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新目标英语八上unit 1 单元测试检测卷

得 分 评卷人

I. 语音知识 (5个小题,每小题1分,计5分。)

下列各组单词中, 有三个划线部分发音相同,另一个发音不同,请选出并将其字母代号填入相应括号内.

( )1. A.may B.says C.away D.day ( )2. A.asked B.washed C.stayed D.stopped ( )3. A. warm B. garden C. market D. party ( )4. A. June B. ruler C. put D. menu ( )5. A. like B. lion C. pizza D. Friday 得 分 评卷人

II. 单项选择 (25个小题,每小题1分,计25分。)

从A. B. C. D. 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的答案, 并将其字母代号填入相应括号内.

( ) 1. We don’t go to school _____ weekends. A. at B. on C. in D. for

( ) 2. John usually ______ soccer in the afternoon, but now he is ______ basketball.

A. play; play B. play; playing C. is playing; plays D. plays; playing ( ) 3. I often go ______.

A. to skateboard B. skateboarding C. skateboards D. skateboard

( ) 4. --______ does your mother exercise?—She hardly ever exercises. She doesn’t like sports.

A. when B. what sports C. what D. how often

( ) 5. --______does she do on weekends?—She watches TV. A. what B. where C. who D. how ( ) 6. The old man looks pretty_______.

A. health B. healthy C. healthier D. healthily

( ) 7. --Do you often exercise, Jack?—No, _______, I don’t like sports at all. A. never B. often C. usually D. always ( ) 8. The girl goes to the movies _______.

A. one time a week B. two times a week C. once time a week D. twice a week ( ) 9. He wants _____English this year.

A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned ( ) 10. The results for ―Watch TV‖______.

A. is interested B. are interesting C. is interesting D. are interested

( ) 11. _____do homework every day.

A. the most students B. most the students C. most of the students D. most student ( ) 12. She is ______ CCTV news with her parents. A. looking B. reading C. watching D. seeing ( ) 13. He ______ late for school.

A. always is B. is always C. never D. never is ( ) 14. I hear you eat junk food. Do you like _____? A. them B. they C. it D. its

( ) 15. Healthy food is ______ our health.

A. good for B. good to C. bad for D. bad to

( ) 16. Many children often have milk and bread _____ breakfast. A. as B. of C. for D. like

( ) 17. --How many hours do they exercise every day?--_____. A. twice a day B. two C. once D. often

( ) 18. You can have a pen, _____him, he can’t have one. A. as of B. as for C. as about D. as in

( ) 19. He hardly ever exercises. So he is _____ unhealthy. A. kind of B. a kind of C. kinds of D. all kinds of ( ) 20. A lot of vegetables can keep you _____.

A. in good health B. in a good health C. in bad health D. in a bad health ( ) 21. I try _____ a lot of milk every day to keep healthy. A. drink B. to drink C. drinks D. drank

( ) 22. Salina’s _____habits are pretty bad, so she is unhealthy. A. eat B. eats C. eaten D. eating

( ) 23. Your mother isn’t at home. Can you ______ your self? A. look for B. look like C. look at D. look after ( ) 24. _______ I’m not very healthy.

A. Maybe B. May be C. May D. Can

( ) 25. The boy is ______ from his brother. They have many_____. A. different, difference B. difference, different C. differences; different D. different; differences 得 分 评卷人

III. 完形填空。(10个小题,每个小题1分,计10分。)

阅读下列短文掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 It's September 1st, and we're all back to school. It's good to_____1____ all my teachers and friends again. They all____2_____ fine.

We're in Grade Eight this year. We have____3____ new subjects. I'm not very_____4_____ at Chinese, but Han Mei says she can_____5_____ me. I think I can____6_____ it better.

I like English very much. Zhang Hong likes English,____7____ . But she needs help. I_____8____ I can help her.

Mr Hu is our new English teacher. He____9____ know all of us, so he has our names on a piece of paper and____10_____ our names before he begins his lesson.

