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Was the United Nations founded in 1945 or not? 107 据说他受伤很严重。

It is said that he was seriously wounded. 108 这所建筑物将由福特博士设计。 This building will be designed by Dr. Ford. 109 上次会议是在哪里召开的? Where the meeting was held last time. 110 美洲是哥伦布1492年发现的吗?

Was the America discovered by Columbus in 1492? 111 这项任务必须由你来完成。 The task must be done by you.

112 这个病人应该很小心地治疗。

This patient should be treated very carefully. 113 人们在火车站给她以热烈的欢迎。

She was given a warm Welcome in the railway station. 114 大家叫他老王,虽然他一点也不老。

He is called Lao Wang, though he is not old at all. 115 我回去的时候,大门已经关了。

When I come back, the door had been closed. ?

116 存放在计算机里的信息可以通过卫星传播给用户。

The information stored in the computer can be transmitted to the user via satellite. 117 今天,一颗卫星能同时收送100000多个电话。

Now, a satellite is capable of receiving and transmitting 100,000 telephone conversations simultaneously.

118 为了迎接21世纪,学好计算机很重要。

To meet the 21 century, it is important to learn computer well. 119 学习新技术的目的在于应用新技术。

The purpose of learning a new technique is to apply the technique. 120 卫星不仅能够传送电视广播,而且能够传送电话。

Satellites are capable of transmitting not only television broadcasts, but also telephone calls. 121 从理论上讲,每个人都可以受到教育。

In theory, every people will have access to education. 122 你应该按医生的指导去服这种药。

You should follow the instruction of doctor on how to take this medicine. 123 计算机系统可以同时传送声音和图像。

Computer systems can simultaneously transmit sound as well as visual information. 124 是现代技术使我们走向成功。

It is the modern technique that leads us to success. 125 这个病人应该与其他病人隔离开。

This patient should be isolated from other patients. 126 这位士兵表现出勇气和技能。 This soldier displayed courage and skill.

127 他的实验充分证明了那条心理学原理。

His experiment fully demonstrated that psychological principle. ?

128 他有自己的外语学习方法。

He has his own way to learn a foreign language. 129 有时我们有必要有错误中学习。

Sometimes it’s necessary for us to learn from mistakes. 130 她决定下午三点钟离开旅馆。

She is determined to leave the hotel at three in the afternoon. 131 人们说他有很光明的前途。 He is said to have a very bright future. 132 很多农民离开老家到北京找工作。

Many peasants left their hometown for Beijing to find jobs. 133 哥伦布横渡大西洋花了二个多月。

It took Columbus more that two months to cross the Atlantic Ocean. 134 你有什么问题要问吗? Do you have any question to ask?

135 这个房间不够大,容纳不了那么多人。

This room is not big enough to accommodate so many people. 136 传统家庭中,母亲的职责是照顾孩子。

In traditional family, the mother’s responsibility is to take care of the children. 137 她太年轻,理解不了这些事情。

She is too young to understand these things. ? 138 普通词汇属于大家。

Popular words belong to everybody.

139 另一方面,语言拥有许多学术性的东西。

On the other hand, language includes a large number of learned words. 140 这两类词所具有的气氛大不一样。

The atmosphere of these two kinds of words is quite different. 141 有一些词汇是我们长大以后才知道的。

There are some words that we learn after we grow up. 142 有些普通词汇我们在读书以前就学会了。

We learned some popular words before we were able to read. 143 成功属于那此努力工作的人。 Success belongs to those who work hard.

144 到了那个国家以后,他发现几乎没有什么场合可以说汉语。

After he got to that country, he found there were few occasions to speak Chinese. 145 相互理解对于友谊是至关重要的。

Understanding each other is of vital important to friendship. 146 世界上没有两片完全相同的树叶。 There are no absolutely same leaves.

147 我说他们是朋友,并不是指他们什么都分享。

When I say they are friends, I don’t mean they share everything. 148 会议涉及贸易和农业。

The meeting concerns trade and agriculture. 149 如果形势变坏,可能出现严重问题。

It the situation becomes bad, serious problem may come up.

150 我宁愿今天去,不愿明天去。 I would rather to today than tomorrow. 151 汽车是由不同的零件构成的。

Automobile is made up of many different parts. 152 那个逃跑了的囚犯仍然逍遥法外。 The escaped prisoner is still at large. ? 153 他对测试结果十分满意。

He is very satisfied with the test result. 154 她看见一群奶牛站在树下。

She saw a herd of cows standing under the tree. 155 听到这个消息,他们立即出发去火车站。

Hearing the news, they went to the railway station at once.

156 1997年回归中国的香港是亚洲最重要的商业与金融中心之一。

Hongkong, having returned to china in 1997, is the most important commercial and financial centers in Asia.

157 离开房间时请关灯。

Please turn off the light when leaving the room. 158 她有两个孩子在澳门。

She has two sons living in Macao.

159 他在上周举行的会议上作了重要报告。

He made an important report at the meeting held last week. 160 价值不足200美元的礼品可以免税进口。

Presents valued less 200 dollars can be imported free of duty. 161 看到他走过来,我们就藏到门的后面。

Seeing that he is coming, we hide ourselves behind the door. 162 此时她感到心跳得厉害。

Now she felt her heart beating fast. ?

