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So I should actually correct something I said a moment ago.


It does feel like something to be wrong; it feels like being right.

犯错的感觉就和 正确的感觉一样

(Laughter) So this is one reason, a structural reason, why we get stuck inside this feeling of rightness.

(笑声) 事实上我们这种自以为对的感受 是有构造性的原因的

I call this error blindness. 我称之为错误盲点

Most of the time, we don't have any kind of internal cue to let us know that we're wrong about something, until it's too late.

大部份的时间里 我们身体里没有任何机制 提醒我们错了 直到木已成舟


But there's a second reason that we get stuck inside this feeling as well -- and this one is cultural. 但还有第二个理由 文化性的理由

Think back for a moment to elementary school. 回想小学时代

You're sitting there in class, and your teacher is handing back quiz papers, and one of them looks like this.

你坐在课堂里 你的老师发回小考考卷 像这样的小考考卷

This is not mine, by the way. 虽然这张不是我的

(Laughter) So there you are in grade school, and you know exactly what to think about the kid who got this paper. (笑声) 你从小学时代 就知道该对拿这张考卷的同学 下甚么评语

It's the dumb kid, the troublemaker, the one who never does his homework.


笨蛋,捣蛋鬼 从不做功课的坏学生

So by the time you are nine years old, you've already learned, first of all, that people who get stuff wrong are lazy, irresponsible dimwits --

你不过才九岁 你已经懂得,首先 那些犯错的人 都是懒惰、不负责任的傻瓜

and second of all, that the way to succeed in life is to never make any mistakes.

第二 想要在人生中成功 就不要犯错 We learn these really bad lessons really well. 我们很早就得到这些错误讯息

And a lot of us -- and I suspect, especially a lot of us in this room -- deal with them by just becoming perfect little A students,

而我们 尤其是这个大厅里的许多人 都因此成为好学生 拿全A

perfectionists, over-achievers. 完美主义、永不满意


Right, Mr. CFO, astrophysicist, ultra-marathoner? 不是吗? 财务长、天体物理学家、超级马拉松先生们? (Laughter) You're all CFO, astrophysicists, ultra-marathoners, it turns out.

(笑声) 结果是你们全成了财务长、天体物理学家、跑超级马拉松 Okay, so fine. 那很好

Except that then we freak out at the possibility that we've gotten something wrong.

但一旦我们发现有可能犯错 就开始手足无措

Because according to this, getting something wrong means there's something wrong with us.

因为依照规定 犯错 代表我们一定也有甚么不对劲 So we just insist that we're right, because it makes us feel smart and responsible and virtuous and safe.


于是我们坚持己见 因为那让我们感觉聪明、得体 安全和可靠

So let me tell you a story. 让我告诉你们一个故事

A couple of years ago, a woman comes into Beth Israel Deaconess medical center for a surgery.

几年前 一个女人到 Beth Israel Deaconess 诊所做手术 Beth Israel's in Boston. Beth Israel 在波士顿

It's the teaching hospital for Harvard -- one of the best hospitals in the country.

是哈佛大学的教学附属医院 全国数一数二的医疗中心 So this woman comes in and she's taken into the operating room.


She's anesthetized, the surgeon does his thing -- stitches her back up, sends her out to the recovery room.



