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课型: New lesson


1、Learn Lesson 53 An interesting climate 2、Learn Simple Present.

3、Learn the exercise of Passage 8 in PETS (1B). 4、Review the Phonetic Symbols. 二、重点句型及重点单词、词语:

Phrases: in the East/West /South/North表示一个国家的东/南/西/北部

in the east/west /south/north 表示方向 太阳升起用rise,太阳降落用set.

Structure: Where do you come from I come from .

Which do you like best


一般现在时中主语为第三人称单数时的动词加S (5)教学准备:

①Recorder ②tape ③phonogram cards ④word cards ⑤stars ⑥poster ⑦phonetic symbol cards ⑧teaching plan ⑨ 教学流程表⑩Pictures


StepⅠ:Warming up exercise

1.Genral greeting 1> How is the weather 2>Who cooks breakfast for you

3>Which animals do you like more, bears or pandas 4>What do you usually do on Sunday mornings 5>In which month is our National Day

StepⅡ: Revision

Review the Phonograms, the Phonetic Symbols and the words. flash cards Pass cards

StepⅢ Learn Lesson 25

1. Learn new words

mild always season east west south north rise set interesting subject conversation climate certainly pleasant favourite

(根据福尼斯英语的单词教学步骤进行课文中新单词的教学。) ① T sounds the words 3 times.

② T makes sentences with the words and Ss guess the meaning.

③ Ss write the words in their notebooks. ④ T checks the words.

⑤ Ss read the words together.

⑥ Ss listen to the words tape and translate the sentences with the new words.(训练学生的听力及理解能力) ⑦ Game: Direction games

2. Learn the text. ① Introduce the story.

T: Today we’re going to talk about the weather in England.

② Understand the situation.

Ask Ss to interpret the picture. ③ Listen to the object.

T: Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: Where is the Jones family ④ Intensive reading and understand the text.

Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand.

Phrases: in the East/West /South/North表示一个国家的东/南/西/北部

in the east/west /south/north 表示方向 太阳升起用rise,太阳降落用set.

Structure: Where do you come from

I come from .

Which do you like best

Game: 击鼓传花:传到的小朋友选一纸条,纸上有国家名称和主语,请小朋友马上组成对话:Where come from come(s) from . ⑤ Ask questions.

⑥ Do translations. (English to Chinese and Chinese to English.)

⑦ Ss ask T questions.

Review the question words: why what where which who how T ask Ss to ask T questions according to the text. ⑧ Little Journalist.(the more the better.)

StepⅢ Grammar 1 Learn Simple Present. 1> 引出一般现在时



基本结构: 肯定式 I work. 否定式 疑问式 肯定回答 Yes, do. 否定回答 I do not Do I work work. I No, I don’t. we We work. We do not Do we work Yes, we No, work. do. don’t. You work. They work. You do not Do you work Yes, you No, you work. do. don’t. They do not Do they Yes, they No, they work. work do. don’t. She is a She is not a Is she a Yes, she No, she teacher. teacher. teacher is. isn’t. He He(She/It) Does Yes, (She/It) does not he(she/it) he/she/iworks work. work t does. No, he/ she/it doesn’t. ⑴当句子的主语是第三人称单数或单数名词时,谓语动词要加s或es(或变y为i加es)如:He/She/It likes swimming.

Mum cooks in the kitchen. She/He goes to school. The cat catches the mouse. The little girl carries a big stone.


① 一般情况下由动词原形加s构成: He sings well.

Leah likes English very much. Leah loves you. She dances.