( )1. A. see B. watch C. find D. look ( )2. A. do B. see C. look D. sound ( )3. A. a lot B. some C. lot D. much ( )4. A. well B. good C. bad D. nice ( )5. A. learn B. give C. help D. need ( )6. A. do B. play C. look D. feel ( )7. A. either B. very C. much D. too ( )8. A. am afraid B. think C. am sorry D. want ( )9. A. doesn't B. don't C. does D. do ( )10. A. gives B . calls C. asks D. tells 得 分 评卷人

IV. 阅读理解。(5个小题,每小题2分,计10分。) 阅读文章。然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项

Sam lives in New York. His father has a shop there and his mother is a driver. He is 7 years old now and begins to go to school this autumn. The school is a little far from their shop. So his mother drives a car to take him to school every day. And Sam is never late for class. All his teachers like him very much.

It’s Monday today. Miss Green is teaching them to count from one to ten. Soon Sam can do it well. Miss Green is very happy. ―How many people are there in your family?‖ Miss Green asks. Sam stands up and says, ―Two, Miss Green.‖ ―Who are they?‖

―My father and mother.‖

―Oh?‖ Miss Green is surprised. She says, ―but I think there are three people in your family, your father, your mother, and you. Please don’t forget yourself, Sam.‖ ―But Miss Green, I’m not at home now, I’m at school!‖ Sam says. 1. Sam’s father works ______.

A. in a school B. in a factory C. in a shop D. in England 2. Now Sam is in Grade ______.

A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 3. Every day Sam goes to school ____.

A. by bus B. with his father C. by bike D. in a car 4. What day is it today?

A. It’s Sunday. B. It’s Monday. C. It’s Children’s Day. D. It’s Friday. 5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Miss Green is happy because Sam can count from one to ten. B. Sam is at school now.

C. Miss Green doesn’t know how many people there are in Sam’s family. D. There are two people in Sam’s family.

得 分 评卷人

V. 词形转换(10个小题,每小题1分,计10分。) 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. Lucy often goes ________(skate).

2. There is __________(hard) any rain these days, so the weather is very dry. 3. He is good at all subjects because he has a good studying _______(habit). 4. What do children do on ________(weekend)? 5. This movie is very ______(interest).

6. You should look after your ________(healthy). 7. I__________(hard) ever see him now.

8. What’s the __________(different) between the words?

9. If you eat too much junk food, you will be _________(healthy) 10. Bob watches TV __________(two times) a week. 得 分 评卷人

VI. 动词的适当形式填空(10个小题,每小题1分,计10分。) 1. My cousin __________( come) to my house last week. 2. How often ______ your brother _________(exercise)? 3. He usually _______(surf) the Internet.

4. My family usually _______(watch) TV after dinner.

5. Her friend enjoys _________(do) morning exercises every day. 6. It’s easy ____________(keep ) healthy.

7. My mom wants me _____________(drink) milk every day.

8. She likes junk food, but she _______(try) to eat it only once two weeks.

9. I went __________(shop) with my mother for my grandparents last weekend. 10. Let me help you ________(open)the window. 得 分 评卷人

VII. 句子改错(5个小题,每小题2分,计10分。)

( ) 1. ________ Here is the results of the students activity at No.5 Middle School. A B C D ( ) 2. ________ The results for ―playing tennis‖ are interested. A B C D

( ) 3. ________ Most primary school students watch TV everyday. A B C D

( ) 4. ________ Some boys play basketball once and twice a week. A B C D

( ) 5. _________ Sam is very active and does exercises every day. A B C D 得 分 评卷人

VIII. 句型转换 (10个小题,每小题2分,计10分。)

按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。 1. He often goes skateboarding.否定句

______________________________________________________ 2. My favorite food is hamburger. 划线部分提问

______________________________________________________ 3. Most students go to school by bike. 同义句

______________________________________________________ 4. Sandra goes shopping three times a week. 划线部分提问

______________________________________________________ 5. His grandparents are very healthy. 同义句


得 分 评卷人

IX. 完成句子(20个空,每空0.5分,计10分。)

根据汉语意思,用英语完成各句空格,一空一词,并将答案写在相应横线上. 1. 你爸爸每隔多久打一次网球?

_________ _________ _________ your father play tennis? 2. 琳达每月看一次电影。

Linda goes to the movies ______ _______ ________. 3. 晚上我爷爷几乎不吃面条。

My grandfather ___________ _________ eats noodles in the evening. 4. 这是育才学校学生活动的调查结果。

Here _________ ________ _________ ________ the student activity survey at Yu Cai middle school.


5. Lots of exercise ________ _______ ________ our health. 6. 至于作业,大部分同学每周做三到四次。

_______ _______homework, ______students do homework three ______ four ________ a week.



