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A.选出你所听到的选项。 1.A.geography 2.A.started 3.A.for 4.A.minitue 5.A.test


1.A.We played sports last weekend. B.We played tennis last weekend. C.We played the guitar last weekend.

2.A.June went to the pool last Sunday morning. B.June didn’t go to the pool last Sunday morning. C.June went to the beach last Sunday morning. 3.A.Did you do your project with Joe? B.Did you spend the weekend with Joe? C.Did you visit relatives with Joe? 4.A.The man died in an accident. B.The man died in a car accident. C.The man made a car accident.

5.A.I studied for the math test on Sunday morning.

B.biology B.studied B.four B.mixture B.next

C.technology C.study C.false C.miniature C.text

- 1 -

B.I stayed at home on Sunday afternoon. C.I did some reading late at night on Sunday.

Ⅱ. 单项选择(20分)

( )1. Look! The boys __________ football on the playground. A. plays

B. play

D. played

C. are playing

( )3. —What are you doing here? —I’m __________ a taxi. A. wait

B. waiting D. waiting for

C. wait for

( )4. —Where do you swim? —At the __________. A. library C. pool

B. mall D. apartment

( )5. —What does your grandfather like doing? —__________ magazines. A. Reading C. Looking

B. Seeing D. Watching

( )6. —Is your son drawing a bird? —__________. A. Yes, he is

B. No, he doesn’t

- 2 -

C. Yes, he does D. No, he is

( )7. Here __________ some books for your daughter. A. be C. is

B. am

D. are

( )8. —What are you doing, Bob? —I __________ a Chinese song. A. learn

B. learning

D. am learn

C. am learning

( )9. My mother often __________ food from this restaurant. A. shops

B. buys

C. shopping D. buying

( )10. Lao Zhang __________ Beijing opera every morning. Listen, he ________ in the garden. A. sing; sing

B. sings; sings D. sings; is singing

C. is singing; sings Ⅲ. 完形填空(10分)

Miyoko 1 from Japan. She lost her parents in 2011. Now she is 2 in Qingdao. She is 3 at No. 2 High School.

She gets up 4 six every morning. After that, she 5 Chinese. She 6 breakfast at seven o’clock.

Now it is seven o’clock in the morning. Miyoko 7 breakfast 8 her Chinese parents.

“Have another egg, Miyoko. It’s just 7: 15, ”her mother says, “ 9 , thank you,

- 3 -

Mom, I must go now. Wang Lili is waiting for me 10 the bus stop. Today, we are having a Chinese contest. Bye-bye, Mom. ” ( )1. A. comes

B. come

C. be

D. are

( )2. A. be living ( )3. A. learns ( )4. A. for

B. live C. living D. lives

D. learn

D. at

B. to learn

B. on

C. learning

C. in

( )5. A. reads ( )6. A. has ( )7. A. has

B. read C. is D. reading

D. having D. having

D. for D. Oh D. in

B. is having B. is having B. and B. Not B. at

C. to have C. to have

C. to C. No C. on

( )8. A. with ( )9. A. Yes

( )10. A. for Ⅳ. 阅读理解(10分)

We have twenty minutes’ break time after the second class in the morning. Look! Most of us are playing during the break time. Some students are on the playground(操场). They are playing basketball. Oh! A boy is running with the ball. And another is stopping(阻止) him. They look so cool. And there are some girls watching the game. Some students are in the classroom. They are talking. A few of them are reading and doing homework. Look! A girl is looking at the birds in the tree in front of the classroom. She must be thinking of something interesting because she is smiling(微笑).

What are the teachers doing? Some of them are working in the office. And some are talking with students. Everyone is doing his or her things, busy but happy!

- 4 -

( )1. Where are the students playing basketball? A. In front of the tree. B. In front of the classroom. C. On the playground. D. In the tree.

( )2. A girl is looking at the birds. She is __________ . A. happy

B. cool C. interesting

D. exciting

( )3. What are the teachers doing? A. Working or talking with students. B. Having a basketball game. C. Playing with the students. D. Looking at the birds.

( )4. There are __________ students in the classroom. A. no

B. some

C. few

( )5. The passage is mainly(主要)about __________ . A. students

B. a basketball game C. break time activities

D. teachers 第Ⅱ卷(共50分)

Ⅴ. 词汇运用(10分)


1. Please c__________ the desks, because they are very dirty(脏). - 5 -

D. many



