“想想所有帮助过我的人,爸!”我会说。“你现在还不明白吗,我来找您是想问您如何还清这一切债务?” 父亲已经把头低下,不再信心十足。
“我真不知道你还能欠什么样的债,” 父亲会说。 “啊,能啊。”我会回答,然后告诉他得奖始末。
国王及王后陛下,殿下,女士们,先生们 —— 我所有的问题没有找到比这更好的答案,我只能邀请各位与我举杯向瑞典文学院致意。
Debt [det] n. [C; U)] sth. owed to sb. else; the state of owing; the duty of repaying sth. 债,债务;负债;还债的义务;恩情
bound for going to or intending to go to 正在前往···途中的,准备前往···的 1. The train is bound for Chicago. 2. Where is the ship bound for?
Compartment [k?m'pɑ:tm?nt] n. any of the parts into which an enclosed space, e.g. a railway carriage or box, is divided 分隔间;列车车厢
Doze ▲[d?uz] vi. sleep lightly or for a short time 打瞌睡,打盹儿
Respective [ri'spektiv] a. of or for each one; particular and separate 个别的,各自的 1. All the men have their respective duties.
2. We all went back to our respective homes to wait for further news. 3. What do you think are the respective roles of men and women in society?
Rattle ▲['r?tl] v. (cause to) make a number of quick sharp noises like small hard objects hitting each other repeatedly (使)嘎嘎作响,(使)互相碰撞发出短促细小的声音
Publisher ['p?bli??(r)] n. a person or firm whose business is to publish books, newspapers, etc., or (sometimes) to make and sell records (书籍、报纸等的)出版者,出版商,出版社;(唱片的)制作人
Manuscript ★['m?njuskript] n. the first copy of a book or piece of writing, written by hand or typed before being printed 底稿;手稿
Literature ['lit?r?t??(r)] n. [U] written works which are of artistic value; such works as a subject for study 文学作品;(作为研究之学科的)文学
Rejoice ★[ri'd??is] vi. [(at, over)] fml or lit feel or show great joy [常与at或over连用]〖正式或文〗欢喜,高兴
Foremost ★['f?:m?ust] a. most important; leading 最重要的;第一流的 first and foremost most importantly; above all else 最重要地,首要地
1. First and foremost, they are looking for ways to save money.
2. It is a film first and foremost about the conflict between man and nature.
3. What children need first and foremost from their parents is a sense of security (安全). Award [?'w?:d] vt. [(to)] give, esp. as the result of an official decision [常与to连用](尤指官方判定的)给予,授予,判给
1. He was awarded the gold medal for being the fastest runner.
2. Orhan Pamuk is the first Turkish (土耳其的) writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize. 3. In 2001, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Kofi Annan and the United Nations for their work for a better-organized and more peaceful world.
Coach [k?ut?] n. BrE a railway passenger carriage 〖英〗铁路客车车厢
Slide [slaid] v. (slid [slid], slid) (cause to) go smoothly over a surface, remaining continually in contact with it (使)滑动
1. He closed his eyes and slid down to the floor. 2. He slid open the door of the glass cabinet (橱柜). 3. She fell over and slid across the floor.
Smoothly ['smu:eli] ad. in a steady way, without stopping and starting again 平稳地 without so much as
(used when one is surprised or annoyed that sb. did not do sth.) without even 连···都没有 1. Without so much as a word of thanks, Ben turned and went back into the office 2. She left my house without so much as a note or a good-bye.
3. Morgan walks past her and continues on his path, without so much as a glance. Shudder
▲['??d?(r)] n. [C] a shaking movement, esp. from fear, cold, or strong dislike 战栗,发抖 Rustle ▲['r?sl] n. a light dry sound like leaves or pieces of paper moving or rubbing against each other 沙沙声,瑟瑟声
Bustle ▲['b?sl] n. [(of)] busy and usu. noisy activity [常与of连用] 忙乱,喧扰 Cease [si:s] v. fml stop (esp. an activity or state) 〖正式〗停止,终止,结束 1. He ceased to be a problem to us.
