Development of green logistics in China present situation and way pre-test
Author: Song Li Hua Instructor: Zhang Min
Abstract: With the rapid development of economy, the degree of environmental degradation is growing. As one of the economic activity, logistics is also facing with serious environmental problems. At present, while green logistics has been put as the key point around the world, in our country it is still in its infancy with many problems in its operation and management. My paper is focusing on analysing its development in our country comprehensively, and furtherly pointing out the development problems which mainly existed as low green logistics consciousness, backward technology and equipment, incomplete policies, lacking of professional talents and weak foundation task. Therefore, in order to change the present situation of green logistics in our country and promote its development, we have to bulid the green logistics concept, establish perfect policy and regulations, strengthen its infrastructure equipment, introduce the advanced foreign technology, cultivate professional talents and build a complete system.
Keywords: Green logistics; Development situation; The path
一、绿色物流的内涵及其意义 (一)绿色物流的内涵
绿色物流(Environmental logistics)是指在物流进程中抑制物流对环境造成危害的同时,实现对物流环境的净化,使物流资源取得最充分利用,它包括物流作业环节和物流管理全进程的绿色化。[2]物流作业环节的绿色化主要包括绿色运输、绿色包装等,而物流管理进程的绿色化主如果从保护环境和节约资源两个目标动身改良整个物流体系,所以既要考虑正向物流环节的绿色化,又要考虑逆向物流体系的绿色化。[2]绿色物流最终的目标是实现可持续性进展,但是实现该目标的准则是经济利益、社会利益和环境利益这三者的统一。