A.confining B.confirming C.confronting D.contributing
29、A window in the kitchen room was ___; there was rubbish everywhere and the clock had been stolen.(2)( ) A.scattered B.smashed C.scratched D.scraped
30、Knowing that her son was suffering from a ___ disease, the mother cried her eyes out.(2)( ) A.deadly B.dying C.dead-like D.deathly
31、Some people consider it unwise to ___themselves in a quarrel between husband and wife.(2)( ) A.participate B.involve C.combine D.associate
32、I have just come here to see if I can be___ to you.(2)( ) A.help B.of help C.with help D.for help
标准答案:B 33、Imagine ___with someone who never stops ___practical jokes on you.(2)( ) A.to live, to play B.to live, playing
C.living, to play D.living, playing
34、The Old Man and the Sea and many other novels ___ Ernest Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.(2)( ) A.earned B.gained C.awarded D.claimed
35、Those who had moved to America under the ___that America was paved with gold everywhere started to regret their decision.(2)( ) A.illusion B.intention C.impression D.concept
36、___change your mind,please give us a call.(2)( ) A.Were you to B.Would you C.Could you D.Might you
37、When ___, he denied ___ anything illegal.(2)( ) A.questioned, doing
B.being questioned, doing
C.questioning, doing
D.questioning, having done
38、See you later. Jenny. I'm glad ___ with you for six months.(2)( ) A.to work
B.to be working
C.to have worked
D.to having been working
39、The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, her long hair___________in the
breeze.(2)( ) A.flowed B.had flowed C.flowing D.was flowing
标准答案:A 40、___from the European continent, England had been in close contact with the outside world.(2)( ) A.Because cutting off B.While to be cut off
C.Although cut itself off D.Even if cut off
标准答案:D 41、The actors have to ___ before they appear in front of the audience.(2)( ) A.cover up B.paint up C.make up D.do up
42、Quite a lot of people watch TV only to ___time.(2)( ) A.pass B.kill C.waste D.spend
43、John was never particular ___ the food his wife served.(2)( ) A.about B.of C.for D.to
44、The designing of a satellite in the heavy environment is ___an easy job.(2)( )
A.by all means B.by means of C.by no means D.by any means
45、Edward is the boy ___I think scored the winning point for the basketball team.(2)( ) A.that B.what C.whom D.who
46、It is often more difficult to find trained men than ___for scientific research.(2)( )
A.getting financial support B.to get financial support
C.get financial support
D.in getting financial support
47、John is a good student, ___his best subject.(2)( ) A.as English
B.being English
C.English as D.English being
标准答案:D 48、___great was the destruction that the South took decades to recover.(2)( ) A.Very B.Too C.So D.Such
49、You ought not to ___him the news that day.(2)( ) A.tell
B.be telling
C.have been told D.have told
50、Hot metal ___as it grows cooler.(2)( ) A.contracts B.reduces C.condenses D.decreases
51、Do you have a preference ___a particular food(2)( ) A.with B.at C.for D.in
标准答案:C 52、By now most freshmen have grown so used to university life that they have forgotten all those___ about the university they originally had.(2)( ) A.concerns B.worry C.dreams D.ambition
53、Many people want to buy it . the price is reasonable; ___ , it's rather durable.(2)( )
A.on one side, on the other side
B.for one thing, for another
C.on the one hand, on the other hand D.in one part, in the other part
54、The proposal ___we start doing the experiment two days earlier has been agreed upon by all.(2)( ) A.which B.what C.that D.of which
55、Spring ___, we may look forward to better weather.(2)( ) A.comes