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八年级英语8B Unit 7 错题集 Name_______________


1. 为贫困地区的孩子们提供基础教育 18. 把传单分发给街上的人 2. 为妇女和女孩平等权利而工作 19. 卖血来筹款 3. 阻止一些严重疾病的扩散 20. 由学生会举行的慈善演出 4. 缺乏医疗的钱___________________ 5. 飞行眼科医院____________________ 6. 在医院工作_______________________ 7. 生病住院______________________ 8. 以帮助人们而自豪_________________ 9. 继续我们的工作___________________ 10. 采访一位奥比斯医生 11. 给病人动手术 12. 看不起病 13. 被邀请到飞机上 14. 教他们新知识和技能 15. 在一次去非洲的访问中 16. 被当作社区中心使用 17. 提高老人的生活质量

21. 联合国的组成部分 22. 创建于欧洲 23. 在二战期间 24. 由于战争而改变

25. 想要所有的老人们都健康快乐 26. 一天三次饭后服药 27. 再也没有时间紧张 28. 大声说让自己被别人听到 29. 护士培训

30. 下定决心参加工程师培训 31. 下班后上课 32. 习惯于乘飞机旅行 33. 过着不舒服的生活


Scientists feel difficult to prevent the (传播) of some diseases now. 1. Where can I get this kind of (education) CD?

2. The sea is very beautiful, (especial) when the sky a blue and the sun shines. 3. My aunt uses her car (主要) for driving to work.

4. We need to have a (far) discussion about who jumped the (far) of us all. 5. Mary’s grandma should get (medicine) help in time. 6. Lily’s parents are (自豪) that she is doing well at school. 7. We are happy to the (发展) of our country.

8. ORBIS uses a __________________(飞行) Eye Hospital to visit poor areas. 9. He __________________(传播) the news around the town.

10. People all over the world like peace, and hate (战争).

11. It doesn’t _______________(问题) whether he doesn’t come tomorrow. 12. I met the (官员) in the office. They are very busy then. 13. She is a _______________(秘书) of Mr. Smith.

14. I knew many ______________(印度) when I stayed there last summer. 15. Don’t you think this is now a ______________(事情) for the police? 16. (教育) plays an important role in the (发展) of a country. 17. He is a highly (教育) man.

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18. We are looking forward to _______________(回答) to us , little Tom. Don’t let us wait long. 19. Do you think the sick person needs ______________(operate) at once.

20. You will feel _________________(proud) than before when you make greater progress.

21. These engineers successfully _____________(开发) a new kind of energy-saving car last year. 三、用动词的适当形式填空

1.ORBIS works _________(prevent) the eye problems in the world. 2. We had some homework_________(finish) last evening.

3. We are listening to him carefully while he ________(tell) us the story. 4. Would you go to the zoo with us? I think you ________(enjoy) yourselves. 5. Listen! Can you hear the boy _______(sing) in the next room? 6.She ___________(fly) to Guangzhou sometime next week, is she? 7. This kind of box is often used to __________(make) chairs and desks.

8. His parents were too busy___________(work) to help him with his homework. 9.I don’t know if she _____________(accept) my offer tomorrow.

10.UNICEF,part of the United Nation ,_____________(set) up in 1946.

11. The students ______________(decide) to go to the charity show. They are already on the way. 12 It is said that Mr. Zhang _____________(teach) us geography next term.

13. Father says that we’ll have a five-day visit to Xi-an after his work_____________(finish). 14. This new English book __________(cover) everything we learned last term. 15.Would you please tell Jack he ___________(want) on the phone?

16. Don’t worry about the children. They ________(treat) well in our hospital.

17. The little girl_____________(operate) on by the doctor as soon as she was sent to the hospital. 18. The students ____________(ask) to listen to the teacher carefully in class.

19. The students _________often_______ (tell) to take care of their desks and chairs. 20. –What ________knives_________(make) of ? --They ___________(make) of metal and wood.

21. Can the magazine ____________(take) out of the library? 22. This kind of shoes _____________(sell) well.

There are many foreigners here but they are not used to ________(use) chopsticks. 23. He says he won’t go to Ann’s birthday party unless he ________(invite) to . 24. Can you see the sun __________(rise) little by little in the east? 25. Sandy used to have trouble________(communicate) with others.

26. Since you are all here, we have nothing to do but __________(fight) again on the court. 27. We had no choice but ____________(stay) at home because of the heavy rain. 28.Look , all the fruit __________(sell) out and you will have to walk another shop. 29.The careless mother left home in a hurry, _________(leave) her child alone at home.

30. My mother forgot ___________(water) the flowers this morning and watered them again. 31. This game _________(design) by Tomas Smith came out in 2004.

32. I ___________ (feel) like this for a few days. It makes me really uncomfortable. 33. --- Excuse me, when can we play badminton at the court? ---- Not until it _____________(repair) next week.


( )1.We will have a ________ discussion _____ that plan.

A. farther, on B. further, on C. further, in D. farther, about ( )2. My father _______ his mobile phone at home, so he looked ________.

A. left, worried B. left, worry C. forgot, worry D. forgot, worried ( )3.The students felt too tired _________.

A. that they didn’t have a rest for a whole day B. to have a rest for a whole day C. to watch TV that evening D. not to watch TV that evening

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( )4.In recent years, many children are made ___ what they are not___. A.to do;interested in B.to do;interested

C.do;interested in D.do;interested.

