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Linux 7.x OS bond配置



bonding技术是linux系统内核层面实现的,它是一个内核模块(驱动)。使用它需要系统有这个模块, 我们可以modinfo命令查看下这个模块的信息, 一般来说都支持. # modinfo bonding filename:

/lib/modules/2.6.32-642.1.1.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/net/bonding/bonding.ko author: Thomas Davis, tadavis@lbl.gov and many others description: Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver, v3.7.1 version: 3.7.1 license: GPL

alias: rtnl-link-bond

srcversion: F6C1815876DCB3094C27C71 depends:

vermagic: 2.6.32-642.1.1.el6.x86_64 SMP mod_unloadmodversions parm: max_bonds:Max number of bonded devices (int)

parm: tx_queues:Max number of transmit queues (default = 16) (int)

parm: num_grat_arp:Number of peer notifications to send on failover event (alias of num_unsol_na) (int)

parm: num_unsol_na:Number of peer notifications to send on failover event (alias of num_grat_arp) (int)

parm: miimon:Link check interval in milliseconds (int)

parm: updelay:Delay before considering link up, in milliseconds (int)

parm: downdelay:Delay before considering link down, in milliseconds (int)

parm: use_carrier:Usenetif_carrier_ok (vs MII ioctls) in miimon; 0 for off, 1 for on (default) (int)

parm: mode:Mode of operation; 0 for balance-rr, 1 for active-backup, 2 for balance-xor, 3 for broadcast, 4 for 802.3ad, 5 for balance-tlb, 6 for balance-alb (charp) parm: primary:Primary network device to use (charp)

parm: primary_reselect:Reselect primary slave once it comes up; 0 for always (default), 1 for only if speed of primary is better, 2 for only on active slave failure (charp)

parm: lacp_rate:LACPDUtx rate to request from 802.3ad partner; 0 for slow, 1 for fast (charp)

parm: ad_select:803.ad aggregation selection logic; 0 for stable (default), 1 for bandwidth, 2 for count (charp)

parm: min_links:Minimum number of available links before turning on carrier (int)

parm: xmit_hash_policy:balance-xor and 802.3ad hashing method; 0 for layer 2 (default), 1 for layer 3+4, 2 for layer 2+3 (charp)

parm: arp_interval:arp interval in milliseconds (int)

parm: arp_ip_target:arp targets in n.n.n.n form (array of charp)

parm: arp_validate:validatesrc/dst of ARP probes; 0 for none (default), 1 for active, 2 for backup, 3 for all (charp)

parm: arp_all_targets:fail on any/all arp targets timeout; 0 for any (default), 1 for all (charp)

parm: fail_over_mac:For active-backup, do not set all slaves to the same MAC; 0 for none (default), 1 for active, 2 for follow (charp)

parm: all_slaves_active:Keep all frames received on an interface by setting active flag for all slaves; 0 for never (default), 1 for always. (int)

parm: resend_igmp:Number of IGMP membership reports to send on link failure (int)

parm: packets_per_slave:Packets to send per slave in balance-rr mode; 0 for a random slave, 1 packet per slave (default), >1 packets per slave. (int)

parm: lp_interval:The number of seconds between instances where the bonding driver sends learning packets to each slaves peer switch. The default is 1. (uint)

modinfo bonding


bonding技术提供了七种工作模式,在使用的时候需要指定一种,每种有各自的优缺点. 1.balance-rr (mode=0) 默认, 有高可用 (容错) 和负载均衡的功能, 需要交换机的配置,每块网卡轮询发包 (流量分发比较均衡).

2.active-backup (mode=1) 只有高可用 (容错) 功能, 不需要交换机配置, 这种模式只有一块网卡工作, 对外只有一个mac地址。缺点是端口利用率比较低 3.balance-xor (mode=2) 不常用 4.broadcast (mode=3) 不常用

5.802.3ad (mode=4) IEEE 802.3ad 动态链路聚合,需要交换机配置。 6.balance-tlb (mode=5) 不常用

7.balance-alb (mode=6) 有高可用 ( 容错 )和负载均衡的功能,不需要交换机配置 (流量分发到每个接口不是特别均衡)

具体的网上有很多资料,了解每种模式的特点根据自己的选择就行, 一般会用到0、1、4、6这几种模式。 二

1. 我们先看主备模式

主备模式下,Linux Bonding实现会将Bond的两个slave网口的MAC地址改为Bond的MAC地址,而Bond的MAC地址是Bond创建启动后,主用slave网口的MAC地址。

2. 再看负载均衡模式

负载均衡模式下,Linux Bonding实现可以保持两个slave网口的MAC地址不变,Bond的MAC地址是其中一个网卡的,Bond MAC地址的选择是根据Bond自己实现的一个算法来的。


#ethtool–p ethX查看具体对应网卡

[root@localhost bonding]# watch -n 1 cat /proc/net/bonding/nm-bond ####测试的监控命令

#nmcli connection add con-name bond0 type bond mode active-backup ip4 #####创建一个bound0

#nmcli connection add con-name ens3 ifname ens3 type bond-slave master bond0


#nmcli connection add con-name ens8 ifname ens8 type bond-slave master bond0


# nmcli connection up bond-slave-eno1

# nmcli connection up bond-slave-eno2

#nmcli connection up bond0

#ifconfig eth0 down

# ifconfig eth0 up

[root@localhost bonding]#ifconfig eth1 down




