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浙江省温州市瓯海区实验中学七年级下册英语Unit 2 Where is the post of

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浙江省温州市瓯海区实验中学七年级下册英语《Unit 2 Where is the

post office》Period 1 学案

Period 1

Language goals 1. New words

(1).Places: post office library restaurant bank supermarket market pay 相关以往知识:

phone park street avenue center bridge

_______________________(2) prep: near across next to between…and…

2. Key sentences


1.Is there a bank near here ? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. 2.There is a…… in the picture. ____________________ 3.Where is the supermarket? It’s next to the library. _____________________________________________ Ability goals

______________________________________________Ss can ask for some places and check if there are some places on the street.

Emotion & attitude goals

____________________ _______________________

Learn to ask for directions through group work, and learn to help each other by telling others directions. ______________________ _______________________Teaching important points

______________________ _______________________1. Ask for if there are some places on the street.

2. Prepositions of places. ______________________________________________3. “There be” structure

_____________________ _________________

瞬间灵感或困惑: Teaching procedures and ways


Step I Game: Finding the ball

_______________________个性化教学思路及改进Show a ball and some boxes.

建议: Where’s the ball? The ball is on/next to/ behind/in front of/ _____________________

between…and…/across from the box. Teaching the prepositions of places. _______________________

_______________________Step II presentation of prepositions

_______________________1. Show pics to explain go straight, on the left, etc. _____________________

2. Practice: help the mouse to find the ball, Ss say out the directions.

_____________________________________________ 3. Guess: show another map to tell the directions again. Ss guess what places are

_______________________on the map.


StepⅢ presentation of words


1. Present post office, pay phone, hotel, etc. _____________________ 2. look at the pics and say the names of these places _________________

______________________ 3. Look and match. Ss finish Section A 1a

______________________ Step IV presentation of sentences _______________________

1. Show a map.

____________________________________________ Is there a bank near here?

_______________________Yes, there is. It’s on Center Street.


Is there a post office near here?


No, there isn’t. _______________________


_____________________ _____________________________________________

2. Pair work Step V Listening

1.Before-listening 2a match the pics with the description. Then, check like this: T: where is the …?

S1: the … is across from the … where is the… S2: the… is next to the… S3: …

2. Listening 2b: listen and choose the prepositions to fill in the blanks. 3. After listening: Ss draw a simple map according to the listening material 4. Pair work

---Where is the supermarket? ---It’s next to the library. Step VI Homework


浙江省温州市瓯海区实验中学七年级下册英语Unit 2 Where is the post of


