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the committee’s task the task of the committee

Both the genitive and of-phrase can be used with geographical proper nouns and nouns re-ferring to places, institutions, etc.

China’s foreign policy the foreign policy of China Britain’s resistance the resistance of Britain the city’s problems the problems of the city the hospital’s entrance the entrance of the hospital the village’s population the population of the village (3)名词属格的意义Meanings of genitive nouns A) Possessive genitive (所有关系) China’s territory my son’s wife

the Young Pioneer’s red scarf

B) Subjective genitive (主谓关系, 其中的名词大多由动词转化而来) (动作的执行者) the teacher’s praise

the student’s application (= The student applied.) the Party’s call

C) Objective genitive (动宾关系,名词由动词转化而来) (动作的承受者) the younger generation’s education the president’s assassination the war prisoners’ release D) Genitive of origin (来源)

Remin Ribao’s editorials Newton’s law

※ the girl’s story=a story told by the girl E) Descriptive genitive (类别) women’s magazines children’s language a doctor’s degree

F) Genitive of time, distance, measure, value, etc. 表示时间、度量、价值等 ten minutes’ break

two or three minutes’ absence a mile’s distance 50 kilograms’ weight twenty dollars’ value two pounds’ worth of stamps

(4)名词属格的用法Uses of genitive nouns


(1) 名词 -s 属格主要用于表示人的名词后。

e.g.: the girl’s skirt Elizabeth’s hair men’s room teachers’ office (2) 名词 -s 属格也用于表示除人外的高等动物的名词后。 e.g.: the cat’s paw the snake’s teeth

the dog’s tail ewe’s milk 羊奶

(3) 名词-s属格也用于表示某些无生命的东西之后。 a. 用于由人组成的集体名词后。

e.g.: the class’s monitor the team’s leader the club’s members the government’s policy the delegate’s visit our Party’s stand the majority’s view the family’s objection b. 用于表示时间的名词之后。

e.g.: today’s newspaper two days’ leave

a month’s holiday a moment’s thought one minute’s talk a day or two’s delay c. 用于表示距离的名词之后。

e.g.: one meter’s length three miles’ drive two centimeters’ width ten cables’ length d. 也用于表示价值、重量等的名词之后。

e.g.: a dollar’s/ shilling’s worth of stamp a ton’s weight

e. 用于表示地理、国家、城市、地域等名称的名词后。

e.g.: Africa’s features China’s future

the island’s southern tip Europe’s development the United States’ attitude New York’s population f. 用于表示天体名称的名词后。

e.g.: the earth’s surface the moon’s light the sun’s heat Jupiter’s (木星) orbit g. 用于表示工业、科技等名称的名词后。 e.g.: industry’s pollution problem science’s contribution

h. 表示人家、店铺等工作、生活处所的所有格后的名词常省略。 e.g.: I’m going to the barber’s. (barber shop) We visited St. Paul’s. (St. Paul Cathedral)



