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unit7 reading限时练

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Unit7 限时练


1. — Wow, what a cool model plane! How does it work? —It works with the help of solar power

A. life B. time C. energy

2. — What will you do tomorrow?

— I will attend the meeting of the English Club. A. blow off B. go to C. come from 3. — What do you think of the film last night? —It was boring. I even fell asleep.

A. not interesting B. not long C. not important

4. — I’m afraid this dress is too small for me .Would you show me another one? —OK. Here is a bigger one.

A. the other one B. one more C. others 25. — Must I look up every new word?

— No, you don’t have to. You can guess the meaning. A. find the reason for B. take the place of C. look for the meaning of

6. — Did the children enjoy themselves during the trip? — Yes. They talked happily and laughed all the way. A. by the way B. in a short time

C. from beginning to end

7. — Could you lend me your ruler? I left mine at home. — Of course. Here you are.

A. Sure B. Great C. Sorry

8. — My mum just taught me to make milk tea.Would you like to have a taste?

— Oh, I can’t wait to have it. A. allowed me to B. showed me how to C. asked me to

9. A ________ is the name of a newspaper report, written in large letters above the report.

A. headline B. guide C. diary

10. A _______ event is an event which happened not long ago. A. natural B. recent C. traditional

11. — Why are so many beautiful fish ___?

— That’s because of the serious pollution in the river. A. swimming B.disappearing C. travelling 12. — What can we do at a ________?

— We can buy or look at different kinds of things. A. school B. cinema C. fair

13. — Do you know that our class won the girls’ 100m race? — Oh, I didn’t know until you told me. That’s ________. A. amazing B. natural C. bright 14. — Our country ________ a new rocket last week. — Yes. It was a great success.

A. kicked B.launched C. lit 15. — What do you want to do in the museum,Mike? —I want to ________ Chinese history.

A. give up B. look after C. learn about


阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题, 每小题1.5分)

Do you know what an “open house” is? It is a kind of 16 to celebrate(庆祝) students’

completion (完成) of school. Open houses are very 17 with Americans. In some areas, many students 18 it with a dinner at home with their parents. They usually 19 open houses in May, June and July. Sometimes people join 20 one a day.

Guests at an open house are usually the family’s friends or relatives (亲戚). Open houses are also good 21 for students to get some money for their studies. Guests often 22 small presents or cards with money.

But not all open houses are 23 at home. Town halls, restaurants, parks etc. are also good 24 . There is usually an area with tables and chairs, and people can eat, drink and chat there. There may also be an area for 25 to play games. All people will have a good time at “open house”!

( ) 16. A. meeting ( ) 17. A. cool ( ) 18. A. watch ( ) 19. A. have ( ) 20. A. more than ( ) 21. A. class ( ) 22. A. dream ( ) 23. A. giving up ( ) 24. A. presents ( ) 25. A. children

B. show B. popular B. join B. practice B. less than B. time B. receive B. taking place B. games B. family

C. party C. excited C. celebrate C. buy C. better than C. holiday C. take C. putting away C. choices C. relatives

Ⅲ. 阅读理解



Here are some after-class activities. You can choose what clubs you like to have colorful school life. John us, Please. Name of school clubs Reading club Art club Computer club Singing club Sports club

( ) 26.

What things can you do in the computer club?

Time Monday (3:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m.) Tuesday (3:30 p.m. —5:00 p.m.) Thursday (3:00p.m.—5:00 p.m.) Friday (3:30p.m.—5:00 p.m.) Activity magazines Wednesday (3:40p.m.—5:00 p.m.) Learn to use computers Make great music Play various sports Read novels, newspapers andDraw different kinds of pictureA. draw many kinds of pictures C. learn to use computers

( ) 27.

A. Monday C. Wednesday

( ) 28.

How long does the sports club last? A. an hour C. two hours A. Reading club C. Singing club

B. play various sports D. learn to make great music B. Tuesday D. Thursday B. half an hour D. one and half an hour B. Art club D. Sports club

When can you learn to draw many kind of pictures?

( ) 29. Alice likes painting. Which club can she join?


Can you play a musical instrument (乐器)? Where did you learn to play it? If you were a pupil(小学生) in a British school, you would probably learn at school. About 25% of British pupils learn an instrument.

But what instruments do the pupils learn to play? Traditionally (传统上), school children learnt classical instruments, such as the piano or violin. However, things are changing. More pupils are now learning the guitar. New British bands made playing the guitar 'cool' again. This, perhaps, is why children are learning the guitar.

British schools do not just offer lessons for instruments. All pupils learn music together as a class. These classes have been changing, too. In the past, the focus of classes was Western classical music. But now classes include (包含) more styles, such as folk music (民间音乐) and world music.

In conclusion, music plays a big part in British schools. Pupils can study an instrument, play music together as a class and even take part in concerts and plays.

( ) 30. How much pupils learn an instrument in the UK?

A. 25 % A. not cold

B. 40% B. new

C. 75% C. popular

D. 100% D. interesting

( ) 31. What is the meaning of the underlined word “cool” here? ( ) 32. Which of the following statement is true?

A. Most of the British pupil want to learn an instrument. B. British pupil still learn classical instruments today. C. British schools just offer lessons for instruments. D. Teachers only focus on Western classical music now.

( ) 33. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A. Popular British Instruments B. New British Bands

C. Music in British Schools D. Traditional Music Concerts

unit7 reading限时练


