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《商务英语翻译》第2 次翻译练习


1. The company has invested about US $7 million in its Japan-based business during the first three quarters in 2007.

2007年前三个季度,该公司在日本业务的投入约为700 万美元。

2. Other banks are likely forced to revise their earnings projections downward because of the accelerated disposal of bad loans, business deterioration of borrowers due to the lingering recession and further decline in stock prices.


3. The new entity to be created by the merger can be expected to streamline management through integration of affiliates, reorganization of sales bases and standardization of products and services.


4. The development of a market economy is possible only when there is a free movement of people, goods and capital.


5. Yesterday’s 8.1% rebound in China’s stock market underscores a widespread, if possibly unwise, source of confidence among the country’s investors: the belief that authorities will make sure the stock market is healthy when the Summer Olympics open in August in Beijing.





1. BMW has been researching some compatible systems for more than two years in conjunction with the Car 2 Car Communication Consortium, a partnership of car manufacturers and technology suppliers that includes Audi, Fiat, Honda and Renault. Together they have been working to ensure that the various systems under development will be compatible.

1. 两年多来, 宝马公司一直都在与车间通讯联盟合作研究一些可兼容的系统。该联盟是由奥迪、菲亚特、本田、雷诺等汽车制造商和技术提供商组成的合作机构。他们正共同致力于确保开发中的各类系统能够相互兼容。 2.“Our aim is to develop a software system which works in many vehicles and will be able to coordinate the appropriate response to a given emergency situation.”says Thomas Batz, a researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Information and Data Processing in Germany. If all the vehicles are reacting automatically and in a coordinated way to the dangerous situation, there is more chance of averting(=prevent) a fatal crash than if each driver is reacting independently.

2.“我们的目标是开发一种运行于多辆汽车中的软件系统, 该系统可以协调所涉车辆对某一特定紧急情况做出恰当的反应, ”德国弗劳恩霍夫信息与数据处理研究所研究员托马斯·巴茨说。若所涉车辆都能对危情自动而协调地做出反应, 这种反应会比驾驶员做出反应更有可能避免致命性撞车事故的发生。




