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通信工程 土质划分及工程照片.

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本BOQ表如不经特别说明,均不含政府部门审批等相关费用。 本BOQ表所有工作量如不经特别说明均包括工作所需的人工及机械、机具、材料费用。



All of working in the BOQ table barring expense of fiber . BOQ table barring expense for government examine and approve if it hasn’t specialties explain .

BOQ table include all of the manual expense of work , machine and material if it hasn’t specialties explain .

All of the material price what second side afford must include expense of tax ,temporary storage ,transport again and all of the else in this BOQ table .






geology explain :

1. normal soil:it can excavate by shovel , and can desquamate itself .

2. hard soil: most of it can excavate by shovel , a little must use pickaxe . for example :clunch ,tile and sand in city , rice paddy andsoil what the deepness of sullage less than 0.5m .

3. gravelly soil: most of it can excavate by shovel and pickaxe ,some times we must use crowbar . for example : airlake stone , soft flake stone ,scree. and rice paddy andsoil what the deepness of sullage upwards 0.5m .

4. Hard stone : all of it must be dynamite or sledgehammer manual work . for example:basalt , granite ,calcareousness stone ,conglomerate .


普通混凝土配合比(m) 名称 #3单位 kg kg kg kg #100 #150 #200 #250 #300 325水泥 砂子 238 736 289 658 340 601 401 548 0.5~4.0cm卵石 水 #1345 1372 1379 1370 170 170 244 726 170 283 667 329 612 170 425水泥 砂子 kg kg kg kg 368 575 1376 170 389 604 1316 180 0.5~4.0cm卵石 水 # 1349 1370 1378 249 775 170 304 693 170 359 632 170 425 576 325水泥 砂子 kg kg kg kg 0.5~4.0cm卵石 水 #1285 1313 1318 1308 180 180 254 765 180 296 702 180 347 643 425水泥 砂子 kg kg kg kg 0.5~4.0cm卵石 水 1290 1311 1319 180 180 180

proportioning of concrete

Proportioning of universal concret(m3) Name #Unit kg kg kg kg #100 #150 #200 #250 #300 325 cement sand 238 736 1345 170 249 775 1285 180 289 658 1372 170 244 726 1349 170 304 693 1313 180 254 765 1290 180 340 601 1379 170 283 667 1370 170 359 632 1318 180 296 702 1311 180 401 548 1370 170 0.5~4.0c mscree Water #425 cement sand kg kg kg kg 329 612 1378 170 425 576 1308 180 347 643 1319 180 368 575 1376 170 389 604 1316 180 0.5~4.0c mscree Water #325 cement sand kg kg kg kg 0.5~4.0cmscree Water #425 cement sand kg kg kg kg 0.5~4.0cmscree Water 标石型号尺寸表

标石用坚石或钢筋混凝土制作,规格有两种: 一般地区使用短标石,规格应为100cm×l4cm×l4cm;


size and dimension of mark post

Mark post is made from ferroconcrete . there are tow size of it . A type is short type ,use for the commonly place . the size is 100cm×l4cm×l4cm ;

B type is long type ,use for the loose place and brae . the size is 150cm×l4cm×l4cm ;

通信工程 土质划分及工程照片.