163 因果关系原则有利于解决某些科学问题。

The rule “cause and effect” helps to solve some scientific problem. 164 科学的快速发展促使许多企业探求新的出路。

The rapid development of science stimulated many enterprises to find new ways. 165 尊重他人的观点也是一种科学态度。

Respect for the view of others is a scientific attitude to.

166 思想开放在于能接受新的甚至有时不愿接受的观点。

Open-mindedness means to accept new and sometimes even disagree-able ideas. 167 孩子们总是对任何事物都很好奇。

The children are always curious about everything. 168 人类曾好奇为什么鸟会飞,而人不会,

Human once wondered why the bird could fly while the man couldn’t. 169 这个小孩把玩具拆开了,却不知道如何再组装起来。

The child took apart the toy but didn’t know how to put it together. 170 不管发生什么,他们都将完成这个实验。

They will carry out this experiment regardless of what will happen. 171 虽然他很累,可她仍然乐意助人。

Although she is very tired, she is willing to help others. 172 我们不应该嘲笑犯错误的人。

We shouldn’t laugh at people who made a mistake. 173 我们决心寻求这些问题的答案。

We are determined to seek the answers to the problems.

174 根据我们目前的知识,这一发现可以被认为是可接受的。

In the light of our knowledge at present, this finding can be though acceptable. 175 你们应该使自己适应新的环境。

You should adopt yourself to the new environment. ? 176 逛早市已经成为许多北京人的习惯。

Going to morning market has been many people’s habit in Beijing. 177 我在一家旧货店无意碰到了他早年的作品。 I ran across his early works in a secondary hand shop. 178 你根本想不到有人会买别人不再想要的东西。

You can never belief someone will buy someone else cast-offs. 179 不久前他提出了一个切实可行的计划。 Not long age he suggested a practical plan. 180 我们肯定会赢得这场战斗。 We are bound to win the battle.

181 这家商店在邻近地区贴了许多广告。

This store put up many signs in the neighborhood.

182 有一些人厌倦了现代化的城市生活而搬到农村去住。

Some people were fed up the modern city life and moved to the countryside. 183 我上个星期在公园里碰到了我的一位朋友。 I ran across a friend of mine in the park last week. 184 他没带钱,所以他注定会回来的。

He didn’t carry money with him, so he is bound to come back. 185 他现在正面临着一个十分重要的问题。 Now he is faced with a very important problem. 186 所有没用的物品都应该扔掉。

All useless things should be getting rid of.

187 我们的责任是去满足人民日益增长的需要。

Our responsibility is to satisfy the ever increasing need of people. 188 所有的货物的价格都是原来的一半。

All the goods are priced at a half of their original cost. 189 这音乐实在使我感到厌烦。 The music really turns me out.

190 他在这本书里清楚地列出了他的观点。 In this book he clearly set out of his views. ?

191 月亮看起来比天空中任何其它星星都要大得多。

The moon looks much large than the any other stars in the sky. 192 金刚石是自然界里最坚硬的物质。 Diamonds are the hardest substance in nature.

193 有些国家女孩不像男孩那样受到良好的教育。

In some countries, girls can not get as good as boys do. 194 你会发现英语里有些词比别的词容易记。

You will find in English there are some words which can be easily remember than others. 195 大西洋只有太平洋的一半大。

The Atlantic Ocean is half as big as the Pacific Ocean. 196 一个物体离你越近,它显得越大。 The closer an object is, the bigger it appears. 197 分类广告是最简单的一类广告。

The simplest kind of advertisement is the clarified ad. 198 在学校里你应当多看一些英文书。

At school you should read as many English books as you can. 199 大浅滩是北美最著名的捕鱼区之一。

The grand bands are one of the most famous fishing regions in North America. 200 我们的生活比过去任何时候都好得多。

Our lives are much better than any times in the past. ? 201 一本好字典应该定期增补新内容。

A good dictionary should be given new content regularly. 202 字典中每个词条的编撰均以某一原则为基础。

The editing of every word in the dictionary was based on some rules. 203 编字典的工作是从阅读大量材料做读书卡开始的。

The work of writing a dictionary begins with the reading of vast amount of materials and making of reading cards.

204 并不是所有的字典都有权威性。 Not all the dictionary is authoritative.

205 我曾经在与一个英国人对一个词的发音发生争执后,提出查字典。

I once got into a dispute with an Englishman over the pronunciation of a word and offered to look it up in the dictionary.

206 人们普遍认为语言是不断发展和变化的。

It is widely believed that the language is developing and changing. 207 她被认为是城里最好的医生。

She was regarded as the best doctor in the city.

208 这些书在图书馆里是按照作者名字的顺序摆放的。

In the library these books are set out according on the writer’s name. 209 这些孩子们受父母的影响很深。

These children are deeply influenced by their parents. 210 他们对我的结论的真实性提出质疑。 They dispute our conclusion.

211 这孩子是在一个偏远的山村中长大的。

The child was brought out in a distant mountain village. 212 当你遇到生字时,并不总需要查字典。

When you run across a new word, you needn’t always look it up in the dictionary. 213 你一旦染上坏习惯,就很难除掉。

Once you get into bad habits, you can not get rid of is easily.

214 就我知识所及,鱼是最好的补脑食物这种看法不是荒谬的。