2. Her mother never ceases telling me about her troubles. 3. The matches ceased with the outbreak of war. Melody ★['mel?di] n. [C] a song or tune 歌曲,曲子
Daydream ['deidri:m] vi. think about sth. pleasant, esp. when this makes one forget what he or she should be doing 做白日梦
Glide ★[glaid] vi. move (noiselessly) in a smooth and continuous manner, which seems easy and without effort 滑行,行动
Rock [r?k] v. (cause to) move regularly backwards and forwards or from side to side (使)来回摆动,(使)摇摆
1. Uncle Tom laughed so heartily that he started rocking back and forth in his rocking-chair. 2. The boat rocked violently in the huge waves.
3. The mother sat beside the cradle, gently rocking it from side to side.
veranda(h) ☆[v?'r?nd?] n. an open area with a floor and a roof at the side of a house (房屋侧面有屋顶和地板的)游廊,走廊,阳台
sunshine ['s?n?ain] n. [U] strong sunlight 阳光,日光 break the news (to sb.)
be the first to tell (sb.) some bad news 第一个将某(坏)消息告知(某人) 1. I didn't know how I was going to break the news to my mother. 2. I hate to break the news, but I've lost my job.
3. The doctor finally broke the news to him that there was no cure. keep back not tell; keep silent about 不谈;隐瞒
1. I got the feeling that he was keeping something back from me.
2. Although most of the facts were published, the school authorities still kept back certain details that might prove embarrassing (令人难堪的). 3. Do not tell lies or keep back the truth.
be in debt (to sb.) feel grateful (to sb.) 欠(某人的)恩情
1. Because of its poor management, the company has been in debt over the past two years. 2. The world is forever in debt to China for its four innovations (发明). 3. Do you feel that you are in debt to your parents? may well do sth. be fairly likely to do sth. 很有可能做某事 1. Your job may well involve traveling abroad from time to time.
2. You may well change your attitude towards Greek art after visiting the exhibition. 3. There may well be a real problem with our dean so far as his reputation is concerned. Owe [?u] vt. [not in progressive forms; (to, for)] have to pay, for sth. already done or given; feel grateful [不用进行式;常与to或for连用] 欠(债)等;感激 1. We still owe two thousand dollars for the car.
2. He's published several novels and owes a great deal to his publishers. 3. \
(right) from the beginning (just) from the start or the first part (of sth.) 从一开始 1. I said he would cause trouble, right from the beginning.
2. There was something strange about the place right from the beginning. 3. I want you to start right from the beginning. fall / get into debt begin to owe money 欠债 1. We were poor but we never got into debt.
2. Anyone may experience financial difficulties and fall into debt.
repay sb. for sth. do sth. for sb., or give them sth., in return for help 因某事报答某人 1. How can we repay him for everything he's done for us? 2. I'd like to buy them something to repay all their kindness. 3. We'll never be able to repay you for all you've done for my son.
Creditor ['kredit?(r)] n. a person or organization to whom money is owed 债权人;债主 Homeless ['h?umlis] a. without a home 无家的,无家可归的 play the fool behave in a playful or comical manner 扮丑角 1. Stop playing the fool! You'll fall.
2. In class the little naughty boy often plays the fool and challenges the teacher. Poetry ['p?uitri] n. [U] a collection of poems; poems in general 诗,诗歌 Glorious
['gl?:ri?s] a. having or deserving great fame, honour, and admiration 光荣的,荣耀的 on earth in the world; on the planet where people live 在世间;在地球上
1. Nothing on earth would persuade me to go with him.
2. He has just published a book about the origin of life on earth.
3. She felt that she was the happiest person on earth when she received the award. Relax [ri'l?ks] v. make or become less active and worried 放松;(使)轻松
relaxed [ri'l?kst] a. (of a person) free from worry; easy in manner (人)轻松的,自在的,无拘无束的
1. George greeted us in his friendly relaxed way as usual. 2. I feel more relaxed about my career than I used to. 3. I think people feel more relaxed wearing casual clothes.
