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Period 3 Using language—Grammar & Vocabulary

课时作业(三) [基础训练]

Ⅰ 单词拼写

1.Well, let's go ________ (到国外). They're starting up the engines. 答案:aboard

2.They watched ________ (激动人心的) pictures of the police raid on TV. 答案:dramatic

3.The ________ (火山) erupted last year killing about 600 people. 答案:volcano

4.Since I moved to London last year, I work in an all-night fast food ________ (连锁店).


5.We have prepared a beautiful ________ (纪念品) for you. 答案:souvenir

6.Light and water in e________ buildings were cut off. 答案:embassy

7.The work was finished on time and within b________. 答案:budget

8.The two hills with the valley formed a beautiful l________. 答案:landscape

9.The farmhouse is r________ from any other buildings. 答案:remote

10.F________ BA 4793 is now boarding at Gate 18. 答案:Flight Ⅱ 单句语法填空

1.Don't wake up the ________ (sleep) boy. He's too tired. 答案:sleeping

2.They live in a room ________ (face) the sea. 答案:facing

3.I had maps and guidebooks and ________ (hike) boots and everything! 答案:hiking

4.Will the people ________ (sit) at the back keep quiet? 答案:sitting

5.The matter ________ (discuss) is of importance. 答案:being discussed Ⅲ 单句写作


First of all, I have to ______________ a passport. 答案:apply for

2.这项研究基于从2,100名女性那里收集来的资料。 The study was __________________ data from 2,100 women. 答案:based on


You can pay ____________, by ______________ or with a check. 答案:in cash; credit card


Passengers with hand luggage can go straight to the departure gate to ____________ there.

答案:check in


Those who were highest in status in high school, as well as those least liked in elementary school, are “most likely to ______________ dangerous and risky behavior.”

答案:engage in [思维训练] Ⅰ 完形填空

This year has been a busy year of travel for me, and the end of the year is no exception . I __1__ an early morning flight that had me up at 4:30 am to go to the airport. The thought of such an early flight made me __2__, but then I started to think about the chain of people who would make that early journey __3__ for me: my lift driver, check-in agent, security staff, gate agents, flight crew, etc. They all do their jobs at an early hour __4__ I can get to my destination safely.

When the trip __5__, I realized I had a(n) __6__: I could be annoyed about having to take an early flight and hold this __7__ with me. Or, I could choose to be __8__ for this modern machine of safe air travel and the people who made it possible. Just thinking about the __9__ choice got my mind working about

__10__ I could show my gratitude: what if I got a little gift for every __11__ I encountered on my journey?

Then I started to think about what kind of gift would be __12__. Because it was a trip, they had to be __13__ enough to fit in my luggage. __14__, I decided a Starbucks gift card would be portable and a universally appreciated item that would __15__ them to get a coffee/tea or snack.

For the first time in years I actually __16__ getting up at 4:30 am! I ended up giving gift cards to my lift driver, airport security agent, two gate agents, and four flight attendants, __17__ of whom said thank you and smiled while __18__ their duties. And, __19__ arriving tired and upset, after only four hours of sleep and a long __20__, I was energetic and happy to share my story.

篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了作者在凌晨4:30起床去机场时的经历。 1.A.missed C.booked

B.caught D.boarded

答案:C miss “错过,想念”;catch “抓住”;book “预定”;board “登上”。我订了一个早晨的航班,让我在凌晨4:30起床去机场。故答案为C。

2.A.upset C.delighted

B.excited D.shocked

答案:A upset “烦恼的”;excited “兴奋的”;delighted “感到高兴的”;shocked “感到震惊的”。想到这么早的航班,我就心烦意乱了。故答案为A。

3.A.difficult C.comfortable

B.possible D.impressive

答案:B 句意:想到这么早的航班,我就心烦意乱了。但是后来我开始想到那些能让我的早起旅程成为可能的人……possible “可能的”。故答案为B。

4.A.while C.unless

B.until D.so

答案:D while “当……时候”;until “直到……为止”;unless “除非”;so “所以”。句意:他们清早就开始工作,所以我可以安全地到达目的地。故答案为D。

5.A.came C.passed

B.ended D.delayed

答案:A 句意:当旅行来临时……根据句意可知答案为A。 6.A.mistake C.passport

B.choice D.appointment

答案:B 根据画线处后面的“I could ... Or, I could ...”可知画线处意为“选择”,


7.A.activity C.negativity

B.creativity D.priority

答案:C activity “活动”;creativity “创造力”;negativity “消极”;priority “优先权”。句意:我可以因为不得不提前坐飞机,而把这种消极情绪带在身边而感到恼火。故答案为C。

8.A.grateful C.punctual

B.responsible D.anxious

答案:A 句意:我可以选择感激这台现代的安全飞行机器和让它成为可能的人。be grateful for sb. “对某人感激”,故答案为A。

9.A.either C.former

B.neither D.latter

答案:D 根据后文可知,作者选择带着感激之情去旅行,latter指第二种情绪。故答案为D。

10.A.why C.where

B.how D.when

答案:B why “为什么”;how “如何”;where “在哪里”;when “什么时候”。句意:想想后一种选择让我意识到我可以如何表达我的感激之情。故答案为B。

11.A.child C.worker

B.person D.passenger

答案:C 句意:给我在旅途中遇到的每一个工作人员一份小礼物怎么样?故选C。 12.A.expensive C.fashionable

B.delicate D.appropriate

答案:D expensive “昂贵的”;delicate “雅致的”;fashionable “时髦的”;appropriate “合适的”。句意:然后我开始思考什么样的礼物是合适的。故选D。

13.A.small C.flexible

B.heavy D.cheap

答案:A 句意:因为这是一次旅行,所以礼物们必须小到可以放进我的行李里。故答案为A。

14.A.Fortunately C.Gradually

B.Obviously D.Eventually

答案:D fortunately “遗憾地”;obviously “明显地”;gradually “逐渐地”;eventually “最后”。根据后面的内容可知,作者选好了礼物。故选D。



C.force D.persuade

答案:B remind “提醒”;enable “使能够”;force “强迫”;persuade “规劝”。句意:星巴克的礼品卡是可携带的,是一种被普遍认可的商品,可以让他们得到咖啡、茶或零食。故答案为B。

16.A.got used to C.look forward to

B.got tired of D.suffered from

答案:C get used to “变得习惯于”;get tired of “感到厌烦”;look forward to “期盼”;suffer from “遭受”。句意:这是多年来我第一次真正期待在凌晨4:30起床!故选C。

17.A.one C.all

B.few D.none

答案:C one “一个人”;few “很少”;all “全部”;none “一个也没有”。作者给所有工作人员送上礼物。故答案为C。

18.A.paying C.ignoring

B.performing D.considering

答案:B 句意:作者送了礼物卡,所有的人在履行职责时都说谢谢并微笑。perform one's duty “履行……的职责”,故答案为B。

19.A.in spite of C.regardless of

B.as a result of D.instead of

答案:D in spite of “尽管”;as a result of “由于”;regardless of “不顾”;instead of “代替”。句意:在只睡了4个小时和长时间的飞行后,没有感到劳累和心烦。故答案为D。

20.A.flight C.rest

B.wait D.thought

答案:A 作者出行坐的是飞机,flight “航班”,故答案为A。 Ⅱ 阅读理解

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