To the best of my acknowledge, the idea that fish is the best brain food is not absurd. ? 215 保险提醒我们生活中一个不安全的世界里。 Insurance remind us that we live in an unsafe world. 216 人们不乐意讨论保险的理由有三个。
There are three reasons why people are unwilling to discuss insurance. 217 买保险并不能完全依靠保险代理人。
We shouldn’t depend entirely on the agent when we buy insurance.
218 尽管意外疾病和死亡都是一些令人不愉快的话题,但我们应该面对它。 Though accident, illness and death are unpleasant subjects, we should face them. 219 一个美国人每年为健康保险支付达二千美元。
Health insurance often costs an American as much as 2000 dollars every year. 220 当陌生人站在你家门前时,你应该有所提防。
You should be on guard when a stranger stands in front of your door. 221 事实上,我们找这本书的时间跟读这本书的时间差不多。
In effect, the time we spent in looking for the book is as much as the time we in reading it. 222 她的信使我想起了我们曾一起度过的好时光。
Her letter reminds me those happy times when we spent together.
223 除了少数专业保险人员外,大多数人不完全了解保险是什么。
Most people don’t completely understand what insurance is except insurance professionals. 224 这个方法是经过验证的,它仍然是行之有效的。 This is proven, still effective method.
225 他充其量不过能做去年的一半那么多。 At best, he can do half as much as he did last year. 226 我突然想起他已经两个月没交所得税了。
It suddenly occurred to me that he had not paid the income tax for two months. 227 他在这所学院主修发动机工艺。
He majored in engine technology at this college. ? 228 他们并没有意识到这种行为会干扰他人。
They are not aware that this behavior will disturb others. 229 在公共场所应注意自己的言谈举止。
We should pay attention to our behavior in public. 230 好习惯是从小养成的。
Good habits were developed from childhood. 231 不遵守公众准则就无法与人交际。
You cannot interact with others if you do not follow the social morality. 232 良好的态度有助于事业的成功。
Good manners help you succeed in you career. 233 他在听那场长而无聊的报告时睡着了。
He fell asleep when he was listening to the long and boring report. 234 他们甚至没有意识到这不是一种好习惯。
They were not even aware that this was not a good habit. 235 我们应该学会尊重对方,避免磨擦或者冲突。
We should learn to respect for each other to avoid friction or conflict. 236 他们发誓不管发生什么,他们都会完成这项工作。
They swear that not matter what happens, they will finish this work. 237 那些不懂礼貌的人迟早要为此付出代价。
Those who have no idea what being polite means will pay the price sooner or later. 238 我不渴,请不必费心为我泡茶。
I’m not thirsty; please don’t bother to make tea for me. 239 他对工作的态度深深打动了我。
His attitude towards work impressed me deeply. ? 240 你可以将月球与地球比较。
You can compare the moon with the earth. 241 也许他今天太忙不来了。 He may be too busy to come today.
242 昨天他可能已经把这件事的一切情况都告诉她了。 He must have told her all about this yesterday. 243 你不必抄写整篇课文。 You needn’t copy the whole text. 244 你明天一定要来看我们。 You must come to see us tomorrow. 245 她可以在校门口等我们。
She may wait for us at the school gate. 246 汤姆现在肯定在语言实验室。 Tom must be in the language lab now. 247 请你帮我拿一下行李好吗?
Would you please help me to take the baggage?
248 太奇怪了,他们居然没有向我们告别就走了。
It’s too strange. They would have gone without saying goodbye. 249 他们一定走了,可是应当给我们留张条子呀。
They must have gone, but they should have left a note for us. ? 250 暴力电影对学龄前儿童的影响很大。
Violent films have great effect on preschool children. 251 家长应该监控孩子看电视的总量和种类。
The parents should monitor the total amount as well as the kind of television what their children watch.
