A: Affect classroom achievement. Comparison: Grades on the same essays written by boys with good names and bad names. B: Other sources of classroom differences. Comparison: 1) Performance of girls with appealing names and less appealing ones; 2) Popularity of the girls is related to their names Step 3 Summary of the Text.(10min.) Teaching method: pair work, students’ presentation Teaching aids: textbook, Multimedia 1) ask the students to list the main ideas of each paragraph and using key facts in each paragraph to write a brief summary of the text, the teacher helps providing some clues when necessary. 3. Ask two or three students to present their work. Summary This writer describes ways names can make a difference. One woman didn’t like her _____ name because it didn’t suit her ___________ or elegant manner and made her think she should be a cook. When she used her _______ name for her first, she felt more comfortable with herself, other people started to take her more ________ and gave her added __________. So some social scientists say that what you’re called can affect your life. One __________ magazine consistently refused to print the writer’s name because his name made him more ________ to be a baseball player than an art critic. Other names would have been printed completely. At a party, another woman was ill _______ because the man whom she wanted the writer to introduce her to was the same person she had ___________ for a blind date because of his name. Step 4 New Words and Phrases. (20min.) Teaching method: explanation by way of enlightening Teaching aids: textbook, Multimedia Important words and phrases : 1.naturally ad. 1)of course e.g. Naturally, as a beginner I’m not a very good driver yet. 2)By nature e.g. He’s naturally interesting; he doesn’t even have to try. 3)Without trying to look or sound different from usual e.g. Speak naturally when talking on the phone 2. characteristic 1)a. representative; representing a person’s or thing’s usual character e.g. Such honesty is characteristic of him. Notice that the adjective “characteristic” is used together with the preposition “of”. 2)n. a special and easily recognized quality of sb. or sth. e.g. Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing. 3.approval: (opposite to “disapproval”) n. If sb. Or sth. has your approval, you like and admire them. e.g. Do the plans meet with your approval? The noun “approval” is used together with the preposition “of ”when it is followed by a complement. 4. specific: a. 1)particular; certain; fixed ; determined, or named e.g. Feathers are a characteristic specific to birds. 2)detailed and exact; clear in meaning; careful in explanation e.g. We don’t get any specific instruction. 5.refined: a. having or showing education, sensitivity of feeling, and gentleness of manners e.g. refined manners ; refined tastes refine: v. 1) make (sb. or sth. )more elegant e.g. Reading good books helps to refine one’s speech. 2)make pure or improve esp. by removing unwanted material e.g. Sugar, oil and metals are refined before use. 6. make sb.’s acquaintance, make the acquaintance of sb.: get to know sb. e.g. I’m so pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. Smith. 7.be ill at ease : be uncomfortable; anxious, or worried e.g. She was ill at ease when she was criticized by her mother. 8. be guilty of : be to blame for e.g. He was guilty of an important false judgment. 9. project on/onto/upon: imagine (one’s own esp. bad feelings or thoughts) as being attached/connected to others e.g. It is not reasonable that they project their dreams onto us. 10.take charge of : take control of; become responsible for e.g. The factory was badly organized until she took charge of it. Step 5 Difficult Sentences and Patterns (20min.) Teaching method: explanation by way of enlightening Teaching aids: textbook, Multimedia 1. Difficult Sentences 1.“I suspect that if I were a more refined Arthur or Adrian, the name would have appeared complete.” means “I think it likely that if my name were Arthur or Adrian, (a name suggesting that a person is more polite, better educated and better-mannered )my full name would have been printed in my by-line.” (This sentence is used as subjunctive mood.)