有时我想,把每天都当作生命的最后一天来度过,会是一个很好的原则。这样的态度将更能凸显人生的价值。每一天我们都会怀着柔情、充满活力、心存感激,而这些,在来日方长时却常被我们所忽视。当然,也有一些人会奉行享乐主义 —— 吃喝玩乐,但是绝大多数人在得知死期将至时都会更加珍惜生命。
Specify ['spesifai] vt. state exactly; describe fully so as to choose or name 指定,指明,详述 1. The president specified him by name.
2. She didn't specify precisely how many people were involved in the accident. 3. The instructions specify clearly how the medicine is to be taken.
Condemn [k?n'dem] vt. [(to)] state the punishment for (a guilty person), esp. a punishment of death or long imprisonment [常与to连用] 给···判刑(尤指判死刑或长期徒刑);给···定罪 1. He was condemned to death for killing an innocent child. 2. That man was condemned to spend the rest of his life in prison. 3. He was found guilty and condemned to death.
Confine [k?n'fain] vt. [(to)] keep within limits; restrict [常与to连用]把…局限于,把…限制于
1. The boy has been confined in a dark narrow room from early childhood by his parents. 2. Owen did not confine himself to writing only one type of poem. 3. Confine yourself to the facts in the discussion.
set sb. doing sth. make sb. start doing sth. 使某人开始做某事 1. Her last remark has set me thinking. 2. The wind set the trees rustling (沙沙响).
3. Anything could set me laughing in those days when I felt so happy with my life and work. under / in ... circumstances in ... situation 在···情况下
1. Prisoners can only leave their cells under certain circumstances.
2. Under the circumstances, it seemed better not to tell him about the accident. 3. Don't open the door in any circumstances.
4. Under no circumstances should you lend Paul any money.
Emphasize ['emf?saiz] vt. give special force or attention to sth. to show that it is particularly important; place emphasis on 强调,着重
1. He emphasized the importance of extensive reading in the learning of a foreign language. 2. She strongly emphasized that their plan would mean sacrifices and hard work. 3. Logan made a speech emphasizing the need for more volunteers.
Stretch [stret?] vi. spread out in space or time (时间和空间)延伸,延续,绵延 1. Berg's career as a government official stretched over twenty years. 2. Endless hot summer days stretched out before us. 3. Row after row of orange trees stretched to the horizon.
Adopt [?'d?pt] vt. start to deal with or think about sth. in a particular way 采取 1. All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem. 2. We should try to adopt a greener and more healthy lifestyle.
3. The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline (纪律). take ... for granted
treat (sb. or sth.) with too little attention or concern; not recognize the true value of; expect that sb. or sth. will always be there when you need them and never think how important or useful they are (对某人或某事)不注意,不关心;认为是当然的,(因视作当然而)不重视 1. Her husband did all the housework, and she just took it for granted.
2. We take it for granted to have an endless supply of clean water all the year round. 3. Bridget was careful not to take the little boy for granted. picture sb. / sth. As imagine sb. or sth. as 将···想像成···
1. We found it hard to picture him as the father of two teenage sons. 2. Rob has pictured her as serious, but she isn't like that. 3. She's been pictured as a difficult, demanding woman. Picture ['pikt??(r)] vt. imagine 想像,设想 1. I can still picture the house I grew up in.
2. I tried to picture what it would be like to live alone. 3. She pictured herself at school in a foreign country. all but almost; nearly 几乎,差不多
1. The party was all but over when we arrived.
2. —\ —\— I've all but finished my work.\3. It was all but impossible to read his writing.
Characterize ['k?rikt?raiz] vt. be typical of a person, place or thing 是···的特征,以···为特征 1. He has the confidence that characterizes all successful businessmen. 2. Bright colours characterize his paintings.
3. Your work is characterized by lack of attention to detail. take in notice or see (sth.) fully 看到,注意到 1. He took in every detail of her appearance.
2. His eyes quickly took in the elegance (典雅,雅致) of her dress. 3. He took in the scene at a glance.
the (same) old story (used to say that the present bad situation has often happened before) what usually happens 老一套
1. It's the same old story ─ too much work and not enough time.
2. It's the same old story of a badly managed project with inadequate funding (资金不足). 3. It's the same old story for Brazil heading into next year's World Cup finals: everyone is aiming for the five-time champions. grateful to sb. for sth.
feeling or showing thanks to sb. for sth. 因某事而对某人怀有感激之情 1. I am extremely grateful to you for the assistance you have provided. 2. I am very grateful to all those who took the trouble to write to me. 3. I am grateful to you for helping me at a time when I most needed it.
Conscious ['k?n??s] a. [(of)] knowing, understanding or recognizing sth.; aware [常与of连用]意识到的,察觉到的
1. Suddenly I became conscious of someone watching me from a distance. 2. He was conscious that Marie was listening to every word he said.
3. I was very conscious of the fact that I had to make a good impression on my new boss. appreciative of feeling or showing that one is grateful for sth. 因某事而心存感激 1. She was appreciative of Greg's concern for her health. 2. We are extremely appreciative of your friendly advice. 3. The company was very appreciative of my efforts. in particular especially 尤其
1. Automobile (汽车) prices in particular have fallen in recent months. 2. Was there anything in particular that you wanted to talk about? 3.— \ —\Response [ri'sp?ns] n. [C (to)] a reply [常与to连用]回答 1. They make a quick response to my inquiry.
2. We've tried to offer further assistance to them but so far we've got no response yet. 3. I am writing in response to your letter of June 12.
