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你是对的”他说 “我们这些工作人员总是 开玩笑说每集节目之中的 秘密主题都是一样的

And the crypto-theme is: 'I thought this one thing was going to happen and something else happened instead.' And thing is,\

这个秘密主题就是 \我以为这件事会这样发生 结果其它事情发生了\他说\但是,这就是我们需要的 We need these moments of surprise and reversal and wrongness to make these stories work.\

我们需要这些意外 这些颠倒和错误 这些故事才能成立。\

And for the rest of us, audience members, as listeners, as readers, we eat this stuff up.

而我们身为观众 听众、读者 我们吸收这些故事 We love things like plot twists and red herrings and surprise endings.

我们喜欢故事转折 令人惊讶的结局

When it comes to our stories, we love being wrong.


我们喜欢在故事里 看到犯错

But, you know, our stories are like this because our lives are like this.

但,故事会这样写 是因为人生就是这样

We think this one thing is going to happen and something else happens instead.

我们以为某些事情会这样发生 发生的却是其它事 George Bush thought he was going to invade Iraq, find a bunch of weapons of mass destruction, liberate the people and bring democracy to the Middle East.

小布什以为他入侵伊拉克 会找到大规模毁灭性武器 解放中东百姓,为他们带来民主自由 And something else happened instead. 但却不是这样

And Hosni Mubarak thought he was going to be dictator of Egypt for the rest of his life, until he got too old or too sick and could pass the reigns of power onto his son.


穆巴拉克以为 他到死都会是埃及的独裁者 一直到他年老或卧病 再把他的权力交给下一代 And something else happened instead. 但却不是这样

And maybe you thought you were going to grow up and marry your high school sweetheart and move back to your home town and raise a bunch of kids together.

或许你想过 你会长大、嫁给你的初恋情人 搬回老家,生一群孩子

And something else happened instead. 但却不是这样

And I have to tell you that I thought I was writing an incredibly nerdy book about a subject everybody hates for an audience that would never materialize.

我必须说 我以为我写的是一本很冷僻的书 有关一个人人讨厌的主题 为一些从不存在的读者 And something else happened instead. 但却不是这样


(Laughter) I mean, this is life. (笑声) 我们的人生

For good and for ill, we generate these incredible stories about the world around us, and then the world turns around and astonishes us.

无论好坏 我们创造了啦 那包围我们的世界 而世界转过头来,令我们大吃一惊

No offense, but this entire conference is an unbelievable monument to our capacity to get stuff wrong.

说真的,这整个会议 充斥着这样难以置信的时刻 我们一次又一次地意识到自己的错误

We just spent and entire week talking about innovations and advancements and improvements, but you know why we need all of those innovations

我们花了整整一周 讨论创新,进步 和改善 你知道我们为甚么需要这些创新

and advancements and improvements? 进步和改善吗?


Because half the stuff that's the most mind-boggling and world altering -- TED 1998 -- eh.

因为其中有一半 来自最应该改变世界的 98年的TED 呃

(Laughter) Didn't really work out that way, did it. (笑声) 真是出人意料之外啊,不是吗 (Laughter) Where's my jet pack, Chris? (笑声) 我的逃生火箭在哪,Chris? (Laughter) (Applause) So here we are again. (笑声) (掌声) 于是我们又在这里 And that's how it goes. 事情就是这样

We come up with another idea. 我们重新想出其它点子 We tell another story. 我们有了新的故事



