Unit 10 The Jeaning of America
Key to the Exercises
Text comprehension I. B II.
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T III.
1. Because they symbolize “a manly and legitimate passion for equality …”; They draw no distinctions and recognize no classes and they are favored by all the American people. 2. Levi Strauss went West, taking with him canvas to sell for tenting. Since the canvas wasn’t suitable for tenting, he had them tailored into stiff but rugged pants which were badly demanded by miners. So Strauss was in business.
3. The word “jeans” derives from Genes, the French word for Genoa, where a similar cloth as that used by Strauss was produced; and “blue” refers to indigo, the color Strauss had his cloth dyed, hence the pants got their name “blue jeans”.
4. At first blue jeans were largely confined to the working people of the West. During the dude ranch craze of the 1930s, they were first introduced to the East. Another boost for them came in World War II, when blue jeans were declared an essential commodity and were sold only to people engaged in defense work.
5. Blue jeans can be purchased for the suitably proletarian look, and they adapt themselves to any sort of idiosyncratic use, and are suitable for various decorations and ornamentations.
6. The structure of the title is “the + v.ing + of + noun”, which indicates passive voice, like “the making of history”, while the noun “jean” is used as a verb. So the title means that America is “jeaned” or America became jeaned, i.e. America is made a country under the fashion of jeans or jeans became an overwhelming fashion in America. IV.
1. They do not show differences in the wearer’s professions and social status; they only show that the wearer is as American as most Americans in jeans.
2. For two years, he worked as a peddler of low social status, dragging heavy bags of various articles from door to door and trying to sell them, but he could barely manage to support himself.
Structural analysis of the text
1. The incidents that led to the birth of blue jeans:
1) Levi’s accidental discovery of the need of the miners in the West for sturdy pants that would stand up to the rigors of the digging.
2) Levi’s brothers sent him brown cotton cloth made in Nimes, instead of the previous canvas.
3) Davis fixed copper rivets on blue jeans as a kind of joke. 2. The incidents that made them popular throughout the country:
1) Blue jeans were first introduced to the East, apparently, during the dude ranch craze of the 1930s, when vacationing Easterners returned and spread the word about the wonderful pants with rivets.
2) Another boost came in World War II, when blue jeans were declared an essential commodity and were sold only to people engaged in defense work.
Vocabulary I. Phrase
1. get around: spread 传播,流传,各处走动
2. draw no distinctions: do not indicate differences / do not distinguish people according to their social status
3. eke out a living: make just enough money to survive 艰难度日
4. jump at the opportunity: eagerly seize the opportunity 迫不及待地接受机会
5. and the like: and people or something of the same kind 诸如此类,类似的人或物 II.
1. favor; 2. sought after; 3. break up; 4. stand up to;
5. had run out of; 6. converts into; 7. adapted to; 8. word of mouth.
III. Word derivation
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words. 1. emigration 2. exaggerated 3. adaptable 4. conversion 5. prosperity 6. demanding 7. symbolized 8. profits IV.
1. A; 2. D; 3. B; 4. D; 5. C; 6. D; 7. B; 8. D.
V. Synonym / Antonym
Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.
1. Antonym: unequally 2. Synonym: simply, just
3. Synonym: pulling, dragging
4. Synonym: significance, importance 5. Synonym: following, subsequent 6. Synonym: dependability, durability 7. Antonym: soft, flexible 8. Synonym: only
VI. Suffix
Write in each space one word that has the same suffix as underlined in each given word. 1. widen quicken 2. symbolize hospitalize 3. productive explosive 4. washable drinkable 5. education foundation 6. foolish childish 7. careless restless 8. atomic heroic
Grammar Exercises
I. Put the verbs into the simple past or past perfect. 1. had waited; turned up 2. differed
3. felt; had been settled 4. had been read; were 5. refused; had seen / saw 6. had known 7. had spoken
8. had been built; was converted; dissolved II.
A: lost; it’s / has been; I’ve / have spent; had always spent; have B: haven’t ever had; don’t have A: found; had just quit
B: sounds; I’ll / shall do; did; I’d / had considered A: I’ve / have just taken III. 1. √
2. had been—was
3. surprising—surprised 4. other—another 5. has—had
6. come—had come 7. have bought—buy
8. never bought—had never bought 9. assuring—assured 10. is—was
IV. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the verbs given. 1. repaired 2. educated 3. driving 4. picked
Unit 10 The Jeaning of America答案综合教程二