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一、选择填空(答案在最后) 题目:—___________

— I mean the best way is using your own mobile phone or computer to operate it. : How do you think? ; What do you mean? ; What do you think?

题目:— A: ___________are the most popular things people buy online? — B: Definitely, clothes. : How about ; How do you think ; What do you think

题目:— We have to stay at home for a whole day. Why not go out and have a walk? —___________ : How is a good idea. ; It like a good idea. ; It sounds like a good idea.

题目:— Susan ,what do you think of my plan? — _______________ : It’s pleasant. ; It’s possible. ; It’s reasonable . 题目: —___________

— Oh, no, Frankly speaking, I seldom do online shopping. : Got any good deals? ; Do you got any good deals? ; I bought many good deals online.

题目: ___________ you busy with the Singles Day? : Are ; Be ; Will

题目:All the trees______ last summer. : are planting ; planted ; were planted

题目:Besides, you need to protect your password, because all the transaction _______ through your bank account. : is brought out ; is carried out ; is fetched

题目:He __________ a book when the telephone rang. : read ; reads ; was reading

题目:Now tell me, how can you separate yourself ____the other person? : from ; out ; with

题目:Separate passwords for every account make __difficult for cyber criminals to hack you. : it ; that ; what

题目:The Prize in Economics ______ in 1968, that is, more than half a century ago. : establish ; established ; was established

题目:You can ask these experts __________advice in job hunting? : for ; on ; over

题目:You can buy almost everything, _______ you have access to the Internet and enough money. : as big as ; as long as ; so large as

题目:You know, online shopping has so many ______. : advantage ; advantaged ; advantages


1. The study shows that our computers are superior to those of our competitors in terms of functions and speed.()

A.研究表明,我们的计算机在功能和速度两方面都优于我们的竞争对手。 B.研究表明,我们的计算机与我们竞争者的产品在功能和速度方面有差异。 C.研究表明,我们的计算机在效率和速度方面都与其它厂商不同。

2. Use of the overcharge on your account and we have contacted the store on your behalf and are awaiting their reply. ()

A.承蒙告知您受到恶意透支的指控,我们已经派代表与商店联系并正在等待回音。 B.承蒙告知您的帐户存在问题,我们已经和商店联系过并正在等待他们的回答。 C.承蒙告知您的帐户被多扣款一事,我们已代您与商店联系,正在等待他们回复。 3.Though technically quite advanced today,the Internet is far from being popular with average household users in some developing countries. ()

A.尽管互联网技术现在已经很先进,但在一些发展中国家还未受到家庭用户的广泛青睐。 B. 很先进,但在一些发展中国家还远远没有普及到一般家庭。

C. 尽管今天科学技术已经很先进,但在一些发展中国家互联网离大众的生活还是很远。 4. You can buy almost everything, as long as you have access to the Internet and enough money. ()

A. 只要有网络和足够多的钱,你可以通过网络买到任何东西。 B. 如果你有网络和钱,就可以买到任何东西。

C. 只要有网络和足够多的钱,你就可以买到任何东西。

5. When in doubt, it’s best to delete or if appropriate, mark as junk item. () A. 当有疑问,最好是立刻删除,或者,如果合适的话,标为垃圾信息。 B. 一旦有疑问,最好是立刻删除,或者,如果合适的话,标为垃圾信息。 C. 一旦有疑问,最好是立刻删除,或者,合适的话,标为垃圾。


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