part V After Reading Exercises Task 1 5 minutes Objective: Ss can find some specific information in the passage. Task 2 5 minutes Objective: Ss can decide whether the statements are true or false. 课后作业/ 思考题Prepare Reading B and Grammar of Unit 7 教学后记 说明:1.课程教案应按授课次数编写;重复班授课不再另行编写教案。 2.合班课的“授课时间”可以集中填写。

外研社 新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 Unit7

教 案2

授课时间 班 班 班 周星期 第 节 周星期 第 节 周星期 第 节 班 班 周星期 第 节 周星期 第 节 课 次 授课形式 (请打√)18 学时数 2 纯理论□ 纯实践□ 理实一体化□ 习题课□ 其他□ Unit7 Customer Service Reading B: Motorola Limited Warranty & Grammar 授课题目 教学目的 Ss master adverbial clauses Ss understand a product’s limited warranty 1. The main idea and the structure of the reading B. 教学重点 2. Usage of adverbial clauses 1. How to use the key words and expressions in reading B. 教学难点 2. Special notes on adverbial clauses. 使用的教具/多媒体Textbook; PPT; CD /仪器/仪表/设备等 教学方法 Explanation and demonstration 参考资料 English for Careers (Book1)

教 学 基 本 内 容 及 设 计 Part I Reading B 55 minutes Task1 New words 10 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc. Steps: ? Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc. ? Ss read the new words and expressions, etc. Task 2 Fast reading 15 minutes Objective: Ss can comprehend Reading B. Steps: ? Ss read the passage. ? Provide help if needed. Task 3 Detailed Reading 15 minutes Objective: Ss can decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the passage. Steps: ? Ss read the passage. ? Ss complete the task. ? Ss compare their work with others. Task 4 After Reading 15 minutes Objective: Ss can comprehend the specific information taken from the given text. Steps: ? Ss read the passage. ? Ss complete the task. ? Ss compare their work with others. ? Select Ss to present their work. Part II Grammar --Adverbial Clauses 35 minutes Objective: Ss can master how to understand and use adverbial clauses Steps: ? Ss study the categories of adverbial clauses. 状语从句 (Adverbial Clause) 状语从句指句子用作状语时,起副词作用的句子。它可以修饰谓语、非谓语动词、定语、状语或整个句子。根据其作用可分为时间、地点、原因、条件、目的、结果、让步、方式和比较等从句。状语从句一般由连词(从属连词)引导,也可以由词组引起。从句位于句首或句中时通常用逗号与主句隔开,位于句尾时可以不用逗号隔开。 ?Ss review the main features of each category. 1.时间状语从句 常用引导词:when, as, while, as soon as, before, after, since , till, until 特殊引导词:the minute, the moment, the second, every time, the day,the instant, immediately , directly, no sooner … than, hardly …when, scarcely … when 2.地点状语从句 常用引导词:where 特殊引导词:wherever, anywhere, everywhere 3.原因状语从句 常用引导词:because, since, as, for 特殊引导词:seeing that, now that, in that, considering that, given that. 4.目的状语从句 常用引导词:so that, in order that 特殊引导词:lest, in case, for fear that,in the hope that, for the purpose that, 5.结果状语从句 常用引导词:so … that, such … that, 特殊引导词:such that, to the degree that, to the extent that, to such a degree that 6.条件状语从句 常用引导词:if, unless, 特殊引导词:as/so long as, only if, providing/provided that, supposing that, in case that, 7.让步状语从句 常用引导词:though, although, even if, even though 特殊引导词:as,while,no matter …, in spite of the fact that, whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whichever 8.比较状语从句 常用引导词:as(同级比较), than(不同程度的比较) 特殊引导词:the more … the more … ; just as …, so…; A is to B what /as X is to Y; no … more than; not A so much as B 9.方式状语从句 常用引导词:as, as if, how 特殊引导词:the way 课后作业/ 思考题Prepare listening and writing of Unit 7 教学后记 说明:1.课程教案应按授课次数编写;重复班授课不再另行编写教案。 2.合班课的“授课时间”可以集中填写。

