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Part I Directi ons:

Liste n to the short dialogs, the n choose the correct

answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first play ing, there will be time for you to choose the correct an swers. Use the sec ond play ing to check your an swers.

1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Decrease imports.

B. I ncrease imports.

C. Decrease its deficit by 5%.

A. Raise the oil prices.

B. Import less oil.

C. Use less oil.

D. In crease its deficit by 5%. Your an swer Correct an swer 0 A A 2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)「 D .Take buses more freque ntly.

Your an swer

Correct an swer



3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. It ben efits the develop ing n ati ons a great deal.

B. It in creases the develop ing n ati ons' GDP a great deal.

C. Developed n ati ons may ben efit more tha n develop ing n ati ons from it.


D. Develop ing n ati ons may ben efit more tha n developed n ati ons from it.

Your an swer

Correct an swer




4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)

A. The richest people have contributed most to the nation.

B. The richest people should con tribute more to society.

C. A smaller middle class is favorable to equality for all people.

D. A larger middle class will ben efit all people.

r a

Your an swer


Correct an swer


5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. The same as the woma n's opi nio n.

B. The WTO is a good thi ng.

C. The WTO is no good.

D. The WTO is good but not without problems.

Your an swer

Correct an swer



Part II Directi ons:


Liste n to the passage(s) three times. When the

passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For bla nks n umbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your an swers. The U.S. economy lost steam in the sec ond quarter as con sumers hit by high-e nergy costs tur ned thrifty


U.S. gross domestic product, a (S1)

output with in the n ati on's borders, climbed at a (S2)


of total

and weaker-tha n-expected 3 perce nt annual

rate in the April-June period, Commerce Department data (S3)

Con sumer spe nding rose at an in sig nifica nt 1 perce nt rate, a mere shadow of the 4.1 perce nt jump of the first quarter and the (S4)

gain since the sec ond quarter of 2001, whe n

the economy was in recessi on.

The degree to which con sumers were (S5)



buy surprised Wall Street an alysts. A leadi ng (S6)

,Joh n Lon ski, called the spe nding gain




said big en ergy price hikes were one

factor that hit con sumer spe nding in the spri ng.



While GDP growth proved weaker tha n expected, the econom y's pulse has already show n sig ns of quicke ning. (S9)


Bond prices rose as in vestors saw weak ness, but the dollar moved higher aga inst the euro as foreig n excha nge traders saw stre ngth. Stock prices were little cha nged.

(10) \

corresp ondents. \

Y our an swer Correct an swer 回⑴ 回⑵ 回⑶

measure measure modest modest showed showed

回⑷ weakest weakest 閤(5) 閤⑹ 国⑺ relucta nt econo mist An alysts Inflation rose at a relatively speedy 3.3 percent 国(8) rate in the second quarter, the same as at the start of the year Other data on Friday showed con sumer spirits 閤(9) have brightened a bit this month while bus in ess activity has picked up in the Midwest 閤(10) When you comb ine the first quarter and the second quarter, we're growing at 3.75 perce nt, which is a very stro ng, susta in able growth rate Part III Directi ons:

Liste n to the followi ng record ing, the n choose the

correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct an swers. Use the sec ond play ing to check your an swers.

1. What does a compulsory license require drug manufacturers to do? A. To give up their pate nts completely.

B. To give up their pate nts in case of health crises.

C. To shorten the period of their patents.

D. To keep their pate nts in tact.

Your an swer

Correct an swer



2. What is true of large drug companies under compulsory lice nses?

A. They are compelled to sell their drugs at low prices.

B. They are compelled to sell their drugs at high prices.

C. They must allow other compa nies to produce their drugs at low costs.

D. They are not compelled to disclose their intellectual property.

Your an swer Correct an swer C a 3.


C Why do intern ati onal drug compa nies oppose the Doha agreeme nt? A. They think it will preve nt drug compa nies from seek ing cures for

B. They must pay a great deal for their research.

C. Pate nts help drug compa nies recover the costs of develop ing new medic ines.

What do developing countries want during health emerge ncies? D. All of the above.

Your an swer Correct an swer D 0 4.

D A. They want to import low-cost drugs.

B. The want to import high-cost effective drugs.

C. The want to export low-cost drugs.

P D. The want to export high-cost drugs.

Your an swer

Correct an swer



5. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. WTO Debate Between Rich and Poor Countries on Drug Producti on.

B. WTO Debate on the Adva ntages and Disadva ntages of Compulsory Lice nses.

C. WTO Agreement on Drug Patents.

r D. WTO Agreeme nt Against Compulsory Lice nses. r 0 Part IV

Your an swer C Correct an swer C Directi ons: Choose the right an swer.

1. Excuse me, it just sta nds for.

my mind what GDP

A. slipped

B. slipped away

Q C. slipped off

D. slipped through

Your an swer

Correct an swer




2. GDP is simply a gross measure of market activity, of money cha nging han ds. It makes no dist in cti on _____________________ betwee n the desirable and un desirable.

A. that B. what

C. whichever

D. whatsoever

Your an swer

Correct an swer



3. The ban k's preside nt and its officers all enjo yed a good laugh at the woman for using a $250,000 Rolls as collateral _______________ a $5,000 loa n. A. to

B. at

C. over

D. aga inst r Your an swer Correct an swer 0 D D 4. Rich nations welcomed the new deal, which

_______________ them to a pla n to cut back on the huge subsidies they spe nd on farmers. A. commutes

B. commits C. committees

D. commissi ons

Your an swer Correct an swer 0 B B 5. Developed nations promised to give developing nations better their markets.

B. entrance A. en try C. access

D. accessi on

Your an swer Correct an swer







