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本书由本机构编写组多位高分在读研究生按照考试大纲、真题、指定参考书等公开信息潜心整理编写,仅供考研复习参考,与目标学校及研究生院官方无关,如有侵权请联系我们立即处理。 Filling the following blanks with proper answers 1. The phrase, “Catch-22,” is today a metaphorical expression in the English language, meaning a __________ dilemma. The expression originates from __________’s novel.

【答案】 self-contradictory, Heller

2. In Light in August Faulkner makes an indictment of racism in the South by offering a profound analysis of the “truths” in a cultural discourse that mingles religious fanaticism, __________ and __________, a discourse shared by Southerners at various levels.

【答案】 sexism, racism

3. The naturalist stories are often about those rendered helpless by uncontrollable forces. The mood is dark and __________.

【答案】 pessimistic

4. __________ and __________ are today two of Irving’s best known stories. Both are included in __________, a collection of sketches and stories.

【答案】 Rip Van Winkle, The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow, The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.

5. It is generally believed that the modernist innovativeness in American poetry was exemplified by __________, __________ and a few others whose paradigmatic texts exerted a powerful influence on fiction writers.

【答案】 T. S. Eliot, Wallace Stevens

6. Washington Irving, the Father of American literature, developed the __________ as a genre in American literature.

【答案】 short story

7. The puritans looked upon themselves as a __________.

【答案】chosen people

8. Freud boldly and naturalistically explained that human behavior is largely the result of instinctual drives, such as__________ and __________ urges. If the individual wished to enjoy the benefits of civilization, he/ she must control these urges.

【答案】 sexual, aggressive青岛掌ф心博?阅电子书

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9. “The Big Two-Hearted River”, included in __________, shows __________who, bearing traumas of the war within him, has returned to a small town where he finds the river and trout as he remembers them.

【答案】 In Our Time, Nick Adams

10.Singer’s novels have been hailed as major literary creations, but it is in his short stories, especially __________, that Singer takes his place with the epic storytellers who transcend geographical and chronological boundaries.

【答案】 Gimpel the Fool

11.__________ is so far the only writer in the Western culture who has been able to turn the characteristics of the Chinese language into a specific and “new” component in English/ American poetry.

【答案】 Pound

12.Diasporic literature is a special kind of literature produced by __________ or informed by __________ or both.

【答案】 diasporic writers, diasporic consciousness

13.As evidence of her originality, Stein was the first American writer to try to transcribe banal daily speech into literature. Specifically, in __________ and in __________, she used this kind of “natural” conversation in prose narrative.

【答案】 Three Lives, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas

14.As an expressionist play, The Hairy Ape makes a protest against the __________ and__________ in the industrialized world.

【答案】 dehumanization, alienation 15.Many of Hawthorne’s male characters live in __________. It seems extraordinarily difficult for them to know someone else and to disclose themselves to another person.

【答案】 isolation

16.Of the immigrants who came to America in the first three quarters of the seventeenth century, the overwhelming majority was __________.

【答案】 English青岛掌ы心博??阅电子书 17.The father of deconstruction is the French thinker __________ who did not specifically concern himself with literature or literariness.

【答案】 Jacques Derrida

18.Historical narratives are diverse in kinds. Some of them are tribal records of historical events. Many other narratives feature __________ that move in recognizable historical settings.

【答案】 legendary figures

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