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课时作业(二) [模块1 Unit 2 Growing pains]



1.Don't punish him again. ________, he is just a ________ boy. A.After all; five-year-old B.In all; five years old C.After all; five-years-old D.In all; five-year-old

2.________ what would happen,none of them could find a way out. A.Left wondering B.Having left wondering C.Leaving to wonder D.Having left to wonder

3.Don't be too hard ________ the boy; he didn't mean ________ it. A.at; doing B.on; doing C.for; to do D.on; to do

4.John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work ________, he gladly accepted it.

A.finished B.finishing

C.having finished D.was finished

5.You can't imagine what difficulty we had ________ home in the snowstorm. A.walked B.walk C.to walk D.walking

6.Recently he has made another wonderful invention,________ of great importance to science.

A.which I suppose it is B.which I suppose is C.I suppose which is D.and I suppose which is

7.—Whom would you like to have ________ the MP4 player? —Mike,of course. A.repair B.repairing C.repaired D.to repair



8.They are talking ________ they had been friends for years,while in fact they have known each other for only two hours.

A.even though B.as though C.now that D.until

9.The old couple have three daughters,________ graduated from the same university.

A.all of them B.all of whom C.neither of them D.neither of whom

10.The reason ________ the boy likes to tell lies is ________ he hasn't got good baby care.

A.why; that B.why; because C.that; that D.that; why

11.—Do you really believe the doctor knows ________ to do with this possible situation?

—No,never.But,believe it or not,he is left ________ the operation! A.what; in charge of B.how; in charge of C.what; in the charge of D.how; in the charge of

12.Animals suffered at the hands of Man ________ they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural land to provide food for more people.

A.in which B.for which C.so that D.in that

13.Our boss said that he would explain ________ at the meeting tomorrow. A.us all the details of the plan B.all the details of the plan to us C.us of all the details of the plan D.all the details of the plan for us

14.—How shall we deal with the students who do very badly in school? —They deserve ________.




