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姓名 民族 学历 手机号码 ** * 研究生 ********** 学校名称 教育经历 **大学 **大学 求职岗位 英语翻译/商务专员 **********私企 商务专员 2014年9月至2015年11月,在***一家私企担任商务专员一职,工作内容如下: 协助商务主管进行材料采买;维护与供应商、分包之间的关系; 及时进行采购订单、合同等跟进; 及时更新、维护供应商的货款支付及发票开具情况; 及时更新供应商信息及物料信息数据库; 负责公司内部文档、资料的管理工作; 负责翻译公司合同、技术资料等; 这份工作充分锻炼了自身独立处理事务的能力,在提高自身综合素质的同时使自己的工作效不断提高,对商务工作也有了更加严谨、专业的态度。 性别 籍贯 职务 女 宁夏** 团支书 电子邮件 从 2008.09 2012.09 出生年月 毕业院校 身高 ****年*月 **大学 ***cm 二寸照片 **********@qq.com 至 2012.06 2014.06 所属专业 英语教育 翻译硕士 学历 本科 硕士 实习、工作******大学外聘英语教师 经历 2013年2月至2014年6月,利用课余时间担任****大学外聘英语教师,过程中,锻炼了自身的观察能力、表达沟通能力和组织管理能力,提高了自身的教学水平、责任感以及服务意识,同时也受到学生的认可和支持。 ******外事办翻译室译员 2013年7月到10月底,在*******外事办公室完成了为期三个月的实习工作。实习期间,学习了礼仪知识、翻译方法,完成了两万多字的资料翻译和校对工作,不仅锻炼了自身的口语表达能力、听力和翻译水平,也提高了计算机常用办公软件的应用能力,更得到实习单位的赞扬和鼓励。 ******博览会陪同翻译 2013年9月,担任首届中阿博览会外媒记者们的陪同翻译,期间协助举办方接机、安排外媒记者的食宿并进行相关陪同翻译,得到外媒和组织方的称赞。 职业技能及爱好 本人具备扎实的英语语言应用能力和良好的翻译水平,学习能力强,善于沟通,具备良好的的沟通表达、组织协调能力以及服务奉献的意识。同时,本人已具备独立进行商务采购、维系与供应商关系、执行上级各项工作安排的能力。

英语专业八级证书;普通话二级甲等证书; 相关证书 国家计算机二级等级资格证书;2009及2010年校级三等奖学金 英语教学法、高级英语、英语语言学、英美概况、基础笔译、文学翻译、非文学翻译、中外语言文化对比、现代汉语。 自信大方,热情善良,有一颗积极乐观、追求上进的心,具备严谨负责、实事求是的做事风格。 ****** ** Master Sex Native place Major Male/female ****** English Translation Email Period 2008.09-2012.06 2012.09-2014.06 Date of Birth Name of School Height 8th 5,1990 *************University 主修课程 自我评价 Name Religion Highest standard Telephone Educational Qualifications ***cm ********* Name of School ******* University ******* University 6549*****@qq.com Major English education Translation Highest standard Bachelor degree Master’s degree Business Executive in *******(company name), *******(place) From September, 2014, I worked in a company in ****(company name), ***(Place name). The main content of my work is as follows: Purchase materials and keep relationship with suppliers and sub contractors with support of commercial manager. Make purchase order and keep contact with suppliers for supplying materials on time. Receive invoice and make payment schedule. Renew suppliers’ information and material information. Manage documents and contract. Translate related documents. This work has enhanced all respects of myself. Work efficiency, communication ability and independent ability enhanced a lot. Working Experiences English teacher in ******* University From February to June in 2013, I was an English teacher in ******* University, which practiced my abilities in observation, expression, communication, organization and management. The experience also improved my teaching level and cultivated my consciousness about responsibility and serving others. Meanwhile, I got the students’ approve and support. Intern in Foreign Affairs Office of ******(place name) From July to October in 2013, I interned in Foreign Affairs Office of *******, during which I learnt knowledge about etiquette, methods about translation and finished more than 20,000 paper translation work. The internship not only practiced my abilities in oral English, listening and translation, but also improved my skills in using office software. In addition, I got their praise and encourage. Accompanied Interpreter in the ******* Expo In Sept.2013, I worked as an accompanied interpreter for the foreign journalists in the first China-Arab States Expo. I got a lot of practice in interpreting and translation. And I was appreciated by the foreign journalists and the office well. I have good ability and skill in using English and teaching. I have good learning ability and I’m good at expressing and communicating. I have certain abilities in organization, cooperation and serving others. What’s more, I have basic ability to purchase materials and keep relationship with clients as well as execute work as assigned. Job Skills and Personal Hobbies

Prizes & Rewards TEM 8 certificate; Mandarin secondary-level A certificate; National secondary-level computer certificate; Third-level Scholarship. A Course in English Language Teaching, Advanced English, English Linguistics, Survey of Britain and America, Basic Translation, Literary Translation, Non-Literary Translation, Distinction between the Western and Chinese Language Culture. Confident, generous, enthusiastic and kind. Very active and desiring for progress. Careful, responsible and practical in doing things. Major Courses Self-assessment 相关证书:




