He frowned at hare lack of patience. ?
426 两千多种热带雨林植物对治癌有益。
The two thousand kinds of rain forest plants contribute to the cure of cancer. 427 大量热带雨林的毁灭必然破坏生态平衡。
The ruin of large number of rainforests plants must destroy the ecological balance. 428 地处热带雨林的国家大都贫穷,人口过剩。
The countries in which the rainforests are located are all quite poor and over populated. 429 解决这一问题的一种办法是取消他们的国际债务。
One way to solve the problem is to cancel their international debts. 430 富裕国家应尽量使用再生纸,以减少对木材的需求。
The richer countries should try to use recycled paper to reduce the demand for wood. 431 我们应当加倍努力,以加速社会主义建设。
We should make double effort to speed up socialist construction. 432 该国领导人的访问非常有助于两国的相互了解。
The country leader’s visit contributes greatly to the mutual understanding between the two countries.
433 由于双方没有达成协议,会谈只得被取消。
Because the two sides did not reach an agreement, the talks have to be cancelled. 434 在危险面前,他们表现出极大的勇气。 In the face of danger, they show great bravery.
435 最后的便并不是最不重要的一点,我们必须找到和平解决问题的方法, Last but not the least, we must find a peaceful solution to the problem. 436 他的成功不是靠运气,而是靠能力。 His success doesn’t owe the luck, but ability. 437 很多英语单词源自法语。
Many English words derive from France. ? 438 爱哭往往被认为是女性的特征。
Crying is always regarded as the characteristic of the feels. 439 男人不哭并不是说他们不会哭。
That man doesn’t cry doesn’t mean that they can’t cry.
440 在整个生机勃勃的自然界,只有人类哭泣时会流泪。
The human species is the only one in the whole of animated nature that sheds tears when crying. 441 不一定想哭就必须哭,但必须想哭时能够哭。
It is unnecessary to cry whenever one wants to cry, but one should be able to cry when one ought to cry.
442 从小训练男孩不哭并不可取。
It is not good to train boys not to cry when they are very young. 443 诚实是儿童的特点。
Honesty is the characteristic of children.
444 父亲不同意女儿嫁给那个贫穷的小伙子。
The father disapproved of his daughter is marring that poor fellow. 445 需要是发明之母。
Necessity is the mother of invention.
446 史密斯回故乡,除了做其他事以外,是为了看看他的母亲。
Smith returned to his hometown, among other things, to see his mother. 447 他们一点也不理解这条原理。
They don’t in the least understand the principle. 448 关于价格,我们认为它太高了。
With regard to price, we think it is too high. ?