( ) 5. He ________ by a policeman _______ crossing the road while the lights were red. A. was stopped, because B. was stopped, because of C. stopped, because of D. stopped, because

( )6. It was too noisy ______ we couldn’t hear ____ he said at the meeting.

A. so, that B. so, what C. that, what D. for, that ( )7. ______ of us live on rice. We live _____ on rice.

A. Mostly, most B. Most, almost C. Mostly, almost D. Most, mostly ( )8. ---Is there _____ in today’s newspaper? ---_____.

A .something interesting, Nothing B. anything interesting , None C. anything interesting, Nothing D. something interesting, None ( )9. Sometimes my hand is used ____ a pen ____ me.

A. to, for B. for, by C. by, to D. as, by

( )10.Seeing him rush into the room with tears in his eyes, I asked him what___.

A.would happen B.had happened C.happened D.was happened.

( )11.The monkey was seen____out of the tree.

A.jump B.jumps C.jumped D.to jump

( )12. The World Cup ____ two years after the Olympics.

A. is taken place B. takes place C. held D. is holding ( )13. The problems were so hard that few of us ________.

A. can work them out B. can work out C. could work them out D. could work out them ( ) 14.The bike ___ 500 yuan.

A. was cost B. costed C. cost D. is costed ( ) 15.The classroom in our school are kept ________ all the time.

A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean D. cleaned ( ) 16 Is this kind of medicine used to ______ the illness?

A. curing B. cured C. cure D. cures

( )17. The purpose of “Walk for Children” is ______ the charity called UNICEF.

A. to donate money for B. to raise money to C. to raise money for D. donating money for ( ) 18. How did you find the trip to the West Lake?

A. It was not far from our hotel B. Very fantastic indeed C. First by train and then by bus D. The guide took us there

( )19. These days lots of people are working _____ to get ____ for their living.

A. hardly enough, enough money B. enough hardly, money enough C. enough hard, money enough D. hard enough, enough money ( )20. Sailing on a snowy day means _____ in the sea.

A. risking to lose life B. to risk to lose life C. risking losing life D. to risk losing life

( )21. ---He’s already been back from the USA, _______?

---________. He is on a visit to New York.

A. hasn’t he, No B. isn’t he, Yes C. hasn’t he, Yes D. isn’t he. No ( )22.Who ___this book__?

A.did;written B.was;written by C.do;written D.was;written ( ) 23 The river smells terrible. People must __ dirty things into it.

A. be stopped to throw B. be stopped from throwing C. stop to throw D. stop from throwing ( ) 24--- He’s already back to Australia, ___________? ----- ______________. He is on a visit to Thailand.

A. isn’t he; No B. hasn’t he; Yes C. isn’t he; Yes D . hasn’t he; No ( ) 25 The problem is ___________ easy for me ______________ work out. A. very; to B. enough; to C. so; that D. too; to

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( ) 26. The piano costs __________________ that I can’t afford ______________ it.

A. too much; to buy B. too much; buying C. so much; buying D. so much; to buy ( ) 27 Project Hope is an ___________ that raises money _____ build schools for students. A. organization; for B. organization; to C. organize; for D. organize; to ( ) 28 It ___________ last week that the haze in Beijing caused many problems. A. reports B. reported C. is reported D. was reported ( ) 29.--- You look pale. Shall I take you to see a doctor?

-- -- No, thanks. I will take some pills and see how it ______________. A. comes B. goes C. is D. has 五、翻译句子


I was ___________________________________________________________________________. I was ___________________________________________________________________________. 2、医生能阻止像艾滋病这样的严重疾病的传播吗?

Can doctors ________________________________________________________________________? 3.更多的钱应该投入到教育中。More money_____________________________________________.


More money ________________________________________________________________ 5、在一次出诊中,志愿者医生要做多少台手术?

How many _________________________________________________________________? 6、你是我们学校的骄傲。老师为你感到骄傲。

You ____________________________. Teachers _________________________________. 7、我国百分之八十患眼疾的人已经被治愈了。

_________________________________________________________________in our country. 8.但是,许多人没有钱用于医疗。



Local _________________________________________________________________. 10昨天他给两位心脏病患者动手术。Two_____________________________________________. 11.当代科技发展如此迅速以致我们每天都能感受到巨大的变化。

____________________________________________________________________________.。 12你还有什么其它的事情想对我们的听众说吗?

Is there________________________________________________________________?

13.他的眼疾两个月前被治疗好了。His__________________________________________ago. 14.父母提供我们食物与住所。We___________________________________.

15.上课必须认真听老师讲。Teachers_________________________________________. 16明天我要理发。My hair_____________________________________.

17.德国产的小汽车很好驾驶。The cars_________________________________________. 18 这些老人的生活由于成功的手术而被改变。_____________________________________. 19.你可以通过捐款或做义工来支持它。


20.它设法阻止孩子们生病。___________________________________________________ 21.饭后一天服药三次,你过几天就会好的。_________________,_____________________. 22.我们对老人说话必须有礼貌。Old people____________________________________. 23. 学生在试卷分发时应该保持安静。

The students ______________________ when papers _______________________________. 24.他非常自豪因为他去年成功地发明了这种最新的机器。

He is very______________________________________________________________.

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Can you tell me ______________________________________________?

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