Strategies for Developing Cross-Cultural Awareness in EFL Learners through Adapting EFL Materials
Strategies for Developing Cross-Cultural Awareness in EFL Learners through Adapting EFL
【期刊名称】《校园英语(义教版)》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)004
【摘要】英语课本在世界上非英语国家广泛作为文化的传播者。大部分英语学习者只学到了是课本中英语国家文化的刻板描述,尤其当外国文化和学习者母语有时不相同时。因此,通过对课本有关文化视角的解析,对鼓励培养学生对外国文化的自我分析和自我审视能力至关重要。%Universal EFL coursebooks are acting as culture ambassadors in almost everywhere of the EFL countries.Most NNS teachers seem to be much concerned with the stereotyped representations,especially foreign cultures which are sometimes differ from L1 culture values (Gray,2000; Kramsch,1993). As a result,it is vital to encourage the students to develop an introspective and analytical skill in interpreting cultural content of their coursebooks. 【总页数】2页(2-3)
【关键词】外语课本;跨文化意识;转换;母语;第二语言 【作者】郭漫
【作者单位】武汉生物工程学院 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】
1.Strategies for Developing Cross-Cultural Awareness in EFL Learners through Adapting EFL Materials [J], 郭漫
2.Strategies for Applying Metaphor to Cultural Differences and Cross-cultural Communication [J], Li Xiaojin
3.What Cultural Responsibilities Do EFL Teachers Have in This Era of Globalization? [J], 任光明
4.A content analysis related to the cross-cultural/intercultural elements used in EFL coursebooks [J], Kamile Hamiloglu; Bahar Mendi
5.An Investigation on Cross-cultural Communication between Foreign-Teachers and Chinese Students in College EFL Classes [J], GUO Hong
Strategies for Developing Cross-Cultural Awareness in EFL Learners through Adapting EFL Materials