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A.am not listening B.was not listening C.did not listen D.hasnt listen

39.____aroud,he found himself facing Mr Turner,his headmaster. A.To turn B.Turned C.Turning D.Being turned 40.—Excuse me ,sir! Do you sell ___made in China? -----Yes ,What size do you want?

A.coffee cups B.coffee”s cups C.cups of coffee D.coffee cup

41.HE ____back last night ,but he hasn’tturned up by now .

A.ia expected B.was expected C.expected D.has expected 42.He walked down the dark street____he feared no danger. A.so that B.as if C.unless D.until 43.The airplace makes ____world____small place. A.the,th B.the,a C.a,the D.a,a

44.Janet is a beautifulgirl,she is _____beautiful than Nancy,I think she is ___beautiful girl in our class .

A.more,the most B.much,more C.more,muchmore D.more,much

45.When sichuan earthquarke ____a week ago,he____in Hong Kong on business.

A.had happened,has been B.has happened,is C.happened,was D.happened,is



46.Is was_____midnight when he returned from work. A.mostly B.almost C.hardly D.closely

47.Huncreds of survivors are standing in the open air,____to be helped. A.desire B.hope C.anxious D.afraid 48.____or not they’ll join us remains unknown, A.Whether .B.If C.Why D.How 49.Hurry up,MR Smith ____for us at the gate

A.is waiting B.has waited C.will wait D.was waited 50.Several students are coughing badly,They ____like this ever since last night.

A.are B.were C.have been D.had been





Ivy will neverforget her first congcert.She had been _51_singing lessons and her teacher said that she had a very good _52_.Ivy enjoyed singing ,but there were so many other things that she wanted to do rather than practice every day,One warm summuer _53_she was invited to a concert in a large park in the center of town. The atmosphere there _54_Ivy and she knew she was going to see _55_special.



Before long the musicians appeared on the _56_with their instruments.After the_57_entered and took his _58_ in front of the musicians,a woman _59_a beautiful dress walked onto the stage with calmness and grace.She _60_severl verses(选段)of awondful opera accompanied by a plants.Although Ivy was _61_the stage ,Ivy could _62_the rhythm(节奏) as clcarly as if she were wearing headphones. It was a night that _63_Ivy’s life.

From that night on ,Ivy had a _64_,She wanted to sing as _65_as the woman on the stage had .She went to a well-known school and practiced hard.The_66_she practiced,the more Ivy enjoyed singing.

Many years later,Ivy _67_a microphone on stage.She was no longer a child ,but a gracefui woman with a _68_smile.As she _69_the crowd,she saw a young girl looking at her and _70_.Ivy hoped her own vocie would move that little girl as the woman had moved her many years before. 51.A.taking B.giving C.visiting D.preparing 52.A.figure B.voice C.cycsigh D.hearing 53.A.weekend B.week C.day D.night

54.A.excited B.surprised C.comforted D.frightened 55.A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything 56.A.stage B.playground C.street D.screen 57.A.teacher B.singer C.conductor D.viewer 58.A.seat B.order C.part D.place



59.A.with B.in C.on D.of

60.A.watched B.told C.sang D.wrote 61.A.close to B.apart from C.far from D.next to 62.A.hear B.listen C.follow D.see

63.A.saved B.ended C.starteed D.changed 64.A.dream B.friend C.song D.lesson 65.A.loudly B.softly C.peacefully D.beautifully 66.A.further B.more C.quicker D.less

67.A.look away B.atopped up to C.dreamt of D.held up 68.A.sweet B.bitior C.forced D.great

69.A.looked for B.looked at C.looked into D.looked after 70.A.crying B.smiling C.laughing D.dancing 第二节:阅读理解



Many teenagers feel that the most iimportant:people in their lives are their friends.They believe that;their family menbers.especially theor parents,don’t known them as their friends do.In large families,it is often for brathers and dsisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for advice.It is very imporant for teenagers to have one gond friend or many friends.Even when they are not with



their friends,they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselvees on the phone .This communication is very important in children’s growing up,because friends can discuss something difficult to say to their family members.

However,parents often try to choose their child;s friends for them .Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends,The question of “choice” is on interesting one .Have you ever thought of the following questions?

Who choose your friends?

Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you ? Have you go: a good friend your parents don’t like?

71.According to the passage ,many teenagers think their ____known then better than their parents do .

A.friends B.teachers

C.brothers or sisters D.classmaters

72.The underlined word “stop” in the 2nd paragrapn means_____.

A.end B.finish C.keep D.protect

73.When teenagers stay alone,the usual way of mommuication is to ____.

A.go to their friends B.talk with their parents

C.have a discussion with their family D.talk with their friends on the phone

74.It is implied in the passage that ____.




