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1. able 能够;有能力的

Mother is much better now, she's able to get round a bit more.


2. about 大约;到处;关于;在各处; I know an old song about love. 我记得一首关于爱情的老歌。

3. accept 接受

Which of these should we accept? 我们该接受哪个呢?

4. across 横过;穿过

He waded across the stream. 他蹚过那条小河。

5. act 表演,扮演(角色);演出,行动 He did not act upon my order. 他没有按我的命令行动。

6. action 行动 Say it with action. 让行动来说话吧。

7. after 在后;后来,在……之后;在……后面 We will discuss that matter after lunch. 午饭后我们要讨论那件事。

8. again 再一次;再,又

We talked about that subject again. 我们又谈到那个话题。

9. against 对着,反对 Are you against it or for it? 你对此事是反对呢还是赞成?

10. age 年龄;时代 He guessed her age. 他猜对了她的年龄。

11. ago 以前

He died two months ago. 他两个月前去世了。

12. agree 同意;应允 I must agree your plans. 我应该赞成你的计划。

13. air 空气;大气

We air the bedrooms every day. 我们每天给卧室通通风。

14. all 全部地,总;整

They were all there except me. 除了我以外他们都在那里。

15. allow 允许,准允

Allow me to pose several questions. 请允许我提几个问题。

16. almost 几乎,差不多 Almost no one took any rest. 几乎没有一个人歇过一下。

17. along 向前;和…..在一起;沿着;顺着

I saw them running together along the road yesterday. 我昨天看见他们沿着马路一起跑。

18. already 已

Already the round sun was setting. 圆圆的太阳已经要落山了。

19. also 也

Problems also exist in agriculture. 农业也存在很多问题。

20. although 虽然;尽管

They are generous although they are poor. 他们虽穷却慷慨。

21. always 总是;一直;永远

Fortune has not always smiled upon me. 幸运之神并不一直向我微笑。

22. among 在……中间;在(三个以上)之间

She lives in that house among the trees. 她住在树林中的那座房子里

23. and 和;又;而

She and I disagree about it . 关于这一点,我和她意见不同。

24. another (三者中的)另一个

She buddied up with a student from another university. 她与来自另一大学的一名学生交朋友。

25. answer 回答,答复;回信;答案

How could you answer him so casually? 你怎能这样随便回答他呢 ?

26. any 任何的;(用于疑问句、否定句)一些; We can overcome any difficulty. 我们能战胜任何困难。

27. anything 什么事(物);任何事(物)

She was happy to discuss anything with him. 她很高兴与他谈论任何事情。



