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I've never thought of myself as \out my 1040 form,I fall into one of the lowest income brackets.In the past 35 years, I've taken just one vacation trip.My TV is a black-and-white set that someone gave me eight years ago.


Yet I feel nothing more than a passing whim to attain the material things so many other people have.My 1999 car shows the wear and tear of 105,000 miles.But it is still dependable.My apartment is modest, but quiet and relaxing.My clothes are well suited to my work, which is primarily outdoors.My minimal computer needs can be met at the library.


In spite of what I don't have, I don't feel poor. Why?I've enjoyed exceptionally good health for 53 years.It's not just that I've been illness-free,it's that I feel vigorous and spirited.Exercising is actually fun for me.I look forward to long, energizing walks. And I love the \

在我没有什么,尽管我不觉得差。为什么呢?我已经享受了53年来特别好的健康。这不仅是因为我一直在生病,免费的,它的,我觉得充满活力和精神。其实对我来说是锻炼的乐趣。我期待着长,活力散步。我还喜欢“我能”的态度如下。 I also cherish the gift of creativity.When I write a beautiful line of poetry,or fabricate a joke that tickles someone,I feel rich inside.I'm continually surprised at the insights that come through my writing process.And talking with so many interesting writer friends is one of my main sources of enjoyment. 我也珍惜创造力的礼物。当我写一个美丽的诗行,或者编造一个笑话,发痒的人,我感到充实进去。我不断惊讶的见解,通过我的写作过程中来。而且有这么多有趣的作家朋友聊天,是享受我的主要来源之一。

But there is one vital area of my life where I am not so well off.In a society that spends so much emotional energy on the pursuit of possessions,I feel out of place. 但有一个我一生中,我不是那么富裕的重要领域。在一个社会的财富花在追求如此多的感情能量,我觉得自己很迷茫。

When I was younger, there was an exceptionally interesting person I dated.What was most important to her,she told me, was \someone special to share my life with.Then I took her to see my apartment.At the time,I lived in a basement efficiency with a few pieces of dated furniture.The only new, comfortable chair was the one at my desk.Shortly after her visit, our relationship went straight south.



The seemingly abrupt change in her priorities was jolting.It remains a most memorable turning point in my personal journey. 看似在她的关注点突变是颠簸。它仍然是一个最难忘的转折点,我个人的旅途。

In contrast to relationships,stuff just doesn't mean that much to me.I think most people feel the same way — except when there are social consequences to not having particular items.There is a commercial on the radio that begins,\high-end TV ...\a high-end TV.After all, nobody wants to be a nobody.

与此相反的关系,东西并不意味着就多给我。我想大多数人有同样的感受 - 除非有社会后果不具有特定的项目。有一个由电台开始,“每个人都想要一个高端彩电...”购买的压力是真正的商业。它可能是真实的,每个人都想要一个高端电视。毕竟,没有人想成为什么人。

But I'm happy to live without one.In fact, not being focused on material goods feels quite natural to me.There are many people throughout the world who would consider my lifestyle to be affluent.


Near the end of the year,when I put on the Salvation Army's red apron,something changes inside me.Instead of feeling out of place economically,I begin to feel a genuine sense of belonging.As I ring my bell,people stop to share their personal stories of how much it meant to be helped when they were going through a rough time.People helping people is something I feel deeply connected to.While I'm ringing the bell,complete strangers have brought me hot chocolate,leaving me with a lingering smile.Countless individuals have helped to keep me warm with the sentiments of the season:\you for ringing on such a cold day.\I get you a cup of coffee?\you for your good work.\is the time of year I feel wealthiest.


Over the past four years,I've grown to understand more about myself because of a single question from a curious child.As I've examined what it means to be poor,it has become clear to me what I am most thankful for:both my tangible and my intangible good fortune.




This comedy centers around a proud father's attempts to help his children, attempts which somehow or other always end up embarrassing them. For the sake of fun it carries things to extremes, but nearly everyone can recognize something of themselves and their parents in it.


Father Knows Better

Marsh Cassady



SETTING: Various locations including a fast-food restaurant, the Thompson family dining room, and an office at a high school.

AT RISE: As the lights come up, HEIDI enters and crosses Down Right to the edge of the stage. SEAN and DIANE enter and cross Down Left to the edge of the stage. They listen as HEIDI addresses the audience. 老爸英明 马什·卡萨迪

人物: 父亲;母亲;海蒂,14岁;黛安,17岁;肖恩,16岁;饭店经理,20多岁;希金斯太太

场景: 快餐店,汤普森家餐厅,一所中学的办公室等

幕启: 随着灯光亮起,海蒂上,走至舞台右前方。肖恩与黛安上,走至舞台左前方。海蒂对观众说话,两人倾听。 2

HEIDI: My dad's a nice man. Nobody could possibly believe that he isn't. Yet he's...well, he's always doing these stupid things that end up really embarrassing one or more of us kids. One time, see, my brother wanted to buy this guitar. Been saving money for it for a long time. Then he got a job at this fast-food place, OK? Waiting tables. It was Sean's first actual job, and he was real happy about it. He figured in two or three months he'd have enough money to buy exactly the kind of guitar he wanted. Mom and Dad were proud of him, and well, OK, he's my big brother, and he's always pulling these dumb things on me. But, well, I was proud of him too. You know what happened? I hate to tell you because:

SEAN, DIANE and HEIDI: (In unison) Father knows better!

