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Unit 3Preview

1. Listen to the recording of the text and choose the statement that best reflects your understanding.

1. C 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C


1. Become familiar with the rules of word formation.

1. Give the parts of speech of the following words and study how they are formed.

1. “un-“ here is an adjective prefix which means “not”.

2. “-able” is an adjective suffix which means something that can be done or a quality something or someone has(可以的或必须的;有某种特性或倾向的). 3.“fore-”is a prefix which means‘‘before’‘or‘’in front of’(指时间、职位、位置在前面).

4. Suffix “-en” turns some adjectives and nouns into verbs. 5. Prefix “re-“ means “again”.

6. These compound nouns are formed by objects + v + –er/or. 7. These compound adjectives are formed by adj + n + –ed.

2. Decide which of the following words can be used both as verbs and nouns.

All these words can be used both as nouns and verbs with only the following exceptions which are usually used as verbs: Tend

Replace (corresponding noun: replacement)

Die (When used as a noun, it is a different word.) Condemn (corresponding noun: condemnation) Occur (corresponding noun: occurrence) Complain (corresponding noun: complaint) Protect (corresponding noun: protection)

3 Translate the following expressions 1心中不高兴的纳税人 10. 在可以付得起的价位上 2. 一个不平等条约 11. 难以描述的痛苦折磨 3. 不为人知的捣乱分子 12. 由于可以理解的原因 4. 不幸的结果 13. 拓宽街道 5. 未曾预料到(出其不意)的访问 14. 加深湖泊 6. 可以预见的未来 15. 缩短文章 7. 一个令人难忘的人物 16. 重组政府 8. 变化莫测的天气 17. 重游故乡 9. 非饮用水 18. 更换旧机器

4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets. 1. represent, represented

2. employer, unemployed, employees, reemployed 3. well-informed, information 4. informer, inform, authorities

5. complaints, complain, unemployment 6. insult

7. insulting, insult 8. representative 9. be insulted

2 Complete the following verb + noun collocations or expressions 1 mind (his own business)

2 plant / grow / harvest / reap (the rice) 3 dig / sink (a well)

4. (catch) fish / birds / crabs / mice/ a thief / a cold / the meaning / the disease 5 till / improve / conserve (the soil) 6 plough (the field)

7 (condemn) the enemy / the killings 8 (attract) attention / interest / criticism

9 (gather) flowers/ nuts / information /troops

3. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets according to the patterns given in bold. 1. it was fate that

2. it was/is his son who

3. it was in the United States that

4. begging for food with a golden bowl 5. trying to fly by lifting his hair 6. leading the blind

7. She used to be rather weak in English 8. Ours used to be called a country of bicycles 9. There used to be lots of fish, shrimps and crabs

4. Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions and adverbs (1) in, of, with, at, with, about/of, to, of, on, to (2) of, for, from, till, on, after, against/from, in (3) to, in, of, of, for, to, for, in, to, (4) down, over, with (5) by, over,

(6) along, with, across

(7) around/ round, away, with (8) to, up, off, off, on

5 Translate the following sentences, using the link +predicative pattern

1. 祝英台虽然不愿意嫁给马家小少爷,但她不能不服从她父亲。她的心都碎了。 Zhu Yingtai had to (was forced to) obey her father and marry the young master of the rich Ma family although she was extremely unwilling. She was heartbroken. 2. 那个人从来没见过这么大的一张钞票。他说:“这东西看着好,摸着也好,的确就是好。”

The man had never seen such a large note. He said, “It looks good, feels good, and it is good.”

3. 树叶都变黄,变红,变紫了。看起来真是如天堂一样美。

Leaves had turned/got/gone/become yellow, red and purple, It really looked heavenly beautiful (beautiful like heaven).

4. 随着年纪越来越老,她开始容易感到疲惫。 As she grew older, she began to feel tired easily.

5. 他的话听起来很有说服力,但好听的理由并不等于好的理由,两者之间存在很大差别。

What he said sounded very convincing, but reasons that sound good do not always mean good sound reasons. There is a big difference between the two. 6. 他爱说话,他永远无法保持沉默,而他说的往往被证明是错的。

He likes to talk. He can never keep quiet, and what he says often proves (turns out to be) incorrect.

7. 他在战斗中受了伤,流了很多血,变得十分虚弱,他的领导强迫他留在医院到伤口痊愈为止。

He got wounded in battle, lost a lot of blood, and became very weak. His leaders ordered him to stay in the hospital until he was completely recovered ( healed). 8 他以为可以从我们手中滑过去;他们错了,他们休想干了坏事就溜走。

They thought they could slip through our fingers. They were wrong. They couldn’t get away with what they had done.

9. 长征的时候,红军需要越过大渡河,穿越草地,翻过雪山。

During the Long March, the Red Army had to get across the Dadu River, through the grassland and over the sown-covered mountains.

10. 你在哪里生活习惯了吗?你和同学相处的如何?我们给你寄的钱够你凑合着用吗?

Are you used to the life there? How do you get along with your classmates? Can you get by with the money we send you? (Is the money we send you enough for you?)

6 Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the words in bold type which may have different meanings in different contexts.