(Line 29-30) 2.“Of course, names with a positive sense can work for you, even encourage new acquaintances.” means “Of course, names that suggest good qualities to other people can help you to your advantage in some way, and even give other people encouragement to get to know you.”(Line 31-32) 3.“?,they’ d been exchanging glances all evening.”means “they had been glancing at each other (with admiration )all evening.” (Line 36) 2. Patterns: 1) as…so 2) feel like sth…/doing sth. 3) If I were…sb./sth. would have done Step 6 Homework-- writing assignment.(5min.) Essay Summary(written by T) 1. T writes the following summary on the blackboard and asks Ss to read it together twice loudly. The author argues that names can affect the life of people. The reason is that people attach specific images to names and it’s hard for people to free themselves from this name-based stereotyping. As a result, names can exert either positive or negative influence on one’s life, such as friend-making and classroom achievement. In conclusion, the author suggests that if your name doesn’t fit you, just change it. 2 Essay Summary(Ex.11)(Group work) Ss work in groups and work out the answers to the essay summary provided in the textbook(P157) Passage B Judge by Appearances The 3rd period: Step 1 Check writing assignment and analyze the model writing.(15min.) Teaching method: pair work, explanation Teaching aids: textbook, Multimedia Step 2 Ex. III-IX.(15min.) Teaching method: explanation, pair work Teaching aids: textbook, Multimedia Step 3 Reading skills and the main content of Passage B.(20min.) Teaching method: explanation by way of enlightening Teaching aids: textbook, multimedia Through the study of this unit, the students have a clear understanding about the several After class things that can influence others’ impression on someone. Some of these things are in fact notes ignored by people in daily life. Besides, the reading and writing skills very practical and 课后分析 helpful. 教研室主任审阅: 年 月 日
Lecturer 授课教师 Teaching Subjects 授课班级 Date 授课日期 Unit 7
计算机系08级1、2班 Location 授课地点 Textbook 教 材 New Horizon College English Book 2, Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press 《新视野大学英语读写教程》(第二册) 外语教学与研究出版社 Teaching content 授课内容 Unit 7—Passage A&B Teaching Allotment 学时 ·1st period: Pre-reading Activities & While-reading Activities ·2nd period: While-reading Activities ·3rd period: After-reading Activities ·4th period: Text Structure Analysis and Review Teaching objectives 教学目的 Blackboard Layout 板书设计 1. Help students understand how to get rid of stress in their life. 2. Understand the structure of the text and the devices for developing it. 3. Grasp some keys words, phrases and some useful sentence patterns. 本文系摘录文章,段落比较分散,不利于学生理解,另外由于本课的教学目标中涉及很多语法结构和语言点,思想文化知识等,因此本课的板书设计采取“概括归纳法”结合练习。因此,黑板可以按照3:1的比例分为两半,左边1/3用于书写归纳的文章大意以及帮助学生理解文章的知识点,这些内容必须贯穿课堂始终。 另外2/3的黑板用于书写及时信息,比如练习题,零星的知识、单个单词短语、或者有时画图帮助学生理解概念。 这部分内容是可以随情况变动的。 这样的板书设计符合本课内用的需要,同事也有利于教师最大化实现教学目标。 emphasis: Key issues and Teaching 1.organizing the composition according to teaching problem—analysis—solution. difficulties 2. key words, phrases and some useful sentence patterns; 教学重点与难3. the principle of end-weight in the sentence 点 Teaching difficulties: The reading skill of finding out the meaning of an unfamiliar word from clues provided by context. Teaching method: lecture with pair References New horizon College English: Teachers’ Book Methodology 教学方法与手段 work and group and online New Horizon College English: Integrated discussion resources Teaching aids: 教学参考书和Exercises Multi-media and 网络资源 On-line resources: English on line blackboard Teaching Procedures: 教 学 进 程 Passage A Lighten You Load and Save Your Life The first two periods: Step 1 Lead-in: Teaching method: listening, watching and pair work Teaching aids: multimedia 1. Look and Talk (5min.) True or false: Are you a workaholic? Are the following statements true or false for you? 1) Your dorm is just another study room. 2) You are hard-driving, competitive, and overly committed to your study. 3) Work makes you happier than anything else in your life. 2. Watch the video and discuss the following topics. (10min.) 1) What causes stress?