海蒂: 我老爸是个大好人。没人会相信他不好。可是他……唉,他老是干那些蠢事,弄得我们当儿女的到头来无地自容。瞧,我哥曾一度想买把吉他。他都积攒了好一阵子钱了。后来他在这家快餐店找了份活,不错吧?当服务员。这是肖恩第一次正经打工,他真的挺开心。他算计着,再过两三个月,他就能攒够钱买他想要的那把吉他了。老爸老妈都为他感到骄傲。唔,是啊,他是大哥,老是要捉弄我。不过嘛,我也同样为他感到骄傲。你猜后来怎么了?我都不想说



肖恩、黛安、海蒂:(齐声)老爸英明! 3

(The lights come Up Left on the fast-food restaurant where SEAN works. It consists of a counter and couple of small tables. The MANAGER stands behind the counter. SEAN is busily cleaning the tables when FATHER walks in. ) MANAGER: Good evening, sir. May I help you? FATHER: Good evening.

SEAN: (To himself) Oh, no! (He squats behind one of the tables trying to hide from FATHER. )

FATHER: I'm looking for the manager. MANAGER: That would be me, sir.

FATHER: I'm Sam Thompson. My son works here. MANAGER: Oh, you're Sean's father.

FATHER: Yes. It's his first job, you know. I just wanted to check that he's doing OK. MANAGER: Oh, fine. No problem.

(左后方灯光亮起,肖恩打工的快餐店。有柜台和几张小桌子。经理站在柜台后面。父亲进店时,肖恩正忙着擦桌子。) 经理: 晚上好,先生,能为您效劳吗? 父亲: 晚上好。 肖恩: (自言自语)噢,不!(他在一张桌子后蹲下,欲躲过父亲的视线。) 父亲:我找经理。

经理: 我就是,先生。

父亲: 我是萨姆·汤普森。我儿子在这儿打工。 经理: 哦,您是肖恩的父亲。

父亲: 是啊。知道嘛,这是他第一次打工。我只想看看他干得怎么样。 经理: 噢,不错。没问题。 4

SEAN: (Spreading his hands, palms up, speaking to himself) What did I do to deserve this? Tell me what?

FATHER: Hiring him was a good thing then? MANAGER: Well, yeah, I suppose so.

SEAN: (Still to himself) Go home, Dad. Go home. Go home.

FATHER: I'm sure he's a good worker but a typical teenager, if you know what I mean.

MANAGER: (Losing interest) I wouldn't know.

FATHER: He's a good boy. And I assure you that if there are any subjects that need to be addressed, Sean and I will have a man-to-man talk. MANAGER: I don't think that will be necessary...

FATHER: Oh, no problem. I'm proud of my son. Very, very proud. And I just wanted you to know that I'll do anything I can to help him through life's dangerous sea.


肖恩: (双手摊开,掌心向上,自言自语)我干了什么了要受这份罪?倒是告诉我啊?

父亲: 那么雇用他没错啦? 经理: 呃,对,我想是的。

肖恩: (仍然自言自语)回家去,老爸。回家去。回家去。

父亲: 我肯定他是一把干活的好手,可他也跟其他孩子一个样,明白我的意思吗?

经理: (不再有兴趣)我怎么知道。

父亲: 他是个好孩子。你放心,要是有什么问题需要解决的话,我和肖恩会开诚布公谈一谈的。

经理: 我看没必要吧……

父亲: 噢,没事儿。我为我儿子感到骄傲,我为他深感骄傲。我只是想让你知道,我将竭尽全力帮助他驶过人生的惊涛骇浪。 5

SEAN: (Standing up and screaming) Aaaargh! Aaaargh! Aaaaaaargh! FATHER: Son, I didn't know you were here. SEAN: It's where I work, Dad.

FATHER: Of course. I mean, I didn't see you. SEAN: I can't imagine why.

FATHER: Your manager and I were just having a nice chat.

(DIANE enters Down Left just as HEIDI enters Down Right. They look at SEAN and FATHER. )

SEAN, DIANE, HEIDI: (In unison) Father, you know better than that. 肖恩: (站起身,高声喊叫)唉!唉!唉! 父亲: 儿子,不知道你在这儿。 肖恩: 这是我打工的地方嘛,爸!

父亲: 那自然。我是说,刚才没看见你。 肖恩: 我真弄不明白。

父亲: 经理和我正聊得起劲呢。

(黛安从左前方上,海蒂自右前方上。两人看着肖恩和父亲。) 肖恩、黛安、海蒂:(齐声)老爸,你这是干什么呀。 6

(The lights quickly fade to black and then come up a second or two later. SEAN stands alone at the Down Right edge of the stage. HEIDI and DIANE cross to Down Left edge of the stage. )

SEAN: If that sort of thing happened only once in a while, it wouldn't be so bad. Overall, I wouldn't want to trade my dad for anyone else's. He loves us kids and Mom too. But I think that's sometimes the problem. He wants to do things for us, things he thinks are good. But he needs to give them more thought because: SEAN, HEIDI and DIANE: (In unison) Father knows better!


肖恩: 这类事要是偶尔发生一两次,那倒也没什么。总的来说,我是不