外研社 新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 Unit7

教 案3

授课时间 班 班 班 周星期 第 节 周星期 第 节 周星期 第 节 班 班 周星期 第 节 周星期 第 节 课 次 授课形式 (请打√)19 学时数 2 纯理论□ 纯实践□ 理实一体化□ 习题课□ 其他□ Unit7 Customer Service Listening and Speaking; Writing 授课题目 教学目的 Ss understand and write a letter of adjustment 1. Useful expressions about make and handle complaints. 教学重点 2. Format of letter of adjustment. 1. How to complain and deal with complaints. 教学难点 2. Understand and write letter of adjustment. Ss make and handle a complaint 使用的教具/多媒体Textbook; PPT; CD /仪器/仪表/设备等 教学方法 Explanation and demonstration 参考资料 English for Careers (Book1)

教 学 基 本 内 容 及 设 计 Part I Listening 40 minutes Task 1 5 minutes Objective: Ss can accurately write down the missing information. Steps: Listen and finish the exercise. Task 2 5 minutes Objective: Ss can understand the conversation and choose the best answer. Steps: Listen and finish the exercise. Task 3 10 minutes Objective: Ss can decide whether the statements are true or false. Steps: Listen and finish the exercise. Task 4 10 minutes Objective: Ss can accurately write down the missing information. Steps: Listen and finish the exercise. Task 5 10 minutes Objective: Ss can find specific information from listening to a passage Steps: Listen and finish the exercise. Part II Speaking 20 minutes Task 6 Objective: Ss are able to make and handle a complaint with the useful expressions. Steps: Ss read Task 6. Ss work in pairs to make and handle a complaint. Ss complete the chart. Part III Writing 30 minutes Task 1 15minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the style of letter of adjustment. Steps: Ss do the task individually. Ss compare with each other’s answers. Provide help if needed. Present the answers. Task 2 15 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the style of letter of adjustment.. Steps: Ss do the task individually. Ss compare with each other’s answers. Provide help if needed. Present the answers. 课后作业/ 思考题Finish exercises in textbook and prepare mini-project in unit 7 教学后记 说明:1.课程教案应按授课次数编写;重复班授课不再另行编写教案。 2.合班课的“授课时间”可以集中填写。

外研社 新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 Unit7

教 案4

授课时间 班 班 班 周星期 第 节 周星期 第 节 周星期 第 节 班 班 周星期 第 节 周星期 第 节 课 次 授课形式 (请打√)20 学时数 2 纯理论□ 纯实践□ 理实一体化□ 习题课□ 其他□ Unit7 Customer Service Mini-project and language lab 授课题目 教学目的 Ss practice language skills through exercises 1. Necessary procedures on doing a survey. 教学重点 2. Translation exercises. 1. Format of questionnaire and summary. 教学难点 2. Words formation. Ss do a survey with a questionnaire and drafting a summary 使用的教具/多媒体Textbook; PPT; CD /仪器/仪表/设备等 教学方法 After-class research and practice 参考资料 English for Careers (Book1)

教 学 基 本 内 容 及 设 计 Part I Mini-Project 35minutes Objective: Ss can know how to draft a summary of a survey results. Steps: ? Grouping. Divide the class into groups. ? Defining the project. Go through the project with the class and clarify requirements. You are advised to do it after Ss study Reading A. ? Timing & cooperation. Give Ss the deadline for completion and guidelines on working together. ? Presentation. Ss present their evidence for completion. In this project, they need to hand in a written summary of the survey results and the ten questionnaires they have collected. Ask them to do it after they study the whole unit. Part II Language lab 55 minutes Task 1 5 minutes Steps: ? Ss read Task 1. ? Allow Ss 5 minutes to do the task. ? Check the answers. Task 2 15minutes Steps: ? Ss do Task 2. ? Ask Ss to work individually. ? Check the answer Task 3 10 minutes Steps: ? Read the models to Ss with an explanation if needed. ? Ss work in pairs. ? Check the answers. Task 4 10 minutes Steps: ? Ss do Task 4. ? Ask Ss to work individually. ? Check the answers. Task 5 15 minutes Steps: ? Ss work individually or in pairs and translate the sentences. ? Ask two Ss to write their translations on the board. ? Comment briefly on their work with emphasis on the structures of their sentences. 课后作业/ 思考题Prepare unit 8 教学后记 说明:1.课程教案应按授课次数编写;重复班授课不再另行编写教案。 2.合班课的“授课时间”可以集中填写。



