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A.parents should like everything their children enjoy. B.in all families,children often get along well with each other. C.parents should try their best to understand their children betten.

D.teenagers waste too much time on the phone. 75.The main idea of this passage is that _____.

A.teenagers need friends B.friends can give good advice C.parents often choose their children’s friends for them D.good friends can commuincate with each other


My husband and I were traving in Italy ,with our smell babies .One day we took the babies along to go to Assis.The morning was wonderful—we read each other atories while she babies enjoyed themselves as we drove up the winding (蜿蜒曲折的) streets。

But by the end of a very hot day,walking uphill and downhill in the 90-degree Italian sun ,the kids were crying without a stop .One was throwing up \\(呕吐):the other had a stomachache.We were all tired out,and we had a three-hour trip ahead of us to get back to

Florence,where we were staying .Something on the way,we stopped at a little restaurant to have dinner.

Embarrasscd(尴尬的) at our smelly and children .we tried to walk secretly and quietly into the dining room,hoping we would gilence the children long enough to order befpre they threw us our.The owner took



one look at us and went back to the kitchen. We though perhaps we should leave ringt then ,but before wu could decide what to do ,he came back with his wife and teenage dangher .The two woman threw out their arms,cried . “Oh,babies”!and took the children from our arms,leaving us sittting at a quiet corner table.

During the long and hospitable dinner,they walked the babies back and forth in the back of the dining room,singing them to sleep in gentle ,musical Italian.The owner even invited us to stay and have an extra glass of wine after the babies were asleep!

Any parent who is tired from taking care of children will be thankful that God had indeed sent us angels (天使)that day. 76.How many people are mentioned in the passage?

A.four B.five C.six D.seven 77.According to the passage,which of the following is true?

A.The parents told the babies stories on the way B.The weather was very pleasant during

C.The couplegot greet help from the restaurant D.The children learned to walk in the dinning room 78.The couple felt embarrassed bacause ______

A.they were all tied out B.their children were hugry C.their children made a lot of noise D.they were asked to leave the restaurant



79.The underline word “hospitable”in the 4 paragragh probly means________

A.热情友好 B.能治病的 C.让人难堪的 D.美味可口的 80.It’s implied in the passage that ______.

A.you can learn from everyone B.many heads are better than one

C.if you want to go up high,then use your own legs D.no man is useless who helps someone clse in trouble



Captain Good Fellow

Do your children enioy interesting stories ,funny games ,and exciting dances? Captain Good Fellow will be ready to reach all these thing to children pf all ages at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00.Free

Walking Tour of the Town

Forget your worries on Saturday morning .Take a beautiful walk and learn about local history.Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 9:30,Wear comforiable shoes!

Films at the Museum



Two European films will be shown Saturday afternoonat the museum.Theatre.See Broken Window at 1:30.The Worker’s, will be at 3:45.Fore further infourmation,cacll 4987898

Take Me out to the Ballgame

It’s October,and tonight is your last chance to see the Redbirds this year .Get your tickets at the gate.It might to cold ;don’t forget sweaters and jackets.

Do You Want to Hear “The Zoo”

“the Zoo”,a popular rock group from Australia,will give their first US concert tomorrow night at 8:00 at Rose Hall ,City Collage

81.We can infer from the passage that “The Zoo” is the name of ____.

A.a kind of bird B.a sports team C.a foreign flin D.a pop music group

82.If you hope to do some sport at the weekend,where will you meet?

A.In Central Park B.At the gate of City Hall C.At the Museum Theatre D.At Rose ,City Collage

83.If your little danghter wants to learn dancing,you may take her to ___

A.Captain good Fellow B.Central Park C.The Zoo D.The Museum Theatre

84.Tired of the same food ,you can go to Central Park for a change _________



A.every B.on Sunday C.on Saturday D.every other day

85.According to the ads,we can guss that those who take sweaters with them are going to ____

A.go to the films B.see the Redbirds

C.walk and learn about local history D.enjoy food at Central Park


Chan Mei Yee,aged 13.is unlike other girls of her age .She goes to school every day, though she studies in a speciolschool.She reads books,but with her hands,not her eyes.This special girl has something different from others.She is blind.

Looking back when she was just a baby of three months old , she suffered from a severe fever.Her parents took her to the hospital,but not soon enough .She survived,however ,she was diagnosed(诊断)as having brain damage and would be blind for the rest of her life. Her parents did not give up but found themselves too busy to bear another child.Therefore,though Mei Yee had friends from school,she still admired other children who had brothers or sisters.Anyhow,the picture changed on her tenth birthday.

That day,her parents made a U-turn in MeiYee’s life .They prepared a birthday party for their only daughter .It was nothing speccial :cake,birthday presonts ,friends,relatives,atc.Suddenly ,she