Mold ☆[m?uld] vt. [(into)] shape a soft substance into a particular form or object by pressing it or by putting it into a mould; influence the way sb.'s character or attitudes develop [常与into连用]塑造;对···的形成施加影响
Instrument ['instrum?nt] n. a tool or device used for a particular task, esp. for delicate or scientific work 工具,器械
Prose ★[pr?uz] n. [U] written language in its usual form, as opposed to poetry 散文 Verse ★[v?:s] n. [U] writing arranged in regular lines, with a pattern of repeated beats as in music, and often with rhymes at the end of some lines; language in the form of poetry 诗,韵文
Torchbearer ☆['t?:t??be?r?(r)] n. 执火炬者;领导人;启蒙者;鼓舞者
Pathfinder ☆['pɑ:?faind?(r); 'p??-] n. a person who goes on ahead of a group and finds the best way through unknown land; a person who discovers new ways of doing things 探路者;开拓者,先驱 Norwegian
☆[n?:'wi:d??n] n. people of Norway; the language used in Norway 挪威人;挪威语
Russian ☆['r???n] n. people of Russia; the language used in Russia 俄罗斯人,俄国人;俄语 Lower ['l?u?(r)] vt. move or let down in height 降下,把···放 [移] 低 1. He had to lower his head to get through the door. 2. He carefully lowered the sleeping child onto the bed. 3. They lowered the box into the cave (洞).
hopeful['h?upful] a. [(of)] (of people) feeling hope [常与of连用](人)抱有希望的,充满希望的 academy [?'k?d?mi] n. (often cap. as part of a name) a society of people interested in the advancement of art, science, or literature, to which members are usually elected as an honour (常大写用于专有名词中)研究院;学会
wrinkle ['ri?kl] n. a small line or fold, esp. on the skin owing to age, worry, tiredness, etc. (尤指肤上的)皱纹;皱褶
tremble ['trembl] vi. shake uncontrollably with quick short movements, usu. from fear, excitement, or weakness 颤抖,发抖,震颤,战栗
1. She trembled at the thought of being captured by the police.
2. His voice trembled with excitement as he spoke of the terrible incident. 3. Polly hid behind the door, trembling with fear. put one's name up (for)
suggest sb. as being a suitable person (for a job, etc.) 推举 [提名] 某人(担任某职务等) 1. To put your name up for a position, please post below your name and the position you are interested in.
2. To my surprise, they put my name up for the committee. 3. What would you say if I put your name up for the job?
Bestow ▲[bi'st?u] vt. [(on, upon)] fml give [常与on或upon连用]〖正式〗给予,赠给;授予 bestow sth. on / upon sb.
fml give sb. sth. of great value or importance 〖正式〗将某物授予某人;把某物给予 [赠予] 某人 1. It was a title bestowed upon him by the committee.
2. Several gifts were bestowed on the guests as marks of hospitality.
3. We are honored to bestow on you the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in literature. Single ['si?gl] vt. [(out)] choose sb. or sth. from a group for special attention [常与out连用]选出,挑选,使突出 single out (for)
separate or choose from a group, esp. for special treatment or attention 挑出,选出 1. I don't see why he should be singled out for special treatment.
2. There are many things to single you out for promotion (提拔) besides ability. 3. He was singled out for his impressive work.
Bang [b??] vt. hit sharply, esp. by accident; bump (尤指意外地)猛击,碰撞,撞击 rack one's brains (about) think very deeply or for a long time (about) (为···)绞尽脑汁 1. He racked his brains about how to win our trust in him.
2. They sat in silence, racking their brains for the name of the newly-constructed road. 3. I racked my brains, trying to remember his name.
Toast [t?ust] n. [C (to)] the act of a group of people wishing sb. happiness, success, etc. by drinking a glass of sth., esp. alcohol, at the same time [常与to连用] 祝酒 propose
[pr?'p?uz] vt. fml ask a social gathering to offer (a wish for success, happiness, etc.) to sb., while raising a glass of wine which is afterwards drunk; put forward for consideration (a possible course of action, a plan to be voted on by a meeting, etc.); suggest 〖正式〗提议为···干杯;提议,建议;提出(行动、计划或供表决的方案等)
1. I'd like to propose a toast to our noble guests from Germany. 2. Let me propose a toast to Mr. Smith.
3. After racking her brains for days, she proposed a new plan to us.
4. We proposed to them that Lucy should be appointed manager of the sales department.