4. Write your responses to the questions on the back of the sheet.
Convince [k?n'vins] vt. [(of)] make (sb.) completely certain about sth.; persuade [常与of连用]使确信,使信服
1. He convinced me of his honesty. 2. We convinced her to stay at home.
3. Facts convinced everyone that the first report was true. 4. He'll try to convince you of Mitchell's innocence (无辜). worthy of deserving 值得
1. A couple of other books are worthy of mention, too. 2. He is a teacher who is worthy of our respect. 3. These points are worthy of your attention.
Rough [r?f] a. having an uneven surface; not smooth (表面)粗糙的,不平的 1. Her hands were rough from hard work. 2. I was driving on a rough road.
3. He fell, cutting his forehead on the rough edge of a rock. in search of trying to find 搜索 1. Mark went in search of water.
2. Many people have been driven to neighboring cities in search of better jobs. 3. The music teacher went to the forest in search of new sounds and inspiration. Sign [sain] n. [(of)] [常与of连用]迹象,痕迹,征兆 1. The play shows every sign of being a big success. 2. There are signs that the situation is improving fast. 3. Call the police at the first sign of trouble.
Awaken [?'weik?n] v. (cause to) wake up; [(to)] become aware or make sb. aware of sth. and its possible effects or results 醒来;叫醒,唤醒;[常与to连用](使)意识到;(使)认识到 1. She was awakened by a noise at two in the morning.
2. It was a nightmare from which he would awaken at any moment.
3. The exhibit is designed to awaken a deeper understanding of Mexican culture. 4. We should awaken him to a sense of duty.
Remarkable [ri'mɑ:k?bl] a. [(for)] esp. apprec worth mentioning, esp. because unusual or noticeable [常与for连用]〖尤褒〗值得注意的;十分不平常的;出众的
1. The restaurant is remarkable not for its size or decorations but for the quality of its food. 2. It is remarkable that the interviews carried so much weight.
3. It is remarkable to see such clean streets in the business center of the city.
Reveal [ri'vi:l] vt. show or allow (sth. previously hidden) to be seen 展现,显露(出) 1. She revealed the secret to us.
2. He revealed to us that his mother had been ill for years.
3. The document revealed her to be a conscientious (尽责的) employee. 4. His letters reveal a different side of his personality. Action ['?k??n] n. (剧本等的)情节;故事;行动,活动;动作 1. Most of the action takes place in San Francisco.
2. The action starts in a New York subway station, and then slowly takes you all over the city. 3. The rock has been worn away by the action of the falling water. Stream [stri:m] vi. flow fast and strongly; pour out 奔流,倾注;涌流 1. People were streaming towards the town square. 2. Sunlight was streaming in through the window. 3. Tears streamed from her eyes. Long [l??] v. want sth. very much 渴望 1. I'm longing to see you again. 2. She longed to see Pat every day.
这时,我开始回想过去前往斯德哥尔摩的一桩桩往事。通常都是些劳神费力的事 —— 去考试或是为书稿找出版商。这次,我是去领“诺贝尔文学奖” 的,但我想这也绝不轻松。
他会说,“你好啊,我的女儿,见到你真高兴,” 或者说,“哟,你来了,你好吗,我的孩子?” ,一如从前。
他会坐回到摇椅上,这才想起问我为什么来看他。“你肯定没什么问题吗?” 他会突然问道。 “没有,爸,一切都好着呢,”我会回答。随后,我正想告诉他这个消息,临时决定故意再多隐瞒一会儿,用间接的方式告诉他。“我是来向您求助的,爸,”我会说,“因为我负债累累。”
“这事我恐怕帮不上什么忙啊,”父亲会说。“这地方可说是什么都有,就是没钱。” “噢,可我欠的不是钱,爸。”这时父亲就会说,“那就更难办了。从头说起吧,女儿。”
父亲会在摇椅中坐直身子,眼睛里有一种奇妙的眼神。 “我很高兴我让你背上了这笔债,” 他会说。 “是啊,也许你是对的,爸,不过请记住,这还不是全部呢。想想我还欠了多少人的债。想想你年轻时,那些贫穷的、无家可归的流浪艺人在我们的家乡游荡,演滑稽戏,唱着所有那些歌谣。还有那些老人家,坐在小小的灰色农舍里,给我讲精彩的故事。是他们教会我,坚硬的岩石和黑暗的森林中也蕴藏着诗意。爸,想想我们自己的农夫 —— 他们如此光辉的事迹为我提供了写作素材,我就什么也不欠他们吗?我欠的债不只是人类的;还有整个自然的。地上的走兽、空中的飞鸟、花草树木 —— 它们都告诉了我各自的一些秘密。”
“我们知道啊,”父亲会说,一副轻松随意的模样,一如从前。“别怕,孩子,你的烦恼会有解决办法的。” “不错,爸,可是我还没说完呢。还有那些人,他们把我们的语言锻造成如今这么精良的工具,并教会我如何使用,我也欠他们太多。还有啊,那些在我出生之前就写下各种诗文的人,将写作变成艺术,传递知识、开创道路的人,我难道不欠他们的吗?那些伟大的挪威人,伟大的俄罗斯人,在我孩提时就已在写作的他们,难道我不欠他们一千一万笔债吗?”
“是,是,”父亲会说。“你说得对,你是负了沉重的债,不过,别怕,我们总会想出办法的。” “爸,我还欠了读者的债。欠他们太多了。”