252 学龄前儿童还不能完全辨别现实与幻想。
The preschool children are not yet fully able to distinguish fantasy from reality. 253 孩子看电视时最好家长在旁边指导。
When the child is watching TV, the parents had better instruct beside him. 254 事实证明,暴力电视节目对儿童的成长有不良影响。
It is proved by facts that the violent TV programs have bad effect on children’s growing up. 255 和谈对两国的关系有持久的影响。
The peace talks have long-lasting effect on the relationship between the two countries. 256 假若健康情况良好,我希望今年完成这项工作。 Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year. 257 我必须指出不犯错误是不现实的。
I must point out that not making a mistake is unrealistic.
258 许多年轻人对足球很狂热。
Many young people ate crazy about football.
259 我认为你的计划很好,可是有没有别的计划可以替代它呢? I think your plan is very good, but do you have any alternative to it. 260 我们应该学会分清是非。
We should learn to distinguish right from wrong. 261 你可以对这个术语作多种解释。 You can interpret this term in many ways. 262 他对这件事采取坚定的态度。
He adopted firm attitude towards this matter.
263 母亲的话暗示孩子们每星期可以看两次电视。
What mother said implied that the children could watch TV twice every week? 264 他的工作是监听某一外国的无线电广播。 His work is to monitor a foreign broadcast. ?
265 我们应当懂得语言学习不同于其他课程的学习。
We should know that language learning is different from learning other courses. 266 众所周知,大西洋仅有太平洋的一半大,
It is well know that the Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific Ocean. 267 他的结论是没有意义的信息很难记忆。
His conclusion is that the meaningless information is very difficult to remember. 268 谁主持明天的会议还没有决定。
It hasn’t been decided who will preside over the meeting tomorrow. 269 她向我解释为什么她要把小孩送进托儿所。
She explained to me why she took the baby to the nursery. 270 他想问经理要不要买一辆小汽车。
He wanted to ask the manager if he wanted to buy a car.
271 愈来愈多的人认识到这样一个事实,心脏病与人们的生活方式有关系。
More and more people realize the fact that there is a connection between the heart disease and the way they live.
272 据说,女孩的左半脑神经比男孩发育得快。
It is said that the nerves in the left of the brain develop faster in girls that in boys. 273 这张照片显示植物的根是如何深入到土壤中去的。
The picture shows how the roots of the plant grow deeply into soil. 274 他们不太清楚的是为什么每种鸟都有自己的筑巢方法。
What they are not very clear is why each kind of bird has its own way of building nest. ? 275 越来越多的人认识到预防心脏病比治疗心脏病更重要。
More and more people realized that it is more important to prevent heart disease than to treat it. 276 毫无疑问,许多患者已得益于经常进行散步跑步游泳等运动。
There is no doubt that many patients have benefited form the regular sports such as walking, running, swimming and so on.
277 强调治疗显然与近十多年来的高科技发展有关。
The emphasis on treatment is clearly associated with the technological advances that have taken place in recent ten or so years.
278 最近的研究成果表明,压力抽烟缺乏体育锻炼是导致心脏病的主要原因。
The result of recent research suggests that stress, smoking and a lack of exercise are the main reasons that lead to disease.
279 据联邦政府报道,心脏手术的成功率不高。
It was reported by federal government that the heart surgery’s chances of success were low. 280 在过去的二十年中,中国一直高速向前发展。
In the past twenty years, china has been developing at top speed. 281 毫无疑问,人们越来越重视身体健康。
There are no doubts that people put more and more emphasis on good health. 282 技术进步使人们生活得更加舒适愉快。
Technology advance enables people to live more comfortable and pleasantly. 283 人们常鼓励孩子去想象而不是去模仿。
People often encourage children to imagine not imitating.
284 我们必须依靠自己的努力去把科技成果转变为生产力。
We must rely on own efforts to convert the achievements in scientific research into productive forces.
