[摘要]目的 研究探讨联合检测CA724、CEA、CA242、CA199肿瘤标志物在胃癌诊断中的应用。方法 选取该院2012年―2014年收治的胃癌患者50例为研究组,将同时期其他胃病患者50例作为对照组,检测血清中CA724、CEA、CA242、CA199含量,与病理结果进行比较。结果 研究组四项肿瘤标志物数值明显高于对照组,其差异显著,具有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组胃癌分期患者血清四项肿瘤标志物检测之间差异显著,分期越高,数值越高,其差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);单项检测每个期检测结果均低于联合检测结果,其差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 联合检测 CA724、CEA、CA242、CA199肿瘤标志物能够提高胃癌诊断的准确率,为胃癌的检测提供更可靠的依据,是简单、有效的检测方法。
[中图分类号]R446 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1674-0742(2015)03(c)-0183-02
[Abstract] Objective To study the application of combined detection of CA724, CEA, CA242, CA199 and tumor
markers in the diagnosis of gastric cancer. In patients with gastric cancer Methods In our hospital from 2012―2014 years 50 cases treated during the same period as the study group, the other patients with stomach in 50 cases as control group, the detection of CA724, CEA, CA242, CA199 content in serum, were compared with the pathological results. Results The study group of four tumor markers in numerical is significantly higher than the control group, the difference was significant, with statistical significance (P<0.05); the study group staging of gastric cancer patients serum tumor markers detection four differences between significantly, higher stages, the higher the value, the difference is obvious with statistical significance (P<0.05); single detection of each period detection the results were lower than the combined detection results, the significant difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion The combined detection of CA724, CEA, CA242, CA199 tumor markers can improve the accuracy of diagnosis of gastric cancer, and provide more reliable basis for gastric cancer detection, is the detection method is simple, effective.
[Key words] Tumor marker; Gastric cancer; Diagnosis 在我国肿瘤的发病率逐渐升高,其早期诊断和治疗能够
影响患者的预后[1-2]。胃癌的发病部位主要是胃窦部,在胃体部位较少。病理分型种类也很多,主要是腺癌,还有鳞状细胞癌、小细胞癌等。肿瘤标志物能够反映肿瘤的存在,正常机体中存在较少,当发生癌变后含量加大,在临床肿瘤诊断中被广泛应用。肿瘤标志物的种类很多,包括癌胚抗原(CEA)、糖链抗原199(CA199)、糖链抗原242(CA242)、糖链抗原724(CA724)等。为了更好的为胃癌诊断提供可靠依据,该组研究将CEA、CA199、CA242、CA724联合检验,与病理结果进行对照,现将结果报告如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料
采用随机抽样法,选取该院2012年1月―2014年1月收治的胃癌患者50例为研究组,将同时期其他胃病患者50例作为对照组。对照组男28例,女22例,年龄24~70岁,平均年龄(48.5±10.5)岁,其中慢性胃炎患者41例,胃溃疡患者9例。研究组男30例,女20例。年龄29~72岁,平均年龄(47.2±8.9)岁,分期:I期18例,II期15例,III期10例,IV期7例。所有患者均无严重心、肝、肺、肾等疾病,无其他肿瘤性疾病。两组患者性别、年龄等基础资料差异不具有统计学意义(P>0.05),可以进行比较。 1.2 方法
所有患者进行采取空腹静脉血3 mL,1000 r/min,离心