? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
考官是怎么改卷子的?标准是怎样的? 雅思写作7分是什么样的概念?
雅思写作6分与7分或者6.5分与7分的距离有多远? 怎么制定雅思写作复习计划?
考试前需要写多少篇的大作文和小作文? 写作模版管用吗?
雅思写作需要背多少个词汇? 雅思写作需要什么样的句型?
雅思写作需要多复杂的从句和语法? 我们对雅思写作的误区
鸭友们通常会犯哪些语法错误,能有效避免吗?什么样的语法错误是致命的? 雅思写作能速成吗?平时需要多看英文报纸吗? 小作文重要吗?容易写吗?应该怎么复习 怎么安排大作文和小作文的写作顺序和时间 要买参考书吗?什么样的参考书? 参加培训班管用吗?
TASK 1 小作文
曾经一直忽视小作文,甚至认为雅思写作约等于是写一篇250字的大作文。轻视它的原因可以归结为,字数少(只要150字),不需要个人观点(纯粹描述客观figures),有固定的单词和句型,分数只占总分的1/3···直到后来与考官见面的时候,我才意识到小作文的杀伤力。This is especially true when it comes to those who only got band 6.5 but indeed demand band 7.0。有时候,6.5分到7分的距离,小作文起了决定性的作用。
按照剑桥雅思的分类,小作文可为:柱状图(bar chart),饼图(pie chart),曲线图(line graph),表格(table),地图(map)和流程图(processing chart)。当然,这只是按照这些图表的属性和特征来归类。为什么我要费那么多笔墨在这个人所共知的问题上面呢?经过我1个月的练习和研究,我发现,如果按照这样的归类,我们得总结出6套相对应的模版(句型和词汇)。其实这样是吃力不讨好,事倍功半的,因为这样的归类方法严重地影响了我们的复习方案和练习计划,而且并没有很好地反应出task 1的本质要求。
我的个人认为,应该把柱状图,饼图,曲线图和表格看作一个总体,然后区分出是纵向比较还是横向比较(下面会继续解释它们的区别和应对方案);然后地图题是一类,流程图是另外一类。也就是说按照本人的经验,task1 小作文按照图表的本质应该分为:横向比较,纵向比较,地图题和流程图。
Part 1 纵向比较和横向比较
由于雅思写作task 1中,柱状图,饼图,曲线图和表格占了绝大多数,所以这个板块应该作为复习的重点。每当我们拿到题目的时候,我们第一件事应该做什么?对,看图表(果然是一句废话)!!其实我的意思是,我们得首先观察它们究竟是:不同物体在同一时间点的比较(即横向比较),还是单一物体在不同时间点的比较(即纵向比较)。这一点非常非常非常非常非常重要!!!因为不同的比较,有着不同的内在比较关系。详细分析如下 横向比较:由于没有时间的变动,因此不存在物体或数据的波动,也就是说,那些描述变化趋势、描述变化特征的词汇和句型完全不适用。此时此刻,我们要focus的是
? 首先我们要找出极值(最大值和最小值)
? 然后客观地、略有筛选地描述剩余数据(若数据太多,则有所侧重;若数据不多,则全部描述)
? 接着就是高潮了--找出不同数据之间的共同特征和大小比较(比如说,谁和谁一样大/小,谁是谁的几分之几,谁是谁的多少倍)
? 高潮过后,就需要有一个意犹未尽但有心无力的总结
? 首先客观描述变化的大体趋势(是升高了还是降低了,是多了还是少了)
? 然后描述变化的具体特征(是怎样增加的,是怎样减少的,幅度如何,速率如何) ? 接着找出变化趋势相似的不同物体,然后客观描述一下,以减少单词和词汇的重复使用,避免啰嗦
? 同样,这里也需要一个纵横全局的归纳和总结
说了那么多,估计你们也看烦看腻了。毕竟很多人都想着一蹴而就,想着尽可能多背单词多抄句型。好吧,闲话不多说,上货!请大家验明正身!! 程度副词
多于:More than, just over, over 少于:Less than, just under 几乎:Approximately, almost, nearly 完全:Exactly, precisely
1. Overall, A has the largest number of名词(NO1) and B the smallest (NO2). C and D both have NO3; E has NO4.
Overall, Sweden has the largest number ofenrolled students (17) and Syria the smallest(5). France and Spain both have 12 students; Germany has 11. It is noticeable that France and Germany have similar profiles.
2.A has the most+名词+doing (NO1); B is next with NO2, while C has NO3. D and E have (相同) NO4 each
Sweden has the most students studyingCAD (9); Spain is next with 7, while France has 6. Germany and Syria have 4 CAD students each.
3.According to the pie chart, A, which is %, is the most···among the total···, then next is B with %, followed by C, making up %; and finally come E, F and G at %, %, % respectively.
According to the pie chart, chicken, which is 40%, is the most popular among the total meat sold, then next is pork with 20%, followed by beef, making up 18%; and finally come lamb, fish and other at 15%, 5% and 2% respectively.
Experience/enjoy + a significant/the most dramatic + decrease/increase 增加: increase, growth, rise 减少: decrease, drop 快速: dramatic, drastic 缓慢: gradual, steady, slow 大幅: significant, substantial 小幅: moderate, slight 震荡: considerable/marked/sharp/minor fluctuation
2.The number of··· was No1 in Yr and rose/reduced by % to No2
The number of miles that car traveled was 3199 in 1985 and rose by 50% to 4806 in the subsequent years.
增加/上升: increase, rise, grow 急促上升: jump, soar to, surge to 减少/下降: decrease, drop, decline 急促下降: plummet to, plunge to 3.主语+上升/减少 to··· or 主语+上升/减少 by
4.The percentage/proportion/number of is修饰词larger/ smaller than that of 修饰词 明显: substantially, obviously 轻微: slightly, moderately 5.A修饰词 increase/decrease occurred
修饰词 大幅: considerable, significant, substantial 小幅: moderate, slight 6.表示不变的状态:主语 remain constant/unchanged/stable/steady at
1.there is a downward/ upward/ opposite/ general/ dominant trend 下降的/上升的/相反的/总体的/主要的趋势
2.···tend to be more/less preferred 倾向越来越受(不)受欢迎
As can be seen from the table, walk and certain short-distance transportation, such as cycled and local bus tend to be less preferred.
3.There is a considerable increase/decrease in···
There is a considerable increase in total miles by all modes of transportation, compared with the data (4,740 miles) in 1985.
B also rose/increased/grew during this period, but less sharply decreased/declined/dropped
The sales of games software also rose during this period, but less sharply.Sales increased from about 13 billion dollars in 2000 to just under 20 billion dollars three years later.
A similar situation was seen in the···, where
A similar situation was seen in the wholesale and retail trade sector, where the number of women rose from about 550 000 in 1975 to almost 800 000 two decades later.
There are some similarities between A and B Be similar to/ A has something in common with B
Outnumber 比···多,在数量上超过
In this profession, women outnumber men by two to one.
= there are twice as many women as men 在这个行业,女性人数是男性的两倍 The number of men outnumbered women by four to one. 我们的人数以4比1超过他们 Exceed 超过···数量
The price will not exceed $100.