285 由于做了认真的准备,心脏手术进行得很成功。
As a result of serious preparation, the heart surgery got a great success. 286 学生们从他的讲课中受益非浅。
The students benefited a lot from his lecture. 287 谁应对这次行动负全部责任。
Who should put full responsibility for this action? ? 288 这是我看到的第一部电影。
This is the first film that I have even seen.
289 她住在一个村庄里,那里冬天不太冷夏天不太热。
She lives in a village, where it is not every cold in winter and not hot in summer. 290 让我们更仔细地研究植物的生长。
Let’s study the growing of plants more carefully. 291 我们永远不会忘记香港回归的那一天。
We’ll never forget the day when Hongkong returned to the motherland. 292 世界上只有四个地区被人们发现有大量的金刚石。
There are only four areas where a large number of diamonds have been found. 293 没有自行车的人可以乘公共汽车去颐和园。
People who have not bicycled can go to the summer palace by bus. 294 你们班上同学的父亲有没有在保险公司工作的。
Do you have any classmate whose father woks in an insurance company? 295 我知道她为什么非常生气。 I know why she is very angry.
296 她穿的衣服和她妈妈的一样。
She wears the same clothes as her mother’s.
297 商业广告是我们在看电视时不得不忍受的东西之一。
Commercial advertisement is one of the thins that we have to put up with when we are watching TV. ?
298 恐慌症的发作可能延续几分钟或几个小时。
The panic attacks may last for a few minutes or several hours.
299 心脏病的发作有可能直接危及患者的生命安全。 The heart attacks may directly endanger the patient lives.
300 年龄,性别及多种症状是区别恐慌症发作与心绞痛发作的三大因素。
Age, sex and the multiplicity of symptom are the three main factors to distinguish the panic attacks from heart attacks.
301 对引起恐慌症发作的原因说法不一,但在两点上很相似。
There different explanations as to the causes of panic attacks, two of which are similar.
302 恐慌症发作的症状与心脏病发作的症状很相似,以致许多患者认为他们有心脏病。 The symptoms of panic attacks bear such remarkable similarly to those of heart attacks that many victims believe that they are having a heart disease. 303 这些天他经常遭受头痛的困扰。 He often suffers from headache these days.
304 现在已经有许多关于这种病的起因的解释。
There have been a lot of explanations as to the causes of this disease. 305 研究表明,大量饮酒和吸烟的人更容易患心脏病。
Studies show that people who drink and smoke a lot are more likely to suffer from heart disease. 306 一些不良的生活习惯会威胁人的身体健康。 Some bad habits will endanger people’s health.
307 寻求心理帮助对于某些病人来说是十分必要的。
It is very necessary for some patients to seek psychological help. 308 到目前为止。还不能排除地震的可能性。
As yet, no evidence has been found to rule out the possibility of earthquake. 309 地板太薄承受不了机器的重量。
The floor is too thin to bear the weight of the machine. 310 有关签订协议的消息尚未得到证实。
The message about signing the agreement has not been confirmed. 311 无休止的争论最终打乱了我们的计划。 The endless debate eventually disrupted out plan. 312 那位作者的名字在这篇文章里提到了好几次。
The writer’s name has been mentioned several times in this article. ? 313 虽然鹦鹉在某些方面很笨,但它能学说话。
Though the parrot is quite stupid in some respect, it can learn to talk.
314 昨天我刚回到家,一位保险代理人来访,他要求与我讨论汽车保险的问题。
Yesterday as soon as I got home an insurance agent came who wanted to discuss my automobile coverage.
315 自从上次给你写信以来,这里发生了许多事情。 Many things have taken place here since you wrote last time. 316 她花很多钱买衣服,很快便所剩无几。
She has spent lots of money buying clothes, so that she soon has very little remained. 317 任何时候只要你的汽车出了事故,就给我打电话吧。 Whenever there is something wrong with your car, call me. 318 为什么她看着我仿佛她认识我似的。 Why is she looking at me as if she knew me?
319 这两个孩子不停玩火,直到手烧伤了才住手。