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七下1 -12单元必背句子与词组

Unitl Where\(ck)

1. 一你的笔友来自哪里? - Where冋your pen pal from]?(无“实义动词come,用 is/are”) -他来自加拿大。-He/She |is from] Canada. 同义句|: - Where |does| your pen pal [come from]? do/does”)

-He/She |comes from] Canada. (有“实义动词 come,用

来自:be from = come from 练:They're _______ Australia, a beautiful country.

A. come from B. comes from C. from D. for

2. ??你的笔友来自加拿大吗? - your pen pal |from| Canada?(用法同上)

一是的。-Yes, he/she 岡.

同义句一 |Doe? your pen pal |come froTF] Canada?(用法同上)-Yes, he/she does. 3?他来自澳大利亚:He is from Australia. 他是澳大利亚人:He is Australia^. 4. ■■你的笔友住在哪里? - Where |does| your pen pal |Hve|? 一他住在多伦多 o - He/She lives in Toronto. 居住在某地live呵sp live with sb与…某人一起生活

练:-When _______ the girl ______ her homework? ?? In the evening.

A. does, does B. does, do C. is, do D. is, does

- ________ your sister have a pen pal? Yes, she __________ ?

A. Is, is B. Does, do C? Can, can D. Does, does -Ling Tao is a Chinese, but now he _________ in the UK. A. live B. is C. is from D. comes from

5. \你的笔友说什么语言? 一 What language |does| your pen pal |speak|? -他说英语。- He/She speaks English.

说某种语言I: speak+语言;|其他用法I: speak & little#语言;speak恫+语言; 團 某种语言说某东西I: say画in+语言;

对某人说|: say to sb |告诉某人|: tell sb sth=tell sth to sb tell sb about sth tell sb to do sth tell sb not to do sth tell a lie/story/joke

练:My new pen pal ________ me that he can _________ Chinese but only a little.

I can't ________ French, but I can _________ it in English.

6. 我喜欢和我的朋友一起去看电影:I like go匝to the movies [with| my friends. ① |句型:喜欢做某事:like do[ing| sth = like (to do| sth ② 去看电影|: go to the movies ③ |看电影|: see a movie

7. 写信给某人:write 同 sb = write a letter to sb 互相写信:write to each other 互相写电子邮件I: write e-mails to each other

8. —部动作电影:[an] action movie 9. 告诉我关于你自己:tell mejaboutjyourself 讲故事:回a story 10. 在周末: 0 weekends

讲故事给某人听:tell a story祜sb

在平时:|on] the weekdays

11. 相似单词比较:(1)信:letter —点:little (2)法国:France 法语:French

12. (1) like v.喜欢;女0: He |likes| reading. (2) like prep.像;女0: He looks Jike| his mother. 13. (1) co untry n.国家;

女 口: There are ma ny [countries in the world. (2) co untry n.乡村;

如:|乡村音乐:country music | He lives in the |country. 14. (1) from perp.来自; 女th My pen pal is (from| Canada. (2) from prep.从;

如:Lefs read from| the beginning of this book. L'nit2 Whereas the nest cffice? (ck)

1 ? i可路:(1) Excuse me, how can I get to the post off ice?

(2) Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the post office?

2. ■■这儿附近有一个邮局吗? 一 |ls there a post office near here? 一是的。-Yes, there is.(否定:No, there isn't.) ①there be翻译为“有”,不能拆开翻译。用法:There 复数; ② |在附近|: near here = in the neighborhood 3. -邮局在哪里? - Where is the post office?

-它在第五大街上。-It's冈Fifth Avenue.(第五:用序数词fifth) 用on

4. 它在沿大桥街右侧:It's down Bridge Street on the right. down …street on the left

沿…街左例: |在…街上|:介词

单数/不可数;There &

5. 散步通过花园:Take a walk through, the park.(指“穿过park的内部”)

6. 在宾馆旁边是一间直着]漂亮花园的小房子:Next to the hotel is a small house ^vith| a beautiful garden.(不能用 has)

7. 我爸爸很享受散步的乐趣:My father enjoys taking a walk very much.

①|句型:享受做某事的亲趣enjoy doing sth ②|散步take a walk go for a walk ③ 走着医|某地:walk |toj sp = go to sp |on foot

|去散步 8. 这是花园之旅的开始:This is the beginning of the garden.

① |开始,开端beginning 如:Lefs read from the |beginning| of this book. ②

在…的开鑰I: at the beginning岡…

9. 大桥街是一个很好玩的地方:Bridge Street is a good place p have fun 10. 让我告诉你去我家的路:Let me tell you the way to my house.

① 去某地的路:the way to sp. ② 在某人去某地的路上:on one's way to sp. home, there, here前的介词“tcf要省略 11?比较:(1) in front of…在(外部)的前面; 如:There is a big tree| in front of my house. 比较:(表示“位置”)在…前面:in front of...


③ 做某事的好方法:a good way to do sth

(2) in the front of…在(内部)的前面;如: 在…之后:after... The teacher is in the front of classroom.


left/right |of...| 13.

着…街(路)走:go down...Street/Road (路)笔直走:go straight down...Street/Road

14. 向左转:turn left 向右转:turn right 掉头:turnaround 15.

(great) fun doing] sth 玩得(很)高兴:have a good time = have 句型:很高兴做某事:have (great) fun

在左边/右边:on the left/right. 在…左边/右边:on the

笔直走:go straight 沿(两者合并)沿着…街

16. 打的:(takej a taxi 打的去某地:take a taxi 同 sp = |go to sp by t刼 乘公交车:[take a bus 乘 公交车去某地:take a bus to sp =昴 to sp by 17. 我希望你过一个愉快的旅途:I hope you |have a good trip. Thanks, Thank yo『来表示憾谢” 对于别人的赞美与祝愿